Chapter 138
The three Tian Cheng brothers looked at each other and smiled, and each ordered two more bowls of porridge. This time, only Tian Cheng didn't move. He said with a bit of distress: "This is the first time today. I didn't expect you two to work so hard. If I knew this, I should have bought you some food when I came."

"It's okay, I came here on the first day, but I didn't expect to be so busy. This time, I will have experience in the future. No matter how tired I am on the first day, I will not be tired. Today's tiredness will make me feel relaxed in the future!" Tianshun said with a smile. .

The steamed stuffed buns came up. The skin was white and fat, and the side close to the pot was golden. It looked very appetizing. The three of them stopped talking. Tian Cheng was afraid of disturbing the appetite of Tian Biao and Tian Shun brothers, so he took one with chopsticks and put it on the table. Looking at the bowl of porridge he just drank, although he was a little hungry, he already felt very comfortable after eating the bowl of porridge just now.

Tianshun and Tianbiao didn't raise their heads, they blew on the steamed buns they had picked up and started gobbling them up. After a while, before Tian Cheng finished eating the one bun in front of them, the twenty buns in front of them were wiped out. , that speed made Tian Cheng a little dumbfounded.

"You guys are eating too fast, eat slowly and ask for more!" Tian Cheng persuaded.

"Boss, ten more!" Tianshun shouted at the bun shop owner.

"Is it enough?" Tian Cheng asked Tian Shun in a low voice.

"It's almost there!" Tianshun looked at Tian Cheng and smiled embarrassedly.

"It's okay, just eat enough!" Tian Cheng was grateful.

When there were only two of the ten new buns left, Tianshun said to Tianbiao: "I'm full, the remaining two are all yours!"

"I'm full too." Tianbiao burped as he said.

The ten buns in front of Tian Cheng were not finished, and there were four left in the end. Tian Cheng asked Tian Biao to ask for paper, wrap them up and take them back to his family.

"What are your plans for this afternoon?" Tian Cheng looked at Tian Shun and Tian Biao and asked.

"It's nothing!" Tianshun replied with a wave of his hand.

"What about you?" Tian Cheng saw that Tian Biao didn't answer, and repeated it to him again.

Tianbiao didn't speak, but shook his head.

"We can't go home in a hurry. We have to understand the big man who asked for money in the morning, so as not to trouble you again in the future!" Tian Cheng reminded.

"Yes, if you don't tell me, we were only focused on eating, and we forgot about it. When you mention it, we really don't know how to deal with it?" Tianshun frowned and said.

Tianbiao said nothing, just stared at the two of them talking.

"I want the three of us to go to the food factory together, find my two Joes, and ask him what's going on, and how can we prevent this from happening again?" Tian Cheng's words made Tian Shun and Tian Biao nod their heads.

"Okay, pay the money, let's go!" Tian Cheng said and stood up.

Tianshun hurriedly took the money from his bag to settle the accounts, and when he finished the accounts, Tian Cheng and Tian Biao were already sitting on the motorcycle, and the three of them drove straight to the entrance of the food factory. The food factory was quiet, and Tian Cheng honked Horn, the old man at the door saw three people, and immediately ran over and opened the door.

The three of them drove directly to the office and saw Xu Yidao sitting at his desk writing something?Seeing three people coming in, Xu Yidao stopped the pen in his hand and greeted: "Sit down and drink water."

"How's the big harvest today?" Xu Yidao asked with a smile.

"Of course there's nothing to say about the business. I guess you can guess it without mentioning it. It's all sold out! It's just..." Tian Cheng stopped abruptly at this point.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yidao really couldn't guess what Tian Cheng wanted to say, so he asked directly.

"It's just that I met a big man who was tall and thick at the show and charged him what kind of fee. I mentioned that Xiao Lianguang we were looking for that day, but I didn't expect him to say that Brother Xiao didn't tell him. You emphasized that Xiao Lianguang is a character that day. I didn't worry about it, now it seems that we really have to invite this Xiao Lianguang well, so that these bastards won't make trouble at the stall again!" Tian Cheng said with a tense face.

"To be honest, this brother Xiao can be called the local snake here. No matter who goes north or south, if something happens in this town, you just need to find him to settle it. There is really no one who can make it wrong. In the early years of friendship, he was not as good as he is now. He liked to eat meat and often went to the food station to buy meat. Once, he came to buy meat. Because there were so many people, he didn’t queue up and stood directly at the front of the line. They are all from neighbors and folks, and no one wants to say more, but some people don't like it, and they directly yelled to let him line up at the back. The man slapped twice, and the scene was chaotic. I saw it without saying a word, and stepped forward to pull them away. Because of my presence, the two sides stopped. From then on, I really got to know this Xiao Lianguang. I told him how powerful he was, and that he walked on the street with the strength of his fists. Later, I heard that he had a group of little brothers who collected fees privately in the fair. , it is precisely because many people do not want to cause trouble, that is why they have formed such a group of people.”

After hearing Xu Yidao's introduction, Tian Cheng felt that this person had some background, so he asked, "Is there no one who cares about him doing this?"

"He doesn't charge much, so no one is serious about it. Occasionally someone from other places is serious about it, and if he knows it, he won't cause any trouble!" Xu Yidao said lightly.

"It seems that there is still some background!" Tian Cheng added.

"What's the origin? It's a group of idlers in the town. However, Xiao Lianguang is very loyal. He heard that people in the village are in trouble. He has no hesitation. He should give money and work hard. He has a good reputation in the village. Because Now there are a group of little brothers under his command, so he seldom fights in fights, and he has a good reputation now, so naturally the villagers will no longer classify him as a different kind."

"You have a good relationship with him?" Tian Cheng continued to ask.

"It's not bad! After Xiao Lianguang became famous, he was introduced by his colleagues here and drank together a few times, so he became friends. Since they are friends, there is still some courtesy!" Xu Yidao said slowly.

"Then do we need to tell him again?" Tian Cheng asked tentatively.

"As soon as you said this, I forgot. I promised to buy him a drink at the stall he found for us that day, or if you have time someday, I'll ask him to have a special drink with him, so that nothing happens. Ask him to do something!" Hearing Tian Cheng's reminder, Xu Yidao naturally knew what Tian Cheng meant, and immediately said it like he was driving a donkey along the slope.

"Okay, when you make an appointment with Xiao Lianguang, tell brother Tianshun to send me a message, and let's sit and sit together!" Tian Cheng knew the principle of making money with kindness, and he could only make friends with such people and not offend them, otherwise he could only make friends with him. He caused inexplicable trouble.

"Okay, just these two days!" Xu Yidao replied very straightforwardly.

The three Tian Cheng brothers came out of the food factory without saying a word, Tian Cheng thought to himself, will Tian Biao also encounter such a situation when he goes to the county seat?Everything is unknown, but what we need to do now is to open roads when encountering mountains, and build bridges when encountering rivers. No matter how many difficulties there are, as long as we work hard to overcome them, there will be no flaming mountains that we cannot pass. Thinking of this, he suddenly stepped on the gas pedal , The motorcycle drove forward like the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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