wife's secret

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

"Xiao Zihang? Of course, I know him very well. Ninghua Real Estate Company invested [-] million yuan in the state-owned branch of Sakura. The person in charge is Xiao Zihang." After Hu Handlei finished speaking, he asked me, "Why did you ask him? Today you It's the first day at work. Did he ask you?"

I took out the small paper bag from my pocket, "Yes, he came to me. He asked me to kill Gu Rushui. There is poison in it. He asked me to pour it into Gu Rushui's tea when he was not paying attention. He also Said, as long as I kill Gu Rushui, he will immediately arrange a flight for me on the same day, fly to the country of cherry blossoms, and give me a branch worth [-] million."

Hu Grenade was taken aback, "You must not be fooled by him. The mantis and the cicada are behind."

"What do you mean?"

"If you really listened to him and killed Gu Rushui, I guess he would not send you to the Sakura Country, but send you to the police station."


"The reason is simple. He already knows Jiang Haiyang's promise to your grandfather. I know Xiao Zihang too well. He is too ambitious. He won't let you take 50% of the company's shares for nothing. He borrowed a knife to kill Gu Rushui through you , and then kill you. In this way, two obstacles have been removed."

Next, Hu Shoulei's explanation surprised and surprised me.

It turned out that Xiao Zihang turned out to be Jiang Haiyang's nephew.Jiang Haiyang has no son, only two daughters.The eldest daughter has settled abroad, and only the youngest daughter, Jiang Man, is by her side.Xiao Zihang believes that Jiang Haiyang's chairman position should be inherited by him in the future, or at least be on an equal footing with Jiang Man.He never expected that Jiang Haiyang found a son-in-law, Gu Rushui, who seemed to be planning to hand over the chairman's chair to Gu Rushui in the future.Therefore, Xiao Zihang regarded Gu Rushui as his enemy and killed him wholeheartedly.

I was very surprised, "No, obviously Xiao Zihang said that Jiang Man should have been his wife, but was snatched away by Gu Rushui. If you say that, he and Jiang Man should have cousins. The relationship is very messy. How can there be a cousin?" Brother wants to marry his cousin as his wife?"

"Actually, Xiao Zihang's nerves are a little abnormal. Sometimes he says unbelievable words, and sometimes his actions are difficult to understand. Xiao Zihang is not lying to you, it is true."

After Hu Handlei finished speaking, he shook his head with a wry smile, "The day before yesterday, Xiao Zihang invited me to drink. Guess what he said to me, he actually wanted to give me a pair of steel plates. He told me that Jiang Man's shadowless feet are very Powerful, put a steel plate in the crotch, safe. Isn’t this nonsense, Jiang Na and I have no intersection, how could she make trouble for me. From this incident, we can see how weird Xiao Zihang’s actions are .”

I suddenly remembered that at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the sales office yesterday morning, when there were so many people in chaos, Xiao Zihang once drew out his pistol and secretly aimed at Gu Rushui.In broad daylight, he was about to attack Gu Rushui.Not to mention that so many people will see it, let's just say that the gunshots rang out, wouldn't it be exposed?It can be seen that this guy's nerves are indeed not normal.

Hu Shoulei went on to say: "Actually, Xiao Zihang's nerves are not normal, and his behavior is rather weird. It is also influenced by Gu Rushui."

"what happened?"

"Let's ask Ma Dapao."

Next, Ma Dapao explained.

It turned out that members of Ma Dapao's paparazzi who accepted the mission to infiltrate into Ninghua Real Estate Company had discovered such a situation through tracking and secretly taking pictures.One day, while Gu Rushui was not in the office, Xiao Zihang sneaked in, not knowing what to look for.later.Xiao Zihang found an eggplant from Gu Rushui's drawer, it was a real eggplant.

The lurker was suddenly stunned.While he was curious, he felt that there was something to do in it.So, he continued to observe, and saw that Xiao Zihang held the eggplant, thought for a long time, and then put the eggplant back in the drawer.

Later, Xiao Zihang went to the village where Gu Rushui lived when he was a child.After investigation, he learned that Gu Rushui had a nickname called Eggplant.I also heard that when Gu Rushui was a child, he often went to the vegetable garden to stare at the eggplants in a daze.

Therefore, Xiao Zihang came to a conclusion that Gu Rushui is a very serious person and a person who is good at thinking. Like Wang Yangming, he likes to learn from things.Xiao Zihang firmly believed that the reason why Gu Rushui put an eggplant in the drawer was to remind himself that he must be serious in doing things.So Xiao Zihang was inspired, he decided to learn from Gu Rushui, and decided to stick to one thing to the end.What to look for, that is to kill Gu Rushui.

"Black humor." Ma Dapao said with emotion, "Speaking of conscience, Gu Rushui is a very capable and talented person. An ordinary employee became a manager, and then entered the board of directors step by step. He is very serious and meticulous in his work, and he has a characteristic, no matter what he does, he must be the best, the most extreme, and he must be No. During this period, he put an end to all female sexuality..."

"Ninghua Real Estate Company has a lot of young female white-collar workers, all young and beautiful, with high education. A capable and talented young man like Gu Rushui naturally won their favor. They all took the initiative to pursue Gu Rushui, but Gu Rushui did not They were rejected. It was because of this that Chairman Jiang Haiyang attracted the attention of Chairman Jiang Haiyang, and later Gu Rushui became Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law."

Hu Shoulei said: "It's really black humor. It's so interesting that Xiao Zihang used the perseverance he learned from Gu Rushui to deal with Gu Rushui."

I said, "However, what Xiao Zihang said today makes sense to me."

"What did he say?"

"He said that Gu Rushui asked me to go to the construction site today to deal with the ancient tomb. In fact, he wanted to harm me and wanted the poisonous gas to poison me to death."

Hu Handlei thought for a while, "It should be that Gu Rushui wanted to find an excuse to drive you away from him."

"What excuse?"

"It's very simple. He asked you to deal with it, but you didn't. Gu Rushui will report this matter to Jiang Haiyang, saying that you are not suitable to be an assistant and will not follow his arrangement. In this case, he will find an excuse to drive you away. "

I suddenly thought of a very practical question, why did Jiang Haiyang arrange me to be Gu Rushui's assistant?

Jiang Haiyang doesn't understand the grievances between me and Gu Rushui. Could it be that by arranging me to be Gu Rushui's assistant, is it really for me to help him?

This is so strange, Jiang Haiyang doesn't know me well, and he doesn't know anything about my abilities, so he even arranged for me to be Gu Rushui's assistant, isn't he afraid that I'll screw things up?
Suddenly, I thought of a terrible possibility: Jiang Haiyang wanted to use Gu Rushui's hand to get rid of me.

After all, how could he be willing to give me 50% of the shares?Also, what happened to the agreement he signed with my grandfather?

I can't think of Jiang Haiyang too kindly.

Yes, my grandfather saved his life back then, and he also promised to repay my grandfather.But decades have passed, things have changed and people have changed, everything is changing, and people's hearts are also changing.

Thinking of this, I felt chills down my back.If Jiang Haiyang wants to get rid of me, he has plenty of opportunities and means.I'm definitely dead.

(End of this chapter)

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