Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 472 Helping the Monkeys Occupy the Territory

Chapter 472 Helping the Monkeys Occupy the Territory
Chen Hua ran towards the Monkey King. His speed was so fast that he blew towards the forest like a whirlwind, yelling "chirp chirp chirp" in his mouth. After hearing Chen Hua's shout, the Monkey King stopped and greeted the monkey. The monkey grandchildren hurried to the direction of the stone house.

The howling of the wolves was getting closer.

Under the command of the monkey king, the monkeys ran forward with jumps and jumps, only regretting that they lost two legs.

Chen Hua and the Monkey King met at one place, and he had already seen the faint green eyes in the forest, so he hurriedly took the Monkey King's arm and hid behind a rock.

He quickly got lucky, his stomach was bulging, his mouth was wide open, his face was ferocious, and the roar of a tiger shook the valley.

In an instant, there was silence in the valley, the howling of wolves, the howling of monkeys, the screaming of birds in the forest, and the wailing of other animals all fell silent.

The monkey king was so startled by Chen Hua's roar that he almost ran out from behind the rocks. He instinctively covered his ears with his hands, and looked at Chen Hua with his teeth bared like he was sifting chaff.

The first roar of the tiger still echoed in the valley, and the second roar of the tiger came one after another, but the sound was obviously different from the first one.

The roar of the king of beasts was announcing his own territory, and the pack of wolves stopped instantly, retreated slowly, and soon disappeared without a trace.

But hearing the roar of the tiger, many monkeys were almost paralyzed by fright.

Seeing that the danger was gone, the Monkey King jumped onto the rock and loudly "chirped, chirped, chirped" to his subjects, and the terrified monkeys quickly returned to normal.

Hearing the howling of the tiger, Cui Damao and Cui Xiaomao, who were confused about the situation, were also terrified, and dragged Fang Fang into the stone house quickly.

The two picked up their shotguns, and Cui Damao said to Fangfang: "You stay in the house and don't come out. Block the door with a bar, and the two of us will save Xiaofu!" After speaking, he rushed out of the stone house.

Fang Fang was frightened, so she quickly closed the stone house and saw a thick wooden bar on the side. After thinking about it, she didn't close the door. Once the three of them returned, they would be able to enter the house directly. Time is life at critical times.

Fang Fang went to the window and looked into the night through the steel bar.

frightened. . . . . . , although she believed in Chen Hua's ability, but this is not a pack of wolves, this is a tiger, and there are two tigers, but she still chooses to believe in Chen Hua. When he was ten years old, he could escape from the claws of these wild beasts. What's more, the various abilities of him now are many times stronger than those at that time.
The only thing she can do is to stay here honestly, not to go out and make trouble for Chen Hua.

Although she really wanted to be by Chen Hua's side at this time, she could not lose her mind impulsively, otherwise it might harm Chen Hua.

In fact, her biggest worry was that Cui Damao and Cui Xiaomao were both hunters, but she couldn't guarantee whether they were helping Chen Hua or going after Chen Hua when they rushed out.

She waited anxiously by the window like this, and the time passed by. Just when she was about to be unable to hold herself back and wanted to run out, she heard a voice from the night.

She was overjoyed, and immediately rushed out of the stone house, stumbling towards the sound.

Several figures were walking towards her, and she shouted, "Chen Hua, is that you?"

"It's me, don't worry, I'm fine, don't come here!" Chen Hua left the others and ran towards Fang Fang.

When he thought that Fang Fang might be frightened, he felt distressed and rushed over to hug Fang Fang tightly in his arms.

Feeling the whole body of the man in his arms trembling, he quickly comforted him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, with your man here, you don't have to be afraid of anything, don't worry!"

Fang Fang didn't want to say anything, as long as her head could rest on this man's chest, she was satisfied.

Cui Damao and Cui Xiaomao walked over with the Monkey King, saw the two young people embracing each other, and walked past without disturbing each other.

The two finally separated. Chen Hua hugged Fang Fang and walked towards the stone house step by step.

"Where's the tiger?"

"No tigers."

"You lied to me, I clearly heard the roar of the tiger, the whole valley was filled with the roar of the tiger!"

"That's the roar of a tiger imitated for my husband."

"Ah! Did you imitate?"


"Why does it sound so similar?"

"Not like, can scare away wolves?"

"Isn't your voice too loud? It doesn't sound like a human can make at all!"

"Your man eats so much in one meal, is it for nothing?!"

"Husband, you are so awesome! I love you to death!"

"What did you call me? Call me again!"

"I don't call!"

"hurry up!"


"Hey! Remember, I will call it like that in the future, and I feel comfortable listening to it. This is also my sovereignty."

"Hmph, machismo!"

"Is it reasonable to be reasonable? Have you ever seen a machismo carrying his wife away every day?"

"I didn't let you hug me. You insisted on hugging me. I couldn't resist, so I had to let you hug me. What is it if you are not a male chauvinist?"

"It's wrong for me to hug you in love, and I will never hug you again!"

"you dare!"

"Ha ha ha ha---"


Seeing Chen Hua and Fang Fang coming back, Cui Xiaomao couldn't wait to say: "Xiao Fu, you are a man of great ability, it's amazing! From now on, this valley will be safe, and the monkeys will be under your protection. The owner of this valley! The so-called tiger is not at home, and the monkey is the king, but it really does exist! Hehehehe!"

Chen Hua said with a smile: "Uncle, this is also my hometown, and the Monkey King is my friend. I learned how to fly over the roof and walk over the wall when I was young, but I learned it from the Monkey King in the past. How can I forget my roots? No matter what Time, as long as I am here, I will definitely protect them!"

"Xiao Fu, what you said is great! You have really helped us a lot by coming here this time. We can live in harmony with the Monkey King in the future, and we have completed the task assigned by Secretary Yao. Thank you so much!" Cui Damao Said.

"Thank you, if my brother-in-law hadn't been rescued by the villagers of Cuijiagou with all their strength, I don't know what it would be like now! Speaking of which, our whole family has to thank you!"

"After so many years, your uncle has done enough for our village, so don't mention it again!" Cui Xiaomao said.

"Uncles, to tell you the truth, I came back this time to build a semi-automatic chemical plant. If the young people in the village have nothing to do, they can come to work in my factory. At that time, they will find me or Fang Fang. OK."

Cui Damao was excited for a while, "Xiao Fu, is what you said true?"

"Of course it is true. After the National Day, I will start to acquire land and prepare to break ground. At that time, the young people in our village can go to the factory to do odd jobs first. They will be the first batch of workers to enter the factory."

"Oh, this is great! My two brats want to run away every day, arguing to go to the south to work. I'm still hesitating because I don't want them to go so far! Xiaofu, can you It's really timely rain!" Cui Xiaomao excitedly grabbed Chen Hua's hand and shook it.

Seeing Cui Xiaomao let go, the Monkey King learned to grab Chen Hua's hand and shake it, saying "chirp chirp chirp" non-stop.

Hearing the monkey king's thanks, Chen Hua couldn't help smiling. He grabbed the monkey king's paw, and then took Cui Damao's and Cui Xiaomao's hands together, shaking them constantly, "You two must get along well!"

Then he said "chirp chirp chirp" to the monkey king again, and the monkey king grinned silly.

But the monkey king's smiling face is really not flattering, it's better not to smile.

(End of this chapter)

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