Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 365 A Trip to the Provincial City 2

Chapter 365 A Trip to the Provincial City 2
Tian Cheng, who had finished his breakfast, came out of the restaurant with a full belch. Dawn had already sent the darkness away, and there were more and more pedestrians on the road. Tian Cheng raised his arms, stretched his waist, and looked back at Tianshun who came out of the checkout.

"Let's find a place to store our motorcycle quickly, otherwise it will delay our taking the bus!" Tian Cheng urged Tian Shun.

"I really didn't notice where to store the car!" In Jishi, Tianshun had neither relatives nor friends, nor did he have any reason to come to Jishi. The number of times can be found out in single digits. Even when he came here, he just followed others, and he had never walked through any street in Jishi by himself, so when Tiancheng mentioned the matter of storing motorcycles, Tianshun looked at a loss, really I don't know where I can find a place to store motorcycles in this city.

"In the past, I noticed that there was a train station, but there is still a distance from the train station. Logically speaking, there should be a bus station, but I don't know where it is. Let's go and look for it!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he got on the motorcycle car, signaling Tianshun to come up too.

The two walked around the bus station, except for the empty entrance of the station, and occasionally a few figures wandering around there, who should be customers waiting for the bus, no one was seen, and there was no place to store the car. trace.

In desperation, Tian Cheng drove directly to the train station. Tian Cheng, who had worked as a village accountant for many years, was no stranger to Jishi. Whether it was for official business or because of the villagers' private affairs, Tian Cheng would come to Jishi several times a year. In addition, since raising pigs, because of my own personal affairs, I have also visited several times, so the familiarity with Jishi is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Tianshun couldn't answer, but just sat silently on the back of the motorcycle without saying a word, thinking to himself: "When will I be like my elder brother, who is familiar with Jishi and no longer unfamiliar with it!"

The situation at the railway station is very different from that at the bus station. Outside the gate of the waiting room of the train station, there is an endless flow of people carrying big bags and small bags on their backs. It is as lively as going to a big market in the countryside. Tian Cheng directly drove to the place where the vehicles are stored on the west side of the gate. There was already a long line of vehicles here, Tian Cheng parked the cars in order, and then an elderly man walked over with a bunch of bamboo license plates threaded with thin hemp ropes in his hand.

"Send the car?" the old man asked.

"That's right! How much is it for staying overnight?" Tian Cheng asked casually.

"Sending the car is [-] cents during the day, and [-] cents overnight. According to the sky, it is [-] cents a day and one night." The old man repeated the words he did not know how many times, and then took the two tied together from his hands. He looked at the license plate, compared it carefully, and handed one to Tian Cheng, and the other was tied to the steel beam on the back seat of the motorcycle as if by magic, before Tian Cheng could understand it.

"Be sure to take the license plate with you, it will be very troublesome if you lose it!" The old man reminded him kindly.

"En!" Tian Cheng who took the license plate did not look at it carefully, and handed the license plate to Tianshun. Tianshun unzipped the leather bag he was carrying, and put the license plate in the outermost side bag.

Tianshun, who had zipped it up, pressed it on the outside of the bag again to confirm that it was well packed, and then raised his head to look at Tian Cheng reassuringly, his eyes seemed to say: "It's packed, don't worry!"

"We still have to catch the train, so I'll leave the car to you!" After finishing speaking, Tian Cheng gave Tian Shun a tug, and hurriedly blended into the flow of people who had just got off the train.

The distance from the train station to the bus station was only 2 minutes when Tian Cheng came by motorcycle, but it took them both a full 10 minutes to walk.

The number of people at the bus station began to increase, the gate of the ticket hall of the station was opened, and tickets were sold at several windows.

"Wait a minute, I'll go buy tickets!" After Tianshun finished speaking, he picked a window with the fewest people and lined up. He said it was a queue, but in fact there were only two people in front of him. The person in front of Tianshun naturally left the line. Tianshun was very happy and successfully bought two tickets to the provincial capital.

(End of this chapter)

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