wife's secret

Chapter 220 Poisoning

Chapter 220 Poisoning
When I heard this, I was shocked.I hurriedly looked at Brother Pao, only to see that he winked at me, and gave me a slight signal with his hand, which meant that he asked me to step back quietly.

I don't know what he wants to do, but I think he is very calm, I think he should have a way to deal with Yan Hao.Just listen to him.I quietly crawled inside.At this time, Brother Pao took out a torn sock from his pocket in a calm manner. Suddenly, the stench was so strong that I almost vomited out.

Brother Pao seemed to be prepared, he took out two masks from his pocket, handed me one to wear, and he put on the other.Then Brother Pao took the smelly sock in his hand and slowly stretched it forward.

At this moment, Yan Hao lowered his head and looked under the bed with his probe.Brother Pao puts the stinky sock close to each other's nostrils...

Yan Hao sneezed violently and shouted, "It stinks, it stinks."

Next came Meng Xue's voice, "What stinks?"

"Smelly socks? Where did they come from?" Yan Hao shouted.

Meng Xue didn't know why, "Are there any smelly socks under the bed? Yes, they belong to you too."

I tried to hold back my laughter, but I saw Brother Pao turning his head and waving his hands at me seriously, signaling to keep quiet, and quickly backed away.

I know the danger is coming soon, if Yan Hao shoots under the bed, neither Brother Pao nor I can escape.

Just like that, back and forth...Suddenly my body was suspended in the air, as if I had fallen into the cellar.I was taken aback and felt that my eyes went dark. When I opened my eyes, I found that I was really in a cellar.To be exact, the cellar is connected to the tunnel.

Before I had time to react, I saw Brother Pao slowly retreating into the tunnel. There was a cover on it, and Brother Pao closed the cover calmly.

At this time, there were only me and Brother Pao in the small cellar.Brother Pao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's safe, it's safe for now. Let the bastard Yan Hao get confused."

I was very surprised, "Why are you here? What the hell is going on here?"

"In order to get Meng Xue's secret, I spent a year digging through this tunnel. I came and lurked under her bed almost every day. I was so eager for her."

I was surprised by this, but at the same time I despised Brother Pao, "You, you are too stinky and shameless."

Brother Pao shook his head, "No, you are wrong. I am not playing a hooligan, I have my purpose..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard rustling voices from above his head. It should be that Yan Hao got under the bed and crawled over.While crawling, he said to himself, "No, there should be someone. Why did it suddenly disappear?"

Brother Pao laughed, and said to me, "If the lid is suddenly opened and his head is poked out, Yan Hao will probably become insane from fright. However, my plan will be exposed. The hard work of digging the tunnel for a year is also worth it." It’s useless. So it can’t be exposed.”

After Yan Hao's movements disappeared, Brother Pao began to explain before I was curious.

It turned out that two years ago, Brother Pao hadn't returned to vulgarity and was still a monk in the temple.One day, a beautiful and extraordinary woman came to the temple to pray.After Brother Pao saw this woman, he immediately had the idea of ​​returning to vulgarity.After many inquiries, he found out that the woman's name was Meng Xue, and she was the owner of Ant Moving Company.Brother Pao also learned that Meng Xue's fiancé Yan Hao is a wealthy young man.At that time, Yan Hao hadn't run a sunflower auction house yet, and he had just graduated from university, and he knew how to spend his days and nights.Brother Pao suddenly felt very angry. He felt that Meng Xue's marriage to Yan Hao was equivalent to a flower inserted into cow dung.

I immediately despised Brother Pao, "Even if Yan Hao is a piece of cow dung, what's the matter with you? Aren't you envious and jealous? Aren't you destroying?"

Brother Pao said: "Don't look at me so shamelessly. In fact, I am curious about Meng Xue not only because of her temperament and her beauty. More importantly, when she went to the temple to burn incense and pray, she said It makes me feel very strange..."

Next, Brother Pao explained.

It turned out that when Meng Xue went to the temple to offer incense, Brother Pao was on the side, so he heard it clearly.Meng Xue prayed that she hoped that the Yan family could find the Taoyuan Fairyland map as soon as possible.Meng Xue went to the temple to pray many times, and every time she went, she mentioned the picture of Taoyuan Fairyland.

So Brother Pao thought of Xia Mingguang.It turned out that Xia Mingguang was a person who liked to collect antiques under the banner of overseas Chinese.When Brother Pao was working as an antique appraiser at the Palace Museum in Beijing, Xia Mingguang often brought the things he received to find Brother Pao and asked him to do the appraisal.So the two are very familiar.Brother Pao knew that Xia Mingguang had a map of Taoyuan Wonderland in his hand.He found Xia Mingguang and told him about Meng Xue's prayer.

Brother Pao told Xia Mingguang that the map of Taoyuan Wonderland in your hand is very important to the Yan family, and it may involve important secrets of the Yan family.We might as well let Meng Xue find out on purpose.She will definitely notify Yan Hao, and then she will pay a high price to buy this ancient painting.Then, let's send people to follow up and see what's going on with this picture of Taoyuan Wonderland.

Unexpectedly, Xia Mingguang told Brother Pao that the picture of Taoyuan Wonderland in his collection was not the real one, but a high-quality imitation.Brother Pao was very surprised when he heard it. He had identified it before, and the thing was definitely real, so how could it be a fake.Brother Pao asked Xia Mingguang where this ancient painting was fake.Xia Mingguang didn't tell him.This is the rule, so Brother Pao didn't ask.

I knew what happened afterwards.It was I who followed Meng Xue to the villa where Xia Mingguang lived, and found a picture of Taoyuan Wonderland in the living room.Now I suddenly realized that Xia Mingguang and Brother Pao were very familiar, and it turned out that it was Brother Pao's idea that Xia Mingguang sold the ancient paintings to Meng Xue.

"So, what about poison? What about the poison on ancient paintings?" I asked Brother Pao.

Brother Pao smiled embarrassedly, "This is my selfishness. I know that after Meng Xue bought the ancient painting, she would definitely give it to Yan Hao. Yan Hao would definitely be very curious about this painting, and he would definitely Lie down on it and look carefully..."

"I painted hallucinogen on the painting, which is a special material. If people get too close, the aroma of the hallucinogen will make people hallucinate. In short, it will slowly intoxicate people. This It is a kind of poison, and there is no antidote. The final result is that the brain nerves are damaged, first become secondary nerves, then become nerves, and then go crazy and die."

I got a chill down my back.

Still, I'm curious.Brother Pao and Yan Hao don't have any hatred, so why did he do this to Yan Hao?

"Hey!" Brother Pao smiled embarrassedly again, "It's all because I'm infatuated by Meng Xue. I've already made up my mind to be a monk for the rest of my life. However, the first time I saw Meng Xue, I thought Fallen. I don’t think Yan Hao is worthy of him. Only I am worthy.”

What the other party said made me speechless.It suddenly occurred to me that Meng Xue had received a flower basket with a card inside that said words of love to Meng Xue.There is no doubt that this guy should have done it.

(End of this chapter)

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