Ordinary people's rice bowl

327 The Dust Settles 2

327 The Dust Settles 2
When the feed factory was off work, Tianshun arranged for people to set up two tables at the gate, with five chairs lined up behind the tables, everything was ready, just waiting for the people who had dinner to gather.

The village meeting of Xiaowangzhuang Village was held in the feed factory for the first time. Everyone was very excited. With all kinds of laughter, the night of the feed factory that had been silent for more than two months came back to life. People who had finished their dinner early came to the feed factory According to Tianshun's arrangement, Wang Sien on duty pulled down the light switch at the gate when he heard the chatter and laughter coming from the village, and suddenly it seemed that two small artificial suns were hung at the gate. , piercing so hard to open the eyes, facing the bright light, it makes people feel as if their eyes are bright, illuminating the way forward.

The days when Xiaowangzhuang used to hold meetings by moonlight in the past have passed. At this time, the gate of the feed factory is like daylight. It is a cement-hardened flat ground, and married couples who don’t mind the dirt sit on the ground. Clean daughter-in-laws and mother-in-laws sometimes bring a mat with them, or spread a ball of straw picked up from no one knows where on the ground. Sitting there, they gathered scatteredly in front of the table placed at the gate.

"His aunt, I heard that a pigsty will be built again this time. How many members are in your family?"

"Oh, according to my family, I have as much income as I have in my family, but I think this year my big girl is going to go out, and then I have to prepare a dowry, at least I have to leave enough money for my big girl's dowry! How about you?"

"I won't tell you, you know that the price of pork has dropped by half compared to before the Spring Festival. According to my boss, the price will drop again. I don't know when it will drop, so I don't plan to buy it this time!"

"Is today's meeting just for buying shares?" Hearing their nagging, he interjected in a low voice.

"It was decided by the village committee yesterday, why not for this?"

If you listen carefully, the topics of people's communication are no longer jokes, but replaced by language related to economic development, such as investing in shares and dividends.

According to the time notified by Tianshun, black crows were already sitting at the gate of the feed factory. Tianshun saw that the people for the meeting were almost here, so he knocked on the table a few times with his hands, and the noisy crowd stopped abruptly, as if they were discussing Well, they all shut their mouths.

"Today's meeting is different from previous meetings. In addition to our village staff, we also invited two leaders from the town. Now everyone welcomes the arrival of the two leaders with warm applause!" Tianshun took the lead and applauded after speaking. , the people following the applause were a little stunned, why did the meeting in the village alarm the leaders of the town?
Then four people came out from the gate of the feed factory, two of them are familiar to everyone, one is the old secretary Mu Xiangshu, the other is Wang Tiancheng who dared to do something, and the other two are the people from the town mentioned by Tianshun. The leader, one is tall, with an oval face, a little thin, and the other is fat, with a big belly. In the eyes of rural people, that is a rich appearance.

The four stood still behind the table, and Tianshun pointed to the fatter man and introduced: "This is Deputy Mayor Liu in charge of agriculture in our town!" As soon as Tianshun finished speaking, Deputy Mayor Liu bowed slightly: "thank you all!"

"This is Officer Niu in our town! Please welcome the two leaders again with warm applause!" After Tianshun finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding again, and the four people behind the table followed suit. Immediately, "beep, beep, beep" sounded, covering up the applause of the leaders.

 The joint production contract responsibility system has greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers. After several years of development, especially in Xiaowangzhuang Village, which took the lead in developing the rural economy, people's thinking is subtly changing. A meeting of the whole village is not only reflected in the field More importantly, the changes in people's thinking and understanding are really changing with each passing day. The topic that was just a joke has been quietly replaced by the current investment. This is the huge change brought about by China's reform and opening up. The changes are not only Xiaowangzhuang Village, but also thousands of villages that are at the forefront of reform.

(End of this chapter)

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