Chapter 360

I don't know whether it was due to the effective on-site command in ancient times or the super fast construction progress of the construction workers, Tiancheng's pigsty worked continuously for a week, and it was miraculously uprooted in the wilderness of Xiaowangzhuang. The staff threw a big party.

The banquet started at four o'clock in the afternoon.

The venue of the banquet is located in the management room of the newly built pigsty. Although it is a bit simple, the food and drink at the banquet is very rich, including chicken, duck, fish, meat and eggs. In addition to the regular dishes that you usually see, there are also There was a plate of dog meat that the rural people talked about not being able to serve on the table. The dog meat was torn into uneven pieces, but it made people swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva after watching it.

Everyone gave way to each other and sat down. Tian Cheng held up his wine glass and said, "Thank you for your hard work in the past few days. In such a short period of time, you have built such a high-standard pigsty. Let me toast to everyone first!"

After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he drank the wine in one gulp, and everyone drank the first glass too.

Tian Cheng watched everyone refill the wine glasses, and thoughtfully said: "Everyone who comes here is my friend of Wang Tiancheng, if there is anything that needs my help in the future, please come to me, this second cup is to drink with me. Everyone's friendship wine."

Wang Tiancheng watched everyone finish the second glass of wine, and said loudly: "Everyone can eat as much as you want, and drink freely. This is not only our celebration wine, but also a thank you wine. The more you drink this wine, the better it will be!"

Everyone's emotions were resonated by Tian Cheng's words: "Yes, the more you drink this wine, the better it is, the more you drink it, the better it is!" Everyone roared together.

Tian Cheng saw that everyone was very involved, so he got up and said: "Drink well, I still have some things to do, so I won't accompany you!" After finishing speaking, he left the table and left the room.

Just as Tian Cheng was about to leave, someone called from behind: "Secretary Wang, I still have something to ask you!"

Tian Cheng stopped, and looked back, it was Gu Gong who came out with him from the house: "Gu Gong, what do you have to say? Say it!"

"I see that you are very satisfied with the construction, and I am also happy in my heart. I heard that you can buy shares in this pigsty, do you think I can join?" Tian Cheng couldn't help but tie a knot in his heart with the ancient words.

"I welcome you if you want to become a shareholder, but are you so confident in my matter?" Tian Cheng inevitably asked a little suspiciously.

"If I didn't design this pigsty for you, and I didn't go to other places to see this modern farm, I really didn't know what to do. Since I saw those advanced pig farms, I thought that raising pigs was just a few pigs. It's nothing like a pig, but now it's down, thinking that your pig farm can grow big, so I'm interested in your pig farm!" The ancient words made Tian Cheng feel that this young man had good skills and a good eye, These words gave me more confidence in my farm.

"That's all, but now that the price of pigs is falling, the prospects are not optimistic!" Tian Cheng deliberately poured cold water on him, in order to calm Gu Gu down.

"What I said just now is just one reason for wanting to buy shares. There is more important thing. Although the construction in the village these days is not long, what I have heard and seen is the approval of the villagers. You have the whole village in your heart. A person who has others in his heart must have a broad mind, and he can tolerate things that are difficult to tolerate in the world, and cooperating with a person like you is the most reassuring and the happiest!" Tian Cheng was a little overwhelmed by the ancient words , I didn't expect that the scholar in front of me would actually praise people so much that his face would heat up.

"You say it like I've become some kind of big shot. With your mouth, I'm really convinced. No wonder your relatives praised you!" Tian Cheng suddenly thought of Guan Shengli's words of praise.

"Relative, which relative?" Gu Gu asked.

"It's Guan Shengli from the County Animal Husbandry Bureau, you should know him, right? He shouldn't be the one who instructed you to buy shares, right?" Tian Cheng reminded.

"County Animal Husbandry Bureau? Guan Shengli? I do have a cousin-in-law named Guan Shengli, but he's not in our county, let alone the Animal Husbandry Bureau! You know him." Gu Gu's doubts immediately dispelled Tian Cheng's doubts.

"He has been transferred to our County Animal Husbandry Bureau now. It will be much more convenient for you to find him! With your stake, I will be even more powerful!" Tian Cheng was naturally happy in his heart, after all, one swipe is not as close as four fingers, no matter what, This ancient and Guan Shengli are also relatives. If there is any place where we can find Guan Shengli in the future, we will naturally have another helper who can speak for himself!

(End of this chapter)

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