Taxi at night

Chapter 193, Classmate Encounter

Chapter 193, Classmate Encounter

If you are an experienced driver: As a truck driver, when you can’t control the vehicle, you need to keep the truck moving backwards and try to keep it in a straight line. Don’t forget to turn left and right when you panic, which will lead to unpredictable situations occur……

As the driver of the car following the truck, he has two choices, either to avoid the vehicle to the left or right, or to back away.

At this time, the car that turned aside managed to avoid the truck, and climbed up the steep slope with difficulty along the ruts created by Lu Ren. Lu Ren took a look and found that the driver also let out a sigh of relief, apparently quite frightened.

The situation of the backing driver was a bit bad at this time, because the distance between him and the truck was getting closer and closer. Obviously, it was impossible to continue like this. In a hurry, he hurriedly turned the direction, the car turned around, and hurriedly got on the second wheel. At the second gear, the car sprinted aside as soon as he gasped... At this moment, the backing truck also rushed over and slid past him.

"Oh my god, I almost ran into it..." Gao Liumei stood behind Lu Ren with her eyes wide open, and said in a trembling voice.

"Fortunately, everyone responded in a timely manner, and finally nothing happened. Let's go!"

It took Lu Ren more than an hour to finish walking the national road, and then turned left at a fork in front of the road to enter the county road. There were hills of various sizes, and the slope was much steeper than the national road. On a flat place, Lu Ren After getting out of the car and putting on the snow chains, I felt much more at ease.

"Just now on the national highway, why didn't you pretend? Could it be that this place is much more dangerous?" Gao Liumei asked Lu Ren's actions, unable to restrain her curiosity.

"Anti-skid chains also have a lifespan. The set on the car is old. If it is installed prematurely, it is easy to wear the chain in thin snow, so I must use it where it is needed most." Lu Ren explained patiently, pointing to the county road in front of him and said, "From now on to our village, it's about 18 kilometers. It's basically an up and down slope road. Now that there's so much snow, the speed increases No, just rely on the low speed to move forward. If you only rely on the friction of the tires, you will not be able to climb up at all, so you must install anti-skid chains to increase the friction of the tires, so that you will not skid uphill and slide downhill..."

Only then did Gao Liumei suddenly realize, she nodded to express her understanding.

That's what I said, but it's not easy to do. There are several sharp corners, and the car climbed up after several attempts. It can be said that it is extremely dangerous... Even once, it almost slipped off the roadside, which scared Gao Liu Mei's face was pale, and she couldn't say a word for a long time.

There were few cars on the road, and even fewer pedestrians. After walking for about an hour, I saw a village in the distance. There was a commotion in the carriage, and Fanfan shouted happily: "Brother, we are back."

"Yes! We're back, but it's been a bit hard and a little scary to come back." Lu Ren muttered something in a low voice, Gao Liumei glanced at him when she heard it, stretched her brows, and smiled happily.

Going back to her own village first, Fanfan and her classmates got out of the car yelling happily, without taking anything, they ran towards the village in a hurry, and soon disappeared.

Lu Ren laughed dumbfounded when he saw it, and then turned around to send Gao Liumei home.

"Dinner at my house at noon... I called in advance, and I guess I'm waiting for us!" Gao Liumei looked at Lu Ren with a smile, and invited her.

"I'd better go back. If I get drunk, it's dangerous to drive in such heavy snow. After the new year, why don't you buy me a drink?" Lu Ren hesitated for a moment, but still flatly refused.If it hadn't been for the snow, he would have readily agreed.

"Okay then! Anyway, I'm fine during the Chinese New Year, and I don't have my in-laws to leave. I'm basically at home. Just give me a call." Gao Liumei is also an open-minded person, but she didn't insist on staying. The two drove At the entrance of the village, Gao Liumei got off here.

Lu Ren returned to his village, but before he got home, he was stopped by some former classmates in the village.

These students usually go out to work, and come back to live for a few days during the Chinese New Year. Generally, they start to go out to work intermittently from the sixth day of the first lunar month. Men basically disappear.

"Fatty, I heard that you got rich. Is this the car you bought yourself?" This is the second child of the old Liu's family, a classmate named Liu Jiang asked bluntly.

Lu Ren didn't like him very much, he had very little contact with him before, and he even fought once or twice when he was in school, so he could be regarded as someone with old grudges.Of course, that was all a long time ago, and people change, so there is no need to worry about it now.Standing with him are two classmates, one is Dong Ge and the other is Jiang Shan. They usually play well with Liu Jiang, and they are almost inseparable from childhood to adulthood. Short of wearing a pair of pants.

"Liu Er, how can it be so easy to make a fortune? I bought this car in partnership with others, and I owe a lot of debt. To be honest, if it wasn't for the Chinese New Year, I really don't want to come back, worry! I still have a lot of debt to pay off." Well." Lu Ren said half-truth, half-truth, some of these former classmates could be said, some could not be said.But there is one thing Lu Ren understands. In the village, just call him poor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Don’t be arrogant and talk big in front of others. Otherwise, you will know the word "regret" How is it written?

"Lu Ren, is what you said true or false? That's not what other people say. Don't worry, buddy, I won't ask you to borrow money. I'll scare you." It was Dong Ge who said this. Afterwards, he laughed first, but Lu Ren didn't think it was so funny.

"Yes! Although we are not as good as you, we still have some spare money in our pockets. How about it? Come to my house at noon. I haven't seen my old classmates for many years. Have a good drink." Liu Jiang came over and patted Lu Ren said proudly.

"Lu Ren, we two brothers haven't been together since we separated at school, how about it? Let's save face and get together at Brother Liu's at noon." Jiang Shan, who had been standing by the side without opening his mouth, suddenly said , the meaning revealed in the words, it is not enough not to go.

"Let's do it! I'll go back and check the situation. After all, tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I'll see if there's anything else going on at home. If everything is in order and I have free time, I'll meet up with another brother, how about it?" Lu Ren really didn't want to go, so he politely declined.

"Okay! Then we'll wait for you at home, and come here as soon as you have nothing to do." Seeing this situation, Liu Jiang naturally didn't want to force him, so he had to leave with his two brothers disappointed.

After a delay, as soon as Lu Ren got into the car, he saw his father walking all the way, followed by two bouncing girls, who were Fanfan and her classmates.

"What's the matter with you? It took so long to send someone away... The meal has been ready long ago, and I'm just waiting for you." Father Lu Decai walked up to him and reprimanded his son very dissatisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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