Revival Road

Chapter 96

Chapter 96
After the "May [-]st" festival, Tao Tang played several cards in a row until Lu Yaozu inspected Red Star, and it came to an end. We narrowly won these rounds.

Ren Dao's family was not the only ones who were ready to see Tao Tang's jokes. Tao Tang unexpectedly won the Environmental Protection Agency, which surprised many people.

The document on rectifying the company's catering and entertainment management has been signed by the company's leaders and issued by Tao Tang, and the human resources department has also launched a check on the problem of leaving the post.These two incidents immediately became the focus of discussion among Red Star employees.

Regarding this matter, the reactions of Red Star's high school and grassroots are different.From Zhao Qingmin down, members of the Red Star team realized that Hiraizumi's new secretary of the municipal party committee had an unusual relationship with Tao Tang. Although Red Star was not under the management of the city, the support from the top of Hiraizumi made them a little more respectful of Tao Tang.Tao Tang, who has received strong support from both parties, is not something ordinary people can compete with, Han Zhiyong can't do it, and neither can Li Luo.Therefore, there is much less resistance to the rectification of foreign reception and the investigation of dismissals.

As in the past, the retirees of Red Star completely sided with Tao Tang and gave loud applause.The vast majority of workers fully support these two rectification measures.Unsurprisingly, Tao Tang's prestige among retired employees and ordinary employees has increased.

On the evening of the 17th, Tao Tang received the interview, and a group of workers from the power company came. They surprised Yao Qiufa, the director of the Letters and Calls Office, who was reporting to him about the recent work of letters and visits. He thought he was here to make trouble with Tao Tang. One." Yao Qiufa jumped up.

"It doesn't matter, let them come in." Tao Tang estimated that there would be some problems in launching the investigation of the off-duty personnel and rectifying public funds for eating and drinking, so he rejected Zhang Xingwu's suggestion to interview him for him, and did not allow Zhang Xingwu to follow.

Seven or eight people poured into the Letters and Visits Office, completely ignoring Yao Qiufa's yelling.Tao Tang knew one of them, that is, Wu Guisheng who petitioned because his daughter entered the factory. They said to Tao Tang, "Mr. Tao, we are not here to report the problem, but to support you! Old Wu heard that you are on duty tonight." , I’ll come to see you. Red Star is finally looking forward to a good leader! We can’t let you be wronged! The company should have done this a long time ago! We, the workers, support everything you do! I heard that some people still look for you Don't worry, we are your backing, if you dare to make trouble with you, we will smash his dog's head!"

The workers yelled at one another, and Yao Qiu let it go, as long as it doesn't cause trouble.The "incident" of shocking tricks happened, and Wang Dabin, who was on the same level as him, was worried to death.

"Haha, everyone, please sit down." Tao Tang was very happy, and greeted the workers to sit down, "I'm sorry, I don't smoke, and I have no cigarettes to entertain everyone. I can only drink water. Director Yao, pour water for the masters."

The letters and visits room has been rectified and equipped with more than a dozen electroplated folding chairs and a water dispenser.

Tao Tang asked about the positions of the workers one by one, "The Cultural Revolution is long overdue, and we can no longer do things according to the Cultural Revolution, so we must not smash someone's dog's head at will. I am very glad to have the opportunity to chat with you, Recently, because of the sewage treatment incident, the city has been alarmed. Everyone knows about it. What do you think about this incident? Oh, you are from the sewage station, so please tell me first." Tao Tang said to the young worker surnamed Li.

"The government always comes to make things difficult for us. After eating and drinking, the problem is gone for a while, and then come back to eat and drink again in a few days. It's always like this."

"You are not quite right. There is a problem with the second sewage station. I have checked, and the machine is always malfunctioning...By the way, the machine has been repaired, and it works normally, right?"

"It's normal." Xiao Li replied.

"If the machine is not working properly, you can't blame others to check it, can you? Environmental protection is a major issue that concerns future generations, so don't be careless. The unit and the Ministry of Technology and Safety have told you about the dangers of electroplating wastewater, right?"

"I told you..."

"Then it's over? We can't blame the Environmental Protection Agency for inspections. The key is to do our things properly so that the Environmental Protection Agency can't find anything wrong."

"If they were doing official business, we wouldn't dare to talk nonsense, but they are not! Mr. Tao, you may not know that this time you made things difficult for us because you cut off the Ren family's financial resources! Ren Dao's brother-in-law is the head of the Environmental Protection Bureau. The Environmental Protection Agency is run by his family, and they can make trouble whenever they want, this time you hired a new secretary to kill their prestige, we are so happy..." another older worker said .

"Master Qi, right? Leaving aside the Ren family, let me ask you, did they ever make things difficult for us when our equipment was running normally?"

"There have been, either because the records are incomplete, or because the inspection method is wrong. Anyway, the reason is theirs."

"Then, aren't the records incomplete?"

Master Qi fell silent.

"Well. We should look at the problem this way. Don't feel that people are making things difficult. As long as he is not crazy, there must be a reason for making things difficult, right? There are rules for them to issue production stop orders and fines. I don't believe that the Hiraizumi Environmental Protection Bureau is the Kuomintang. control agency."

The workers laughed.

"Comrades, the factory is focusing on lean management. Have you made any changes?" Tao Tang changed the subject.

"It's moved. Since you held a meeting for the middle-level cadres, our unit has also held a group leader meeting. Every workshop and every group has moved..." Wu Guisheng said.

"Oh, what did you do?"

"Clean up thoroughly, clean up the tool cabinets, and re-arrange all kinds of kanbans and team areas..." That master Qi replied.

"The hygienic situation has indeed improved, especially at the first station. Can you understand the signboard? Do you think it is useful?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense. I really don't understand." Master Qi admitted honestly.Everyone laughed again.

"One possibility is that you don't strengthen your learning. The second possibility is that the kanban in your unit is out of touch with reality. What is the significance of kanban? One is to make a comparison of improvements, what it was like before, and what it is now The appearance is clear at a glance. The second is to publish all kinds of data, such as the boiler group, what is the energy consumption index, and how much is actually completed now, so that everyone knows the direction of improvement. Wait for me Take the time to take a look and see what kind of situation it is? Masters, you are front-line workers, and you can’t just work and ignore other ideas. What is the owner of an enterprise? It is to regard the enterprise as your own home. Take me for example. Although I am the chairman and general manager of the company, I can turn a blind eye to the company's eating and drinking problems. I can also pretend to be confused about those who don't go to work after getting paid. But that's not the attitude that the owner should have. I'm sorry for the salary the company paid me, right? You are the same, for example, for energy consumption, every meal of coal saved can save hundreds of yuan. The money can be used to raise everyone’s wages, and it can also be used to improve our working environment. I have been to your boiler room, and the environment is really bad. There are many things that can be improved, such as ventilation, our bathroom and duty room... …We can also replace it with a gas boiler, which saves manpower and trouble, and the Environmental Protection Bureau will not come to inspect and remove dust again. How good? If everyone wholeheartedly finds and plugs the loopholes, how much can you save in a year? Isn’t it a decimal number? Take it out of it How good would it be to raise everyone’s wages? After I came here, I conducted a questionnaire survey. Almost all the employees hoped for a wage increase, but the wages are earned by everyone, not allocated by the superior. This truth, everyone must understand... ..."

"Mr. Tao, what you said is correct, but you may not know that someone must have received a kickback for that sewage machine! Otherwise, why do new machines always have problems? You must check! We believe that you are a good official, and it is us If you don’t dig out the moths of Red Star, Red Star won’t be able to do well.” Wu Guisheng, who once approached Tao Tang, said loudly.

Yao Qiufa pricked up his ears.

Tao Tang said calmly, "The truth is right. I am willing to dig out all the moths you mentioned. But you must tell the facts and evidence. Now it is a society ruled by law. If there is no evidence, you can't talk nonsense and you have to bear legal responsibility. Yes. In addition, I can’t rely solely on me to put an end to the corruption of the Red Star Factory. What if I don’t want to? What if I am like my predecessor? Master Wu, I have seen that the meal fee of your power company is very high, and I understand it , most of them are eaten by workers working overtime. I am not opposed to overtime eating, but there are some situations worth noting, for example, can the work be completed within eight hours without working overtime? Can overtime be paid for overtime work? Don’t eat and drink for money? Even if you eat, can you go to the restaurant and eat something simple and affordable? Think about it, the power company eats it, and the machine plus company also eats it. The money will raise wages for everyone.”

Master Qi said, "What you said is correct. But the company never pays us overtime pay. Wouldn't it be worse if we didn't pay?"

"I'm going to talk about this. First, I don't agree with overtime. Overtime shows that there is a problem with the management of the unit. Think about it in your conscience, how many hours do you work every day? Is it necessary to work overtime? In case of an emergency, such as a strong wind blowing off a power line and urgent repairs are required, then it is better to work overtime. But how many of these cases are there? Second, I am not in favor of not paying overtime pay. According to the provisions of the law. It is the improvement and saving that I mentioned just now, and they must be rewarded. But I am not in favor of eating and drinking. The wages have risen. Wouldn’t it be good for you to take your wife and children out to eat? Lao Qi, you are at a loss, and the responsibility may not lie You, but also you. Again, you don’t really regard yourself as the owner of the company, as the owner of the power company.”

"Mr. Tao, are you really paying us overtime pay?" that little Li asked.

"Why not? If you work overtime, you should be paid overtime. Comrade Xiao Li, how long have you been working?"

"Seven years."

"That's an old comrade." Tao Tang smiled. "You must understand a truth. Responsibility and power go hand in hand. Only when you fulfill your responsibilities can you enjoy power. Just like everyone hates those who don't work and get paid. Working overtime It must be necessary, legal, and approved. Working overtime in order to receive overtime pay is like a student who does not study during the day and stays up late at night. Pay wages, and you have to pay more for power, depreciation of equipment, and safety issues. What everyone has to do is to work hard to improve work efficiency and do the work as well as possible within eight hours. You have to believe me, believe in our Red Star The new team doesn’t want everyone to work overtime because they are reluctant to pay overtime pay, but because of management considerations. When efficiency improves, costs will definitely come down, and the money saved will give everyone a salary increase.”

"We trust you, but we don't trust those corrupt officials." Wu Guisheng said.

"Why do you trust me and not others?"

"Mr. Tao, our workers have seen what you have done in the factory. You are a good official. But others may not. I am a worker representative. At the workers' congress at the beginning of the year, that Song Yue The bastard still has the cheek to talk about clean government." Master Qi said, "I was arrested within a few days, and it is said that he has embezzled tens of millions! At that time, we will talk about it below, and their style is worthy of talking about clean government? Really don't want it Face! But you are different, you don’t want Building East 96, you eat in the big cafeteria with us, ride a bicycle to the workshop, we all notice it. So we are convinced by what you say.”

Tao Tang thought for a while, "Master Qi, Red Star did have a clean government problem. The procurement department has a strong plan, and the company has two down. A lot of people have been lost. However, as an ordinary employee, do you also have responsibilities? I think so. Just now you said that you are an employee representative. Have you ever fought against the corruption in Red Star? Have you used appropriate methods? Have you reported the method to your superiors? You can’t say that there are no good people in the Red Star factory, can you? You may think that you dare not speak up and you can’t speak up. If you speak up, you will cause yourself trouble, right? I don’t believe in the two levels of leadership of the Red Star company. They are all bad people. Facts will definitely prove that those who violate party discipline and state laws are always a minority. Now that some people hate officials when they talk about corruption, they wish to drag all officials out and kill them. Then why did they arrest so many after the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China? The big tiger came out? It shows that the situation is not as pessimistic as some people think. If I am really a good official as you say, then you must first thank the leaders of the Brilliant Group headquarters for sending me here. If everyone gets up Wouldn’t the situation be better if we supervise the leaders and come out to fight when we find corruption and waste? On the other hand, we can’t say we hate corruption, but we do corrupt things ourselves, such as giving gifts to guests. Officials accept bribes only if there are people who give bribes. Why bribery? I want to make a difference outside the system. Am I right? Of course, the main responsibility for corruption is not the bottom but the top. I still talk about the sense of ownership. If everyone regards the Red Star Factory as their home, corruption will It will be greatly reduced, believe it or not? You are the employee representative, the person elected by the workers to speak for them, have you not fulfilled your duty?"

"Boss Tao, you are right..." Master Qi was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, the main task we face is not anti-corruption, but improving production and management. Is it irresponsible? It's nothing to do with recovering all the money embezzled by Song Yue. Some time ago, the company broke up A survey questionnaire, the concentrated reflection of the problems should be carefully resolved one by one. Among them is the problem of low wages. However, the production and operation must be improved first to increase wages. Otherwise, how can we increase? The headquarters gave us a target of 120 billion, so far we have only finished less than 30 billion, so how can we do it? I hope that everyone will be the real masters in their respective positions, not wage earners, discover the shortcomings in our work, and solve the shortcomings in our work. The factory’s life will improve day by day, and everyone’s income will also increase day by day.”

"Mr. Tao, the factory has issued a document to check the people who escaped from the post. I have a problem. Our power company has it, not just one or two! There are at least seven or eight of them with names and surnames! Many of them kept their wages. Let’s go, the money must have been privately divided by our leaders!” It was still Wu Guisheng.

"This, you have to write it down and report it to the relevant leaders and departments, so that they can check and verify it in a targeted manner." Tao Tang said to Yao Qiufa who was sitting in the corner and kept silent.

"Mr. Tao, there are many such things in the factory, and most of them have backstage. If you do it, it will offend people..." Master Qi said.

"Mr. Tao just criticized you for being a bad person, and you are here again!" Wu Gui said angrily, "It's a few people who offended, but the vast majority of people support Mr. Tao, right? Why are we here? No Have you come to support Mr. Tao? If any bastard dares to trouble Mr. Tao because of this matter, we will look for Gou Ri's theory! I don't believe it, Hongxing really has no law."

Yao Qiufa was a little nervous, he was thinking about how to report this matter.He had a premonition that there would be a storm in Red Star, and he didn't know how many people's black hats would be blown to the ground in this storm.

(End of this chapter)

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