Chapter 361

The completion of the pigsty is a big event for Tian Cheng. Tian Cheng is sitting at home wondering if he will hold a celebration ceremony when the concrete floor of the pigsty is ready to house piglets. Let's show everyone the pigsty. The advanced level, and secondly, it also injects confidence into the villagers who have invested in shares.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Tianshun who came in from the door looked at Tian Cheng and asked.

Tian Cheng was startled suddenly, raised his head to meet Tianshun's gaze and said, "I, I was thinking about when our pigpen is completed, when will the piglets be released!"

"Hey, I've been looking forward to the completion of your pigsty in the past few days. If it doesn't finish, I'm going to go crazy!" Tianshun said with some resentment in his words.

"What's the rush? Besides, this pigsty was built fast enough! Why are you still worrying about my pigsty? Aren't you busy enough with the feed factory?" Tian Cheng didn't see Tianshun for a few days, Knowing that Tianshun is running happily for the sale of feed, it is a bit incomprehensible for Tianshun to say such words suddenly.

"Don't mention it, the price of pigs is not stable now. There are good times and bad times. Even when the price is good, it is still much lower than the price before January. If it continues like this, many pig farms will find it difficult to survive. We feed The sales of the factory will be severely affected, and now I have no choice, so I have been thinking about whether Bu San, the provincial capital you mentioned a few days ago, can become a shareholder and set up a sales point in the provincial capital. Sales in the provincial capital may solve our temporary difficulties!" Tian Shun's phone call immediately reminded Tian Cheng.

"Look, I'm so busy these days. If you don't tell me, I'd forget about Bu San. He said, go back to the provincial capital to get in touch. There's no news yet. Let's not wait for him. Let's go to the market to have a look." Well, maybe, we don't need him to set up any point of sale, we set up a direct point in the provincial capital, which is better than his point!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he stared at Tianshun, as if he was looking for Tianshun's opinion.

"Okay, then let's go to the provincial capital tomorrow. I don't know where to look for it?" Tianshun said worriedly.

"Come, follow me, now let's explore the road!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he stood up, took out the motorcycle key from the drawer, and walked out the door, followed by Tianshun.

"Where do we go to ask?" Tianshun asked suspiciously.

"You just follow along, I have my own way!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he pushed up the motorcycle and went out the gate. When the motorcycle made a "chug chug" sound, Tian Cheng greeted Tianshun: "Get in the car!"

The two of them sat firmly, and as the accelerator of the motorcycle was stepped on, the car let out a low roar and rushed forward.

With the effort of only one cigarette, Tian Cheng's motorcycle stopped at the entrance of Yangzhuang Village, Tian Cheng turned off the engine, got off the car and asked a middle-aged woman who was drying clothes at the entrance of the village: "Sister-in-law, I want to ask someone, you Do you know where Bu Sanjia lives?"

The sister-in-law looked back at Tian Cheng, a little puzzled and said: "Who are you?"

"I'm his friend." Tian Cheng replied very politely.

"Friend, why don't I know you, where are you his friend?" The middle-aged woman asked with a smile.

"We are from Xiaowangzhuang Village, and this is the secretary of our village, Brother Bu..."

Before Tianshun finished speaking, the middle-aged woman responded with a shrill voice: "Oh, I don't know if it's a nobleman coming, come and sit with me!"

The behavior of the middle-aged woman made Tian Cheng immediately understand the identity of the middle-aged woman: "You are Mrs. Bu, right?"

"That's right! That's right! He's been talking about you to me a lot!" Bu San's wife put down the clothes in her hand, intending to take Brother Tiancheng home to talk.

"No rush, we're here just to inquire, has Brother Bu come back recently?" Tian Cheng asked with a little humility.

"I came here after the Spring Festival. According to him, there is something to do in the south. It was dark when I came here. I stayed for one night and left in a hurry at dawn. I don't know what he is busy with?" Bu San's daughter-in-law said. , let Tian Cheng hear that he is a straightforward person.

"He has done a good job in the provincial capital. Tomorrow we will go to the provincial capital to find him, but where does he live?" Tian Cheng asked tentatively.

"There is no address, but a phone number, you can call and ask, let him tell you!"

Hearing what Bu San's daughter-in-law said, Tian Cheng felt grateful for a moment, and said repeatedly: "That's good, that's good!"

"Come on, come with me to get the phone number. I haven't called this number before. I heard that it belongs to a neighbor, but if I get through, I will call him. You can call and try!" As he spoke, he twisted his buttocks and walked towards the house in a bumpy way.

(End of this chapter)

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