Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 378 A Trip to the Provincial City 15

Chapter 378 A Trip to the Provincial City 15
"Look at this, so many things are not easy to get. Let me borrow your phone, let's call Director Li, who is in charge of renting the house, and tell him that we have prepared some gifts here. How about asking him to come down and get them?" Tian Cheng didn't agree. asked emphatically.

"Yes, yes!" The woman agreed very readily, pointing to the public phone on the counter and said.

Tian Cheng walked to the telephone, took out the piece of paper with the phone number written on it that Li Jian gave him, and called Li Jian's office on the second floor: "Excuse me, is Director Li Jian there?"

"I am! May I ask who are you?"

"I'll be waiting for you in the department store downstairs, please come down!" Tian Cheng said politely.

There was no answer from the other end of the phone, and there was a slight "hmm" when she leaned slightly.

As soon as Tian Cheng heard that there was something going on, he turned around and said to Tian Shun, "Calculate the score!"

When the woman heard Tian Cheng's words, she immediately understood and said to Tian Shun, "It's 420 yuan in total!"

"There's also the phone bill! Count it together!" Tian Cheng reminded.

"I'll pay the phone bill!" The woman replied boldly.

After Tianshun paid the money, Tiancheng said to the woman: "Look, we bought these things from you, how about we pay you another 50 yuan if you help us talk good things later?"

"That's fine, that's fine!" the woman nodded repeatedly.

Tian Cheng secretly gave Tianshun a look: "Look, this girl is a real person, let her say something nice for us, and quickly give her another 50 yuan!"

Tianshun quickly took out another 50 yuan from his backpack and handed it over. The woman took the money with a smile like a blooming flower on her face: "Don't worry, I will take care of you, and I will definitely say something nice for you. Get a bigger discount!"

The woman's words relieved Tian Cheng a lot...

While waiting for Li Jian in the shop, Tian Cheng couldn't miss any opportunity to chat with Li Jian's wife about the daily life.

"May I ask your surname?" Tian Cheng asked without losing the opportunity.

"The surname is Qu, that's Qu Yuan's Qu!" Brother Tian Cheng's generosity just now had aroused women's affection for him, so he was naturally willing to answer Tian Cheng's question.

"The queen of celebrities!" Tian Cheng boasted.

"See what you're talking about!" the woman said shyly.

"Are you a local from your hometown?" Tian Cheng asked casually.

"My hometown is hundreds of miles away from here!..." The woman was about to continue speaking when a person walked in from the outside. It was Li Jian. The woman suddenly lost her voice like a dumb radio.

"Director Li, look, our business?" Tian Cheng turned his head to see Li Jian, and hurriedly said.

"After you came out just now, I checked the records carefully. There is a check-out in the feed area, so you can use that room!" Li Jian glanced at his woman and responded smoothly.

"The gifts this brother prepared for you include cigarettes and alcohol!" After speaking, he pointed to the cigarettes and alcohol on the counter and said, "And this brother is also a straightforward person, see if you can give this brother the biggest discount, just now Brother also said, I will never forget to take care of you Director Li in the future!" The woman said it very naturally, if Tian Cheng didn't know that the two of them were husband and wife, from these words alone, it would be impossible to tell that they were husband and wife. People are cooperating to play "double reed".

Li Jian looked at the gift in front of him, showing a bit displeased expression: "This is my job, why do I still do this? Needless to say, if you have a house, if you don't have a house to rent, I can't help you with whatever you buy." Hurry up!"

"That's, that's, but we're new here and we're not familiar with the situation, so we still need your care in the future, right? Based on this alone, we should buy something to show our affection!" Tian Cheng said humbly.

"Just now, this store also said good things for you, but it seems unreasonable for me not to give you a discount. Well, you still enjoy our initial discount, and you will be exempted from half a year's rent, which means you pay one year's rent. It can be used for one and a half years, and now it is our biggest discount!" Li Jian sold his wife a face, which made Tianshun grateful.

"Thank you so much!" Tianshun said hastily.

"Look, when will we sign this rent contract?" Tian Cheng asked.

"Now this house is being rented very quickly. If you pay it once a year, you can sign the agreement today, so as not to have no house to rent tomorrow." Li Jian glanced at Tian Cheng calmly and responded.

"Okay, okay, thank you so much!" Tian Cheng said repeatedly.

"Take back the things, and I will still do what I should do! Come with me to the office to go through the formalities!" Li Jian finished speaking, gave his wife a sneaky wink, and walked out of the store.

(End of this chapter)

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