Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 363 Opening Up Markets 3

Chapter 363 Opening Up Markets 3
As soon as Tian Cheng stopped the car, several people surrounded him.

"Secretary Wang, I heard that your pigpen has been built. We came to you because we wanted to sell our litter of piglets to you." The person who greeted him just now took the lead.

"If you want it, it's just that now is not the time. Even if you want it, you have to wait until you can stock it!" Tian Cheng responded.

"The piglets of the Hu family, didn't you settle down a few days ago? Besides, even the dozens of piglets of the old Hu family can't fill your pigpen! Although we don't raise many, how many Let's make up the numbers too!" A tall and thin old man muttered.

Before Tian Cheng had time to answer, Tianshun on the side continued to respond: "Is this still a comparison? Old Hu is an old acquaintance, and when he contacted, he also took the lead!"

"Everyone is not far away. If you want to talk about old acquaintances, which one of these people is not an old acquaintance with Secretary Wang. Although we don't raise as many sows as Lao Hu, we still use our feed. Which one of you is not an old acquaintance of yours? Huh?" A short fat man yelled at Tianshun.

Hearing the feed mentioned by the other party, Tianshun immediately got stuck. These people are all customers of the feed factory, so no one can afford to offend them!
Looking at the anxious look of the short fat man, Tian Cheng immediately thought of the tears in Hu Jiaquan's eyes when he was about to leave, this is a difficult solution!

"Don't worry everyone, don't worry everyone, if you can come to me, you are naturally thinking of me, thinking of me, how can we not want it? It's just that the explanation I gave you is not clear enough, or you can see it like this No?" Having said this, Tian Cheng glanced at Tianshun who was at the side, and then looked around at everyone.

When everyone heard Tian Cheng asking for words, a dozen or so eyes were fixed on Wang Tiancheng in front of him. There was hopelessness in those eyes, full of prayers, as if they were saying: "Promise us! Promise!"

"Follow me home, and then write down your addresses and names, and remember the number of piglets in your family. When I start to stock up, I will give you priority to notify you. Are you optimistic?" As soon as Tian Cheng's voice fell, everyone gathered together Claim "good"!
Tian Cheng turned to Tianshun again and said: "Well, I'll go home by bike first, and you accompany them to my house, and then help to count the situation of each of their families at home, how about it?"

Tianshun nodded, and then said to everyone: "Now you should rest assured, let my brother go first, and I will take you to his house!" At Tianshun's suggestion, the two people standing in front of the car immediately made way for Tian Cheng drove home first.

Tian drove along Tian Cheng for more than ten meters, and said to everyone: "I was a little excited just now, I'm sorry for letting you down, please forgive me!"

"Where, there's nothing wrong with it, I'm sorry, I'm a big boss, I can't beat around the bush when I speak, just go straight to the point, what I said just now was a bit harsh, just don't blame me!" Humpty Humpty quickly explained.

"It's also because we are a little impatient. You know, the price of live pigs makes the pig farmers a little scared, so this piglet that was originally a sweet pastry will naturally turn into stinky shit. Don't you think, if If we don't exchange money, how can we ordinary people afford it?" The tall and thin old man added.

"It's not your fault, it's the market that caused the trouble. If, as you said, the market is still optimistic, how could this happen? Now you are just a few piglets. The difficulties our feed mills are facing Bigger, it’s not because of the market, we are discussing how to carry out the sales of feed?” Tianshun complained a little about the market.

Everyone talked one after the other, Tianshun saw that everyone was chattering endlessly, so he gave him a wink: "Let's stop talking, go to Brother Tiancheng's house and report the numbers of each family, maybe Brother Tiancheng I'm anxious to wait at home!"

With such a reminder from Jing Tianshun, it seemed that he immediately understood his mission, no one said anything, and silently followed Tianshun to Tiancheng's house.

(End of this chapter)

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