wife's secret

Chapter 240 Strange Rules

Chapter 240 Strange Rules

I was taken aback, "Li Caier? The Chrysanthemum Club? What's going on?"

"Hurry up and come to Xu Yanyan's house, Cuihu District. You have been here before. I am here."

"Okay, wait a minute. I happen to have something to ask you. I'll be there right away."

I took a taxi and arrived at Xu Yanyan's house as quickly as possible.After opening the door and entering, I saw Xu Yanyan sitting on the sofa.The other is Hu Grenade and Horse Cannon.The three of them were talking, and Xu Yanyan glared at me when she saw me, "Okay, Chen Yang, you are well-developed now, forget about me, right?"

I quickly apologized, I said I was too busy recently, I didn't have time to see you, I'm sorry.As I said that, I involuntarily stretched out my hand towards Xu Yanyan.The next action is to hug each other, and then make out with each other.

When I stretched my hand halfway, I stopped suddenly and almost slapped myself.Hu Grenade and Ma Dapao were on the side, almost making a mistake.

Xu Yanyan smiled, "You don't need to apologize. I have already heard about you. You have entered the upper class now and have become Gu Rushui's assistant. I should congratulate you."

I knew right away that it must be Hu Shurenlei and Ma Dapao who told her about my situation.When I was about to say something, Hu Shoulei said to me very seriously; "Just now Li Caier sent Lamei here to investigate you. To investigate whether you have done bad things to Yanyan. If you do, you will be in trouble."

I was startled, and quickly asked Xu Yanyan what happened and what was going on.

Xu Yanyan blushed suddenly, hesitated for a moment, and began to explain.

It turned out that after Xu Yanyan joined the Chrysanthemum Club, according to the rules, people from the Chrysanthemum Club tattooed a chrysanthemum on her body.When tattooing the chrysanthemum, the woman in charge of the tattoo found some scratches on the skin of Xu Yanyan's thigh, and she told Li Cai'er about it.Li Cai'er took it very seriously, she thought Xu Yanyan was being bullied.So, immediately sent Lamei to investigate.

In Li Cai'er's words, Xu Yanyan is now a member of the Chrysanthemum Society, whoever dares to bully Xu Yanyan will have trouble with the Chrysanthemum Society.Chrysanthemum will never let this man go.

After seeing Xu Yanyan, Lamei asked her what happened to the scratch on her thigh.Xu Yanyan recalled it for a long time, and thought of a detail. She said that Mao Hu brought people to the house to make trouble that day, and she should have been injured during the fight.Then, Xu Yanyan told me about my brave efforts to protect her.Originally Xu Yanyan spoke for me, but Lamei frowned after listening.

It turned out that the Chrysanthemum Club has rules, and all members who join the Chrysanthemum Club are not allowed to have sex with any man.Lamei suspects that I have a good relationship with Xu Yanyan, and I may have put the other party that way.

Xu Yanyan quickly denied it, saying it was impossible.So, Lamei conducted a professional inspection on her, and this inspection found a problem.Xu Yanyan actually... So, Lamei thought that Xu Yanyan was lying.Xu Yanyan yelled that she was wronged, and she swore that she had never had a relationship with any man.

In order to prove her innocence, Xu Yanyan called Hu Handlei and Ma Dapao and asked them to testify for herself.

The two are very embarrassed, how can they testify for such a thing.Of course, Hu Handlei and Ma Dapao admired Xu Yanyan and spoke for her.Hu Handlei said to Lamei that Xu Yanyan is a chaste woman, and she carries a pair of scissors with her, just to make herself emerge from the mud like a lotus without being stained.

Ma Dapao also spoke for Xu Yanyan. He told Wamei that no man would dare to touch Xu Yanyan as soon as she became famous in the world.

Lamei was polite to Hu Grenade and Ma Dapao, after all, both of them had helped Xu Yanyan.She said that our boss, Li Caier, is a very serious person, and she will continue to investigate.After speaking, Lamei said goodbye and went back.

After explaining, Hu Shuneri said to me: "Just now, Lamei called and said that Li Caier, the boss of the Chrysanthemum Club, wanted to see you, brother."

"See me? Why?"

"A lie test for you. Li Cai'er is not an ordinary woman. You have done that to Yanyan, and she can tell you down with just a few words. If you want to lie to her, there is no way."

I couldn't help laughing, "Isn't this pure nonsense?"

"You're right, it's really nonsense. However, it's not this one, it's that bastard. If you don't do bad things to Yanyan, you will be rewarded by Li Caier. If you do bad things, the members of the Chrysanthemum Club will Pull your ass, and you will become a eunuch in an instant."

I was taken aback.I have seen Lamei's kung fu.One kick kicked Mao Hu over three somersaults.Moreover, when Jiang Haiyang was held hostage by Mao Hu, Lamei quickly put a dagger on Mao Hu's throat.In short, all the women in the Chrysanthemum Club have extraordinary skills.It's really bullshit, naturally it's easy to catch.

I hurriedly said to Xu Yanyan: "We are innocent, you should understand."

Xu Yanyan blushed, but said nothing.

Hu Grenade and Ma Dapao glanced at each other, and both looked at me suspiciously.

I suddenly became anxious, "Yanyan, you can't hurt me."

Xu Yanyan glared at me suddenly, "I knew you weren't sincere to me, and you finally showed your true colors."

The other party's words suddenly reminded me.I remember that the rules of the Chrysanthemum Club are that their members can have sex with a man, provided that the man really likes her.Why did the rules suddenly change?When I wanted to ask, I found that Xu Yanyan turned her head away and ignored me.

I realized right away that I had just made a mistake.

I shouldn't be so anxious to separate myself from Xu Yanyan.

I had no choice but to turn around and apologize to Xu Yanyan.

I asked Hu Shunlei, "When will Li Caier see me?"

"I have already told Lamei about you joining Ninghua Real Estate Company and serving as Gu Rushui's assistant. Lamei was very happy to hear that, and she said that we will be a family from now on. Even if Chen Yang did that to Yanyan, it doesn't matter. As long as the future He's not going to do that to a second woman again, and that's fine."

I was confused, "What do you mean? What is a family?"

"That's what happened. Ninghua Real Estate Company has signed a cooperation agreement with the Chrysanthemum Club. The Chrysanthemum Club is responsible for protecting the safety of Jiang Haiyang, Jiang Man, and son-in-law Gu Rushui. You are now Gu Rushui's assistant, so Lamei said It's family."

I suddenly had a bad feeling.

The Chrysanthemum Society is responsible for the safety of Jiang Haiyang's family. Doesn't that mean that if I do something right with Gu Rushui, it's the same as being right with the Chrysanthemum Society?
At this time, I thought about Xiao Zihang again, and I asked Hu Shoulei: "You know Xiao Zihang very well, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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