Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 362 Opening Up Markets 2

Chapter 362 Opening Up Markets 2
After getting the phone number, the two Tiancheng brothers hurriedly bid farewell to Mrs. Bu San, then rode directly to the post office of Binhu Town, and dialed the number in the provincial capital.

After a few beeps, a question came from the other end of the phone: "Hello! Who are you?"

"I'm Wang Tiancheng from Gucheng County. I want to talk to Bu San. Please ask him to answer the phone, okay?" Tian Cheng slowed down his speech, enunciating words very clearly, worried that the other party would refuse because he couldn't understand.

"You wait!" After the other party finished speaking, there was a loud roar: "Old Bu, old Bu, your phone number!"

Then Tian Cheng heard a slight noise on the phone, and he didn't know if it was the noise of people or the impact of objects. Anyway, he couldn't tell what kind of sound it was. After a while, a deep voice came from the other end of the phone. Baritone: "I'm Bu San, who is looking for me?"

"I, Brother Bu, I'm Wang Tiancheng from Xiaowangzhuang, do you understand?" Tian Cheng's speech speed was much faster than before. After all, he was from his hometown for many years. When speaking his hometown dialect, he felt comfortable and natural.

"Brother, I heard it. What do you want from me?" Bu San's question made Tian Cheng's heart unavoidably cold. Could it be that he put the business of running the feed store on the back of his mind?
"When you came to my village before the festival, when faced with the matter of buying a share in the feed factory that I mentioned, would you still get in?" Tian Cheng went straight to the point, avoiding the matter of setting up a sales point, but reminding him of the matter of buying a share. Buying shares is much easier than building a point of sale.

"Yes, yes, I said yes, how could you back down?" Bu San on the other end of the phone answered very simply, which made Tian Cheng's heart suddenly warm.

"Then we want to go to the provincial capital tomorrow, so we can find you by the way, and you can tell us your address!" Tian Cheng reminded.

"It's not difficult at all to come to me. If you come by car, get off the bus and take the No. 38 bus directly to Zaodian Station. When you get off, you will see a wholesale market. I'm at booth No. 251 in this market. You If you find the booth, you'll find me!" Bu San's answer made Tianshun who pricked up his ears hear him clearly, and nodded along with Tian Cheng.

"Bus No. 38, Zaodian Station, Booth No. 251!" Tiancheng repeated, motioning Tianshun to write it down, and Tianshun hurriedly borrowed a pen and a piece of paper from the teller of the post office, muttering and writing down "38 Morning Call" 251" A few characters that couldn't be simpler.

"Brothers, let's talk tomorrow when you come here, I'll be busy!" Bu San was obviously very busy with business, and then a blind voice appeared on the phone.

Tian Cheng put down the phone helplessly, waved to Tianshun, and said, "Then let's go back and get ready, and go to the provincial capital tomorrow morning!"

Tianshun nodded without saying a word, then paid off the phone bill, and followed Tiancheng out of the post office.

"It seems that we have to go there, otherwise we don't know what the outside world is like. Let's see what Bu San is up to? How come we have almost completely forgotten about our affairs?" Tian Cheng pushed the cart. Said to Tianshun.

"From what he said, he was still thinking about our feed factory. He didn't contact us, which means there is really something wrong there!" Tianshun guessed.

"No matter what the situation is, let's talk about it tomorrow!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he immediately started the motorcycle, and a puff of smoke came out from behind the car, and the motorcycle drove directly towards Xiaowangzhuang.

There were still a hundred and ten meters away from the entrance of the village, Tian Cheng noticed a few people standing at the entrance of the village, looking towards Tian Cheng, and pointing at something. For Tian Cheng's motorcycle, a hundred and ten meters was just the blink of an eye, so he drove to In front of a few people standing in front of them, Tian Cheng saw that they didn't know each other and didn't pay much attention. He planned to slow down and drive over, but when he heard one of them shout: "Secretary Wang is back!" Tian Cheng realized it. Realizing that these people were looking for him, they stopped the car slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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