Taxi at night

Chapter 192, the snowy slope is difficult to walk

Chapter 192, the snowy slope is difficult to walk

After Lu Ren notified Gao Liumei, he hurried upstairs and returned to the house. The two little girls hadn't woken up yet. Seeing this, Lu Ren hurriedly knocked on the door and shouted: "Little sister, get up quickly, it's snowing outside, we have to leave at nine o'clock, hurry up!" A little." Then ran to the kitchen to boil water for cooking.

During the cooking break, Lu Ren looked out through the window. The sky was gray and the snowflakes were falling more and more densely. Some protrusions on the ground were covered with snowflakes, turning into pieces of white handkerchiefs.Half an hour later, Lu Ren and the three of them packed up and hurried downstairs with their luggage.

Lu Ren waited in the car for 10 minutes, but Gao Liumei still didn't go downstairs, so anxious that he opened the door and got out of the car, and walked upstairs quickly, thinking while walking: This woman is really troublesome, the two children are ready, A single adult woman procrastinated and didn't go downstairs for a long time. I really don't know what she was doing these two days?
Gao Liumei lived on the third floor. When Lu Ren walked to the second floor, he bumped into Gao Liumei who was about to go downstairs.

"I said, Miss Gao, are you going to go home now? Check what time it is? The later you go, the less safe the road will be. Even if you go 10 minutes earlier, the situation will be very different." Lu Ren even sarcastically complained, and accepted Gao Gao Liumei held the heavy luggage bag.

"Don't blame me. Last night there was a new drama on TV that was so good that I watched it until the second half of the night... how can I get up?" Gao Liumei said with a smile while panting heavily. There was a good reason for this. Lu Ren was left speechless, unable to refute.

But when he saw Gao Liumei flustered, he kindly reminded her:
"Have you brought all your things? Don't wait until halfway through the run, suddenly remembering that there is something you forgot to bring... You won't be able to come back then!"

"Don't worry, what you said doesn't exist, let's go!" Gao Liumei replied without thinking, because she lightened the weight on her body, her steps suddenly became light and fast, and she walked out of the building a few steps ahead.

Gao Liumei sneezed involuntarily, put on her hood, and kept shouting, "Lu Ren, it's snowing so hard, can we go back?"

"Now you know that the snow is heavy!... It took me more than half an hour, let's go! If there is a big snow, there is nothing I can do. Fortunately, I have a way to deal with it." Lu Ren doesn't like snow the most, and the harm caused by heavy snow It is persistent. It is not like a sudden rainstorm, which comes quickly and goes quickly.After the heavy snow, there will be a long period of deglaciation, which is tiresome.

"By the way, I forgot. You are in this business. You must be prepared for this kind of situation... Then I can rest assured." Gao Liumei yelled loudly against the cold wind, and the worries in her heart disappeared all of a sudden. , So I slowed down, and what I got was a full appreciation of the world of snowflakes. I stood by the car, looked up at the snowflakes flying in the air, and forgot to get in the car for a while.

"Gao Liumei, if you don't get in the car, I don't care about you." Lu Ren got into the car and turned around to find Gao Liumei standing outside obsessively in a daze. Feeling amused, he stretched out his head towards her and yelled loudly. Her voice startled Gao Liumei.

Due to the cold rain a few days ago, the ground was wet, and the low temperature outside made it difficult for the snowflakes to melt when they fell on the ground. On the street where cars often pass by, there are still some traces of the ground... The snowflakes fell bigger and bigger, and soon filled the car window glass, and the wiper on Lu Ren's car window became extremely laborious, making disturbing rubbing noises.

"Lu Ren, why is the snow so heavy? Didn't the weather forecast say sleet? Where is this? It's clearly a blizzard!"

"It seems that your information is inaccurate. Before going to bed yesterday, it was forecast that there would be moderate to heavy snowfall today and tomorrow... You don't know, do you? I just didn't expect it to become heavy snow so soon. It seems that I have to pull over for a while. There is too much snow here, and it needs to be cleared." After Lu Ren finished speaking, he checked that there was no one behind him, turned right, and stopped by the side of the road.

"Brother, let me help you!" the little girl Fanfan said excitedly, reaching out to open the door, but was stopped by Lu Ren.

"Little sister, stay here honestly. It's cold outside, don't freeze." Lu Ren didn't want others to come over to cause trouble at this time. He cleaned up the snow on the glass, returned to the car, In less than 2 minutes, the hat was covered with a thick layer of snow.

It is about [-] to [-] kilometers from the city to Lu Ren's hometown, most of which are national highways and provincial roads, and only the last ten kilometers are country roads, but the concrete floor has been paved in the past two years. If it snows, you can go home in an hour at most.

Lu Ren drove onto the national highway, only to find that the road had already been covered with a thick layer of white snow, with almost no rut marks.

This is not surprising, the national highway, which is usually full of traffic, has become sparsely populated at this time. After all, tomorrow is the Chinese New Year!Coupled with the sudden heavy snowfall, people will subconsciously restrain their actions and try not to move if they can.

After walking less than two kilometers along the national highway, a big slope came oncoming. Lu Ren looked around and found that there was no car following him. He immediately stepped up the accelerator, put on the high-speed gear and rushed towards the hillside. The snow squeaked under the friction of the tires. Gao Liumei subconsciously grasped the door of the car with a strange squeaking sound, and reminded Lu Ren: "You don't need to drive so fast, right? It's dangerous when you go downhill."

"It's okay, there are few cars now, use the inertia to rush up the hill, and when I get up the hill, I will slow down, you don't have to worry about that."

Lu Ren rushed up to the top of the slope quickly. When he was approaching the top of the slope, he put on neutral gear and used the speed of his body to climb up the steep slope. When the speed of the car dropped significantly, he put on the medium-speed gear to keep the speed of the car under control. within range.

After walking less than five kilometers, there was another big steep slope ahead, which was longer than the one just now. About 600 meters away from Lu Ren, there was a long-distance truck speeding up to the top of the slope, and two more behind it. The black car kept a distance of five to sixty meters and followed unhurriedly.

The snow on the road has just fallen, and it looks thick, but in fact it is very fluffy, and half of the foot is sunk when I step down.

The driver of the truck did not estimate the length of the steep slope, so he did not rush to the top of the slope. Under the friction of the snow, the truck slowed down about 50 meters away from the top of the slope, and finally there were still 30 meters left. The spinning tires stopped when they were about [-] meters away... The two cars behind them also stopped slowly. As soon as Lu Ren saw this situation, he immediately shifted to a higher gear, and the gas pedal started from the two small black cars. The car passed on the right.

The snow on the right side of the road was thicker, because the truck was not run over by the car, and the speed gradually slowed down after passing the truck for more than ten meters. Lu Ren put it in a low gear, stepped up the accelerator, and slowly climbed up to the top of the slope.

At the same time, after two restarts, the truck not only failed to advance one meter, but slid backwards... This scared the drivers of the two cars waiting behind, and they scattered one after another. The truck moved forward in the direction of the rut, and the other slammed backwards... The truck was sliding backwards faster and faster. Lu Ren noticed this phenomenon through the rearview mirror. After climbing to the top of the slope, he hurriedly pulled over and stopped, looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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