Chapter 139
When Tian Cheng arrived at the door of his house, he found that the gate was closed. He stopped the car and pushed the gate, but he didn't push it. His heart immediately rose to his throat, and he thought to himself: "There has never been a situation where the gate is closed in broad daylight. Today What's going on here?"

Tian Cheng didn't think about it, he raised his hand and threw it at the door.After knocking a few times, there was no sound, so Tian Cheng opened his throat and shouted twice: "Lian Ying, Lian Ying!" There was still no movement in the courtyard, Tian Cheng panicked, looked left and right to see if there was no one, and grabbed his house On the top of the wall, he jumped up and turned over. The courtyard was quiet and there was no sound at all. This made Tian Cheng's heart tense, and he rushed into the room immediately: "Lianying, don't scare me!"

Tian Cheng pushed open the door, walked to the bed, saw Lian Ying lying on the bed squinting at him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"You scared me to death! May I still be okay with today's matter?" Tian Li said softly.

"You're gone, and you don't care about other people's worries, you are heartless!" Lian Hua immediately lost her anger when she heard Tian Cheng's begging tone.

"Hey! It's a good thing I went today, otherwise I don't know what kind of trouble I encountered!" Tian Cheng quickly explained.

"What trouble could there be? Besides, if there is trouble, wouldn't there be his brothers?" Lian Ying sat up as she spoke, leaned slightly, put her arms around Tian Cheng's neck, and sobbed.

Tian Cheng took advantage of the situation to hug Lian Ying, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "What's wrong today? Didn't I come back properly?"

"You only think about your affairs now, and you don't have as many of our mothers in your heart!" Lianying said with sobs.

"How could it be without you? What I'm busy with now is for your own good!" Tian Cheng felt that since he started farming, he didn't care enough about his family members, but from the bottom of his heart, it was indeed for this family and for everyone to have a good life. day!

"I understand that you are doing it for our own good, but you can't drag yourself down!" Lianying's words made Tian Cheng feel an inexplicable gratitude in his heart.

"Don't worry, I just have a small cold. With my body, nothing will happen. Besides, it will only take half a day. Nothing will happen. Isn't this coming back properly?"

"You had a fever the day before yesterday, which scared me a lot. When you went out early yesterday morning, I thought you were well, so I didn't care about you, but didn't you have a fever again when you came back last night? You can rest assured that you went out today. Is it?" There was a bit of blame in Lianying's words.

Lianying's words of reproach made Tiancheng immediately feel his wife's caring heart for him. It was a sincere love, a love from the heart, this kind of love without any distance, and also the most intimate love in the world. When Tian was established, he hugged Lianying even tighter.

Lianying's sobbing stopped, she grabbed Tian Cheng's shoulder like a child, knelt down on the bed, her face immediately left Tian Cheng's shoulder, stared at Tian Cheng's face for a moment, and said: "I understand your heart , So for more than a year, I didn't worry about you. You were not at home, and I tried my best to do things well at home. I can't help you, and I won't cause you trouble, but today You must remember that no matter how busy you are, you should ensure your health first!"

Tian Cheng nodded as if he had realized something, and said, "I assure you, there will be no next time!"

Lian Ying smiled like a child, and unexpectedly leaned against Tian Cheng's face and kissed her, a warm current rose in Tian Cheng's heart.

Tian Cheng was about to change his posture and hugged Lianying up, when there was an intense knock on the door, Tian Chengshi let go of Lianying's hands: "Quick, let's see who's here?"

Tian Cheng walked out of the door: "Come, come!" He agreed and opened the door.

"Brother Zhao, what's the matter in such a hurry?" Tian Cheng, who opened the door, saw Lao Zhao rushing, and asked hastily.

"Quick, go and have a look, there seems to be something wrong with a pig in our family, it looks like it's shaking!" Old Zhao saw Tian Cheng, his tone was a little hasty.

Tian Cheng immediately started the motorcycle parked outside the gate and rode towards the pig farm.

When Tian Cheng arrived at the pig breeding farm by bicycle, he saw that the trembling sick pigs had already been driven into the pig pen specially used to isolate sick pigs. Tian Cheng jumped into the pig pen and stretched his hands behind the pig's ears, feeling a little hot , and immediately understood in his heart that the pig had a fever and should be given an injection immediately to reduce the fever. He hurried into the room outside the enclosure and quickly took out the fever-reducing needle from the drawer. Just as he was preparing, Lao Zhao also rushed over and stood outside the door watching Tian Cheng, like a primary school student waiting to be criticized, didn't say a word.

"The pig has a fever, so it should be fine with an injection!" Tian Cheng took a look at Old Zhao's expression, and immediately gestured to the regretful Old Zhao.

"It's because I didn't take care of it well, you can deduct my wages!" Old Zhao whispered.

"See what you said. Fever is a common disease. No one can guarantee that you won't get sick. It has nothing to do with how well you take care of it. Besides, I didn't say it was your fault! Why are you blaming yourself! You I don't know what to say!" Tian Cheng agrees with Lao Zhao's seriousness and responsibility during this period, and he is grateful for living here during this period, if not for Lao Zhao's care, how can he rest assured What about running around?
"I feel distressed when I see the pig like this, and I'm so scared that I don't know what to do!" Old Zhao murmured.

"I understand how you feel. Come to the pigsty to help. Let's give him an injection, and the problem will be solved!" Tian Cheng said as he walked out of the room, and walked into the pigsty with the correct needle. With the help of the doctor, he swiftly injected the medicinal liquid in the needle tube into the sick pig's body.

Tian Cheng stood up and let out a long breath.

"Okay, it's probably not a big problem. As long as this disease is discovered early, there will be no major problems. Thank you for this!" Tian Cheng praised Lao Zhao in a complimenting tone.

"Look at what you said, this pig disease, I really don't know what to do, I'm afraid that something big will happen! As long as there is no big thing, I can rest assured!" Lao Zhao replied very sincerely.

"I have a lot of things these days. I haven't come to the circle for a few days. It's all up to you to take care of me here. If you have any difficulties, you can tell them in time and don't worry about them. Otherwise, I don't know what difficulties you encounter. It's our big trouble!" Tian Cheng reminded.

"That's, that's, don't worry, if I have any difficulties, I won't hide them, let alone hide them. With you behind me, I feel that I have the backbone, and I don't have any worries!" Old Zhao said What is true is the fact that he regards the matter in the pigsty as his own business, he does not go home every day, and his wife lives with him in this hut every day in order not to let him be lonely.

Tian Cheng briefly explained to Lao Zhao about setting up a meat stall in the town today, and then said: "Don't worry, we will only do better and better, the more we do, the more experienced we are, the bigger things we do, Until then, it will be truly worry-free!"

What Tian Cheng said made Old Zhao laugh, and Old Zhao laughed very happily. Tian Cheng looked at Old Zhao, and Tian Cheng felt a feeling of rejuvenation from Old Zhao's smiling face, which was amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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