wife's secret

Chapter 219

Chapter 219
"Hao Hao, what happened?"

"The way is too wild, too ruthless, even a man disguised as a woman..." Yan Hao told Meng Xue about the ribbon-cutting situation at the sales office this morning, and he said, "This is Chen Yang, who worked in your moving company." Chen Yang. He is my high school classmate. I asked him to come to my sunflower auction house. I wanted to help him. I didn’t expect him to plot against me. He fell in love with you and played hooligans on you while I was not at home..."

"Father has found out that this guy sneaked into the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the sales office. He was disguised as a woman. Father and I took people to find him. Unexpectedly, Chen Yang had a helper, wearing flowered pants and slippers, holding a hand Ray's going to die with everyone. What fucking truth or dare..."

Yan Hao told the ins and outs of the situation.

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth with hatred, "After playing for a long time, the grenade is fake, just a smoke bomb. If the old man didn't stop me, I would have killed this guy with one shot. I was teased by him for a long time, too It's annoying."

"Haohao, what are you talking about? Chen Yang is disguised as a woman?" Meng Xue was curious.

"This is your brother from the School of Archeology. Can you imagine that he went to a beauty salon and spent 2000 yuan to make himself a woman. Why did he do this? It was to get into the ribbon-cutting scene and to cause damage. I I really underestimated Chen Yang, this guy is too wild."

Having said that, Yan Hao put the pistol on the coffee table.Seriously said to Meng Xue: "I reckon that guy will definitely come back to look for you while I'm not at home. He's a guy who won't stop until he achieves his goal, and he won't let you go."

"What did you say?" Meng Xue's eyes suddenly widened.

Yan Hao's words are too strange.

I, who was hiding behind the curtain, was dumbfounded.

"I have always wanted to tell you one thing. However, I was afraid of causing misunderstanding, so I kept silent. Now I feel that I can no longer hide it from you. When I graduated from university, a dance teacher named Huang Yijia took the initiative to chase me. Later, I rejected it. Because in my heart, you, Meng Xue, are my only one. A few days ago, my relationship with Huang Yijia was known by her husband Chen Yang, so this guy held a grudge against me and wanted to take revenge on me .Yesterday he came to our house and intentionally gave you artificial respiration, in fact, he wanted to take revenge on me."

I was speechless for a moment, this guy turned upside down, turning black and white.

Next, Yan Hao's words made me even more speechless, "You may not know, this kid Chen Yang is not good at that. He sees Chinese medicine everywhere, buys medicine everywhere, and finds a so-called Huagu to give him an injection. A few days ago Day, he got a small bottle of datura pills, he told me that the effect is very good, and asked me if I need it, I said no. Who knows this guy is very bad, he put a pill in my water glass, He wants to test the effect through me..."

"After I ate the pill, I felt very uncomfortable. I couldn't help but came back to look for you, and then I saw the video. I knew what Chen Yang did to you. I was so angry that my stomach hurt badly, and I was sent to the hospital. Went to the hospital. Don't talk about it, you already know this..."

Speaking of this, Yan Hao suddenly found that his subordinates were still standing in the living room.He was suddenly furious, "What are you still doing here? Hurry up and go downstairs to be on guard. Prevent that kid from sneaking in. You must stand guard at the front, back, left, and right sides. If you find him, arrest him immediately."




Seven or eight bodyguards responded and left the living room.

At this time, Yan Hao said to Meng Xue in pain: "After I went to the hospital for an examination, I found out that the medicine Chen Yang put into my cup was a kind of medicine that destroys male function. After taking it, I will be quite sick. I can't lift it for a long time. So I hope you can understand. But don't worry, I will go to a specialist for treatment right away. I should be able to do it soon."

I hid behind the curtain, and when I heard Yan Hao's words, I despised him very much.This guy is really good at making excuses.

Next, Yan Hao's words startled me.

"Xiaoxue, has that boy Chen Yang contacted you? He won't come to our house just now, right?"

After finishing speaking, whether it was intentional or not, Yan Hao looked towards the curtain.

I quickly held my breath and remained motionless.

But it was such a coincidence that at this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew outside the window and lifted the curtains.Almost at this moment, my body quickly shrank inward.In the blink of an eye, I turned into the bedroom through the window on the ledge.

I have to say, I reacted too quickly.If I was 0.1 second slower, I would be spotted by Yan Hao.When I jumped from the window sill across the bedroom to the ground, I accidentally made a "boom", which was the sound of my feet landing on the ground.

Although the sound was not too loud, it was still heard by Yan Hao in the living room.He heard him get up from the sofa immediately, and there was a crash, the sound of a bullet being loaded.

I didn't have time to think about it, so I quickly hid under the bed.

Yan Hao didn't go to the bedroom immediately, he first came to the windowsill with a pistol.He opened the curtains and took a look, and said to himself, "Strange, there seemed to be a figure just now..."

Meng Xue followed, her voice flustered, "Haohao, you're blinded, it's the wind, it's the wind that blows the curtains open. Where is there any shadow?"

I, who was hiding under the bed, felt very uncomfortable when I heard Meng Xue sip each Haohao.

It seems that the relationship between the two is unusual, and they are indeed familiar with each other since they were young.I guess Haohao should be Yan Hao's nickname.

"No... I clearly heard a thud just now." Yan Hao murmured to himself in confusion, but he suddenly came to his senses and hurried towards the bedroom with a pistol in his hand.

I secretly thought something was wrong.Quickly continue to hide under the bed.He held his breath tightly, not daring to move.

While Yan Hao was walking towards the bedroom through the living room, I suddenly felt that my hand touched something warm, like a human arm.

Under the bed, is there... another person?

Immediately startled me.

I took a closer look and almost cried out in surprise.Sure enough, there was another person lying under the bed, it was none other than Brother Pao.

At this time, it was too late to ask the other party, I saw Brother Pao blinking his eyes at me, as a greeting to me, and at the same time hissed lightly.At this time, Yan Hao entered the bedroom from the living room.

After seeing that there was no one on the bed, Yan Hao went to the closet, opened the closet at once, and saw that there was no one there, he said to himself again, "No, there is obviously a sound."

"Haohao, you heard it wrong..." Meng Xue's tone became flustered again.Just now, when the wind blew up the curtains, her heart must have been hanging in her throat.She thought I must be exposed.She must have been surprised that she didn't see me on the balcony.She must have thought of me jumping from the ledge into the bedroom.

I lay under the bed, and through Meng Xue's tone, I knew that she was very disturbed at this moment.

I am very nervous.The guy has a gun in his hand, and if he checks under the bed, I'm exposed.I quietly looked at Brother Pao, but saw that his face was very calm, he didn't care at all, and he wasn't nervous at all.

I was afraid of something, just when I was wondering about Brother Pao, Yan Hao suddenly lifted his foot and kicked the bed board, and said to himself, "Could it be, that kid Chen Yang is hiding under the bed?"

(End of this chapter)

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