Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 377 A Trip to the Provincial City 14

Chapter 377 A Trip to the Provincial City 14
Bu San and Tiancheng brothers followed Shang Datou to the east for about ten meters, Shang Datou stopped, pointed to a shop not far away and said in a low voice: "Did you see that there is a department store there, this department store is not someone else It was opened by Mrs. Li Jian's wife, you just need to find it there, say that you came to the market to rent a house, and want to ask for a rent price, and you will understand what to do next!"

Tian Cheng immediately understood the advice from the businessman, smiled at Shang and said, "Boss Shang, look at this, let Brother Bu accompany you to the restaurant to drink water first, and let us brothers go to talk about the house." manage."

Shang Datou saw that Tian Cheng really had the sincerity to invite him. After all, he was a new friend, so he wanted to say a few words of politeness: "Look, how dare I let you spend money!"

"We will be friends from now on, and we should sit together and ask for advice. How can it be called spending money?" Bu San responded with a wave of his hand.

"Just choose a restaurant! We'll go over to find you immediately after we've dealt with the matters here." Tian Cheng said frankly.

"That's how it is! Let's choose the Hulafeng Restaurant on the west side of the market gate. The food there is pretty good!" After finishing speaking, Shang Datou turned around and pointed to the west: "It's only a hundred meters away from here."

"You go there and wait for my good news!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he winked at Tian Shun, and went directly to that department store.

The signboard of the department store is not big. After entering, Tian Cheng found that the goods were still complete. The whole store was arranged very simply. There were some boxes on the wall outside the entrance, and some cigarettes, alcohol, sugar, tea and There were some biscuits and snacks, and some stationery such as paper and pens were placed on the shelf by the door. A woman with a big ponytail was sitting inside the counter, looking down for something. Obviously, she hadn't noticed Brother Tiancheng coming in.

According to what Boss Shang said, this woman must be Li Jian's wife, Tian Cheng slightly "coughed", the woman raised her head to look at Tian Cheng and Tian Shun, and asked with a smile: "What do you two want?"

Tian Cheng was a little surprised when he saw the woman's face. Seeing that Li Jian's fat face was as round as a ball, he was married to this oval-faced, delicate-looking woman in front of him. .

Tian Cheng withdrew his eyes and did not answer immediately, but said to Tian Shun: "Do you think we should buy something for Director Li?"

Tianshun was taken aback, and immediately understood Tian Cheng's meaning: "I've heard people say, what kind of bombs, what kind of bag, which one is better here?"

"Did you ask someone to do something?" asked the woman at the counter.

"Yes, yes, I don't know what to get when I ask someone to do something?" Tian Cheng took it over and said.

"Tobacco and alcohol are what you can get out of the house now. It depends on the size of your business. The big ones are more expensive, and the small things are cheaper. You can choose!" When the woman spoke, her eyes widened. Still staring at the things on the ground, he didn't lift his head.

"I wanted to rent a house in this market, but the person in charge said there was no house left. We wanted him to help me find a way to find a suitable one. Do you think this matter is big or small? "Tian Cheng felt that the size of this matter could only be determined by this woman, and he would first do it according to her wishes, so as not to waste much time talking.

"Then get two cigarettes. First, it's convenient to hold, and second, it's not conspicuous, and the matter will be settled!" The woman immediately became more polite when she heard about renting a house.

"That's fine, we'll do as you said, take two cigarettes, I think two cigarettes are a bit short, then two more boxes of wine, two boxes of cigarettes are used to find a house, two boxes of wine to see if there is a discount?" While talking to the woman, Tian Cheng cast his eyes on the box beside the door.

"It's still you who are thoughtful!" The woman was even more happy when she heard that there would be two more boxes of wine, and she couldn't help but praise Tian Cheng in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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