Ordinary people's rice bowl

328 The Dust Settles 3

328 The Dust Settles 3
After the four people sat down, the people sitting below were silent. Tianshun, who was standing, glanced at everyone, and then said: "Today's meeting, I would like to ask Deputy Mayor Liu to tell us a few words, everyone applauds and welcomes!"

There was another burst of applause, Deputy Mayor Liu stood up, put one hand on his waist, and pressed the other on the table: "Fathers and folks in Xiaowangzhuang Village, on behalf of the town party committee and government, I would like to congratulate our village on the rapid development of the highway in the past two years. Development has brought earth-shaking changes to everyone. This is thanks to the good policies formulated by the country, and thanks to the leadership of our village. It is they who led us to take the first step in the village-run economy. Today, according to the decision of the town party committee, Let me tell you two good news, one is: in order to support the development of private economy in our village, the town party committee rewarded our village with 3000 yuan, and the second is that the town party committee decided to agree with Comrade Wang Tiancheng's proposal of using wheat fields to build pigpens. A request to develop the private economy."

Deputy Mayor Liu's words immediately drew another round of applause from below. This was heartfelt applause from the villagers. Following the applause, whispers came from below: "The town really cares about us!"

"Yes, you are quite right. The town has been concerned about the development of our village. Secretary Zhang reported your development to the county, and was praised by senior officials of our county! The development of Xiaowangzhuang Village is not only a national The leader of the county's rural collective economic development is also the leader of the individual and private economy. I believe this is just the beginning, and the happy days of Xiaowangzhuang Village have just begun. Spirit, Xiaowangzhuang Village will surely usher in a better tomorrow!" At this point, Deputy Mayor Liu clenched his hands into fists, raised them high above his head, and made a gesture of raising his arms and shouting.

The few words of deputy mayor Liu seemed to resonate with the people below. Although they were not many words, they infected all the participants. Applause immediately rang out. Deputy mayor Liu pressed his hands down and said: " My words are finished, thank you all!"

After Deputy Mayor Liu sat down, Tianshun went on to say, "Let's invite our Secretary Wang to speak!"

Wang Tiancheng knew that the following words had to be said by himself, and it was not appropriate for others to say it. Now he not only had to say it, but also explained it clearly and thoroughly.

"Before the meeting, several members of our village committee had agreed. Let me explain to you now. Everyone knows that the price of pork has dropped. According to my investigation, many pig farms have begun to abandon their pigs. They all understand that our new feed factory has already experienced overproduction, but do you still expect our feed factory to pay dividends?" Tian Cheng left a suspense on purpose.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer Tian Cheng's question, they looked at Wang Tiancheng stupidly.

After a short pause, Tian Cheng continued: "But everyone knows better than me that there is no profit without production? But if there is production, there must be pig farms to support it, so after careful consideration, I decided to invest in the expansion of the existing pig farm. Pig farm, the expanded pig farm is mainly used to fatten pigs. I have not forgotten you when I expanded the pig farm. Some people may ask, why don’t you let the village invest in the construction of pig pens if you think of everyone? Some people may say that I have selfish intentions , I have selfish intentions, but this selfish intention is not to reduce the income of the village collective, but to fear that the villagers will follow me and take risks. This time, I built the pigsty to solve the difficulty of feed sales. It was built when the price of pigs was low, and there were risks High, so I will bear this risk myself, if anyone is willing to take the risk with me, everyone is welcome to continue to invest, there is no limit to the number of people, even relatives and friends, if anyone is willing to invest, we still welcome it."

Tian Cheng's words caused quite a stir in the hearts of all the villagers. Although there was no response from below, everyone with a bit of brains weighed it in their hearts: "Is this stock into it, or not?"

Tiancheng then explained the method of using the land for the pigsty, and then asked Tianshun to read the land adjustment standards. Regarding this standard, the villagers seemed to have no reaction, which surprised both Tiancheng and Tianshun until Tianshun said With the word "dismissal of the meeting", the people below seemed to be very calm, without expressing any dissenting opinions.

The short meeting solved the land use problem for Wang Tiancheng to build the pigsty. Although this investment seems to be very risky on the surface, but what Wang Tiancheng believes is something that he can't turn back now.

On the night of early spring, the chill of winter has not faded away, but in this slightly cold winter night, the hearts of the villagers in Xiaowangzhuang Village once again became agitated...

(End of this chapter)

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