Fool Qi

Chapter 95 What do you think

Chapter 95 What do you think

The deposit is not much.

Ah Qi readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Du Yi: "We don't want to set up a stall tomorrow, you go over with me, discuss the details with Wu Kun, and then place a deposit."

"Don't you really think about it?" Du Yi asked.

Ah Qi said: "If you see something right, you have to do it decisively. This store probably won't make a lot of money, so it's no problem to keep food and clothing."

Du Yi has never opened a shop before, and usually only drinks milk tea occasionally. Now that he wants to open a milk tea shop, he is inevitably a little worried.But seeing Ah Qi's full confidence, she really didn't want to obstruct it.

She said: "As you said, it's a big deal, we will have white porridge in the future."

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Ah Qi smiled, and shouted to the passing crowd: "Special children's clothes, come and take a look."

Du Yi also laughed and shouted: "Special children's clothes, special children's clothes!"

The two stood for another day.

At dawn the next day, they came to Wu Kun's milk tea shop again.

Wu Kun was already waiting in the shop.

This time, he didn't wear slippers, but changed into a pair of casual leather shoes, and also wore long trousers and a shirt, which looked quite formal.

As soon as Ah Qi and Du Yi walked in, they greeted them with a smile: "You guys are really early."

Ah Qi smiled back and said, "Boss Wu, you are earlier than us. Are everything ready?"

Wu Kun was taken aback, and asked, "What is it?"

Ah Qi was speechless.Is there no transfer contract for this store transfer?This man is not a liar, is he?But judging from the waiter's attitude towards him, this person should be the owner of the store, but why doesn't he even understand this?

"We have to sign some kind of contract to go through the transfer procedures, right?" Ah Qi said.

Wu Kun touched his head and said, "When I took over this store from the previous one, there was no contract. I just received a receipt from the previous one, and nothing else. Do you want to make it so complicated?"

"There is no contract, so whose name is written on the business license of this store?" Ah Qi asked.

Wu Kun frowned and thought for a while, then said, "It's the name of the owner of the previous store, which seems to be called Zhu or something. Yes, yes, it's Zhu Wenxin, a woman in her early twenties, and she's very good."

Hearing Wu Kun's words, Ah Qi was completely at a loss.

What kind of shop is this shop?

For the sake of caution, he continued to ask: "Then this store belongs to you now or Zhu Wenxin's? At that time, she won't go back and ask for the store back, right?"

"Of course it's mine now. I paid the transfer fee. I still have her receipt here. She doesn't dare to ask me to go back." Wu Kun said.

"How long have you opened this store?" Ah Qi was still worried.

"I opened it the year before last, and it's been almost two years now. Don't worry, there will be no problems. Did you bring the deposit?" Wu Kun said.

Just as Ah Qi was about to say, he felt the familiar dizziness come again.He tried his best to stay awake, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I'll discuss it with my girlfriend, you wait first."

"Okay, hurry up." After Wu Kun finished speaking, he walked away consciously.

Ah Qi called Du Yi out of the door and asked, "What do you think?"

Du Yi frowned, and said, "I don't understand these things, you should get your head around it. It seems a bit wrong, but I think it's too late to do everything until you're 100% sure."

Ah Qi gave a thumbs up and said, "You are insightful. If you entrust this shop to you in the future, do you have confidence?"

Du Yi stared fixedly at Ah Qi, and said, "Isn't there still you? You wouldn't take this store down and dump it to me, and just run to start a factory, right? That's not okay."

Ah Qi smiled and said: "How dare I do this, I'm just asking you. Look, Wu Kun doesn't look like that kind of treacherous person. He said that after two years of driving, he shouldn't be too bad. If you are sure , we will pay the deposit."

Du Yi thought for a while, then nodded his head twice.

She has been out for so many years, what has she been afraid of!
Seeing that she agreed, Ah Qi went back to the store and said to Wu Kun: "Boss Wu, we have discussed it, and we can pay the deposit. But, we need to clearly write down the expenses involved on the receipt."

Wu Kun smiled when he heard Ah Qi say to pay the deposit.He said: "That's natural. As long as you pay the deposit, I will write whatever you want."

"I think your store is only rented. How much is the monthly rent? How much is the water and electricity? Where do you get the goods?" Ah Qi asked.

"It seems that you have really done business, and you are really thoughtful. Our berth is indeed rented, about [-] yuan per month. It is a bit expensive, but the location is good, and the price is about the same. As for water and electricity , and it doesn’t take much, and it’s very cheap in terms of civilian use,” Wu Kun said.

Du Yi stood aside and couldn't help asking: "You still have a question, and you haven't answered us yet. Where did you get the goods?"

Wu Kun glanced at Du Yi and said, "Don't worry, we will have training a week before the transfer. At that time, I will teach you where to buy goods and how to use these devices. Of course, the two A waiter, if you can promise not to cut their wages, they will still be happy to stay."

Ah Qi calculated in her head.

After deducting these costs, there should not be much to earn.However, no matter what, it was better than selling clothes on the street.At least, without wind and sun.

It suits Dooey very well.

He said: "Well, these are not problems. How long have you rented with the landlord? When the time comes, will the landlord increase the rent?"

Wu Kun said: "We rent for five years, deducting Zhu Wenxin's one year, and our two years, there are almost two years left. Don't worry, this landlord is very talkative, it is really not good, when the time comes , you just buy a few hundred dollars as a gift and go to his house and sit around."

"Can you take us to see the landlord?" Ah Qi asked.

"Yes, he just happened to be at home. Let's go up now. Their family lives on the third floor of this building." Wu Kun readily agreed and led the way.

After a while, the three of them walked to the third floor.

Before reaching the landlord's door, a boy's cry was heard from a distance.

Moreover, the crying became louder and louder.

Then, a thick middle-aged man shouted: "Cry louder, let's see if you dare in the future. If you do this again next time, I will break your hand!"

After hearing this, Ah Qi and Du Yi looked at each other in blank dismay.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Wu Kun said awkwardly: "You two, this landlord Uncle Sun is usually a very good-tempered person. Today, it was purely accidental, purely accidental!"

(End of this chapter)

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