Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 366 A Trip to the Provincial City 3

Chapter 366 A Trip to the Provincial City 3
When Tiancheng and Tianshun boarded the car in the provincial capital, the sun had already penetrated the horizon, but the two of them had no intention of admiring the scenery along the way. Their buttocks touched the car seat, and the drowsiness rushed straight to their foreheads. The two fell asleep amidst the bumps. It was dark.

When the vehicle drove onto the Yellow River Bridge, the people in the vehicle screamed, and the two woke up almost at the same time.

Outside the window, the water of the Yellow River is turbulent and tumbling, like muddy water boiled with the earth as a pot, and the waves that turn from time to time reflect colorful colors in the sun.

"When I read in school that 'the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, it rushes to the sea and never returns', I really did not expect that the water of the Yellow River would be so restless. Looking at the color of the water of the Yellow River, one can know that a bowl of water and half a bowl of mud are real. It's true!" Tian Cheng whispered to Tian Shun.

"I didn't see it with my own eyes, it's really hard to imagine the scene in front of me!" Tianshun echoed.

For Tiancheng and Tianshun, it was the first time to see the Yellow River with their own eyes. They did not expect that they passed by in a hurry, but the shock caused by the rolling Yellow River water was beyond words. I finally understand the broad feelings of those poets.

Although he was just passing by in a hurry on the Yellow River Bridge, it made it difficult for Tian Cheng to calm down. When Tian Cheng closed his eyes, the raging waves of the Yellow River reappeared in his mind. In the turbulent waves, Tian Cheng seemed to see a wave of reform, and reform was like this wave , rushing in, I seem to be a spectator standing in the turbulent waves, if I really become a good player in this tide, I don't know how many torrents I have to hit and how many dangerous shoals I have to walk through.Just like the mother river that gave birth to Chinese civilization, countless literati and poets look forward to and yearn for it, but when they really see it, it is so tragic, the river is turbid, roaring, and never stops.While the river brings benefits to people, it also brings disasters to people. The reason why the river is praised is that it conceives life. People brought countless unpredictable risks. In Tian Cheng's memory, how many people spent sleepless nights to accompany her every year for flood control and worry?Aren't the current difficulties facing us just like this mighty river, rushing towards us?
Is what I am doing right or wrong?How many thorns are there in the road ahead?How many unimaginable difficulties are there?Tian Cheng really couldn't figure it out in his heart, but he had a firm belief in his heart, that is to be brave enough to make waves for the prosperity of the whole village. worth it!
"Brother, look quickly, what is that piece?" Tian Shun's reminder pulled Tian Cheng back from his thoughts.

Tian Cheng opened his eyes and looked out of the window. Outside the window were low hills. The yellow land on the hills looked particularly eye-catching under the sunlight. From a distance, it looked like a pavement of gold, and from a distance, it looked like the ground was covered with yellow silk. It was continuous. The golden color displayed on the hills is immediately reminiscent of the autumn harvest.

However, it is the season of spring at this time. On this golden land, the rows and rows of branches that are quietly spreading green are the protagonists outside the window. The nearby branches are winding and circling like dragons, straight Soaring into the sky, like spinning silk, circling continuously, like a leopard's tail, vigorous and unrestrained, standing gracefully on the tip.

"What kind of tree is this?" Tian Cheng couldn't help asking.

"It looks like a peach tree!" Tianshun didn't respond in a loud voice, but made the passengers sitting behind who were stretching their necks and looking out the window pay attention.

"It's the peach tree. This is the well-known peach garden. It's called Queen Mother's Peach Garden. I made a special trip to visit it last year when the peach blossoms were in full bloom. Not only is the fragrance overflowing, but it also makes people linger. It's a fairyland on earth. Oh! You Did you see that high platform?" The speaking passenger pointed to a platform outside the window and asked.

"That's...?" Tianshun asked immediately.

"Every year when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, there will be a lot of people there, and the peach blossom festival will be held there, attracting people from hundreds of miles away to gather here for gatherings and shopping. Look at this bracelet on my hand, I bought it at that time, it is made of peach wood, it has the effect of exorcising evil spirits, and the workmanship is very fine!" After the passenger reminded, Tian Cheng and Tian Shun's eyes all focused on the passenger's On the bracelet, the bracelet is a string of maroon wood carvings. Although each wood carving is not big, they are very delicate. It is really a good accessory to wear on the wrist.

"It's really a treasure!" Tianshun praised.

As the bus speeds up, the yellow land is still there, but the peach garden is getting farther and farther away, and the topic of peach is also getting farther and farther away. Tiancheng and Tianshun began to close their eyes slightly again, as if they were about to enter the next round of taking a nap in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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