wife's secret

Chapter 288 The Gambler Comes Again

Chapter 288 The Gambler Comes Again

I suddenly understood.The reason why Mao Hu was very aggressive just now was that there was a large army behind us. I looked at the formation and saw more than 30 young men with black dragon tattoos on their arms surrounded us.Even if there are three of us, no matter how powerful we are, we won't be able to escape.Besides, Lamei is the only one who is really skilled. Xu Yanyan only has a pair of scissors, and she doesn't have much skill.As for me.Although I felt abnormal in my body last night, I once lifted a coffee table weighing more than 100 kilograms with one hand, but I am not sure what is going on with my body now.Even if I have supernatural powers, if so many people rush up at once, I won't be able to stand up no matter what.

"Captain Mao, what's the situation?" A young man with a mustache squinted at the three of us and asked Mao Hu.

"Don't ask about the situation, just enjoy it." Mao Hu smiled wretchedly, "I'm giving benefits to my brothers today. Did you see that, three people, one guy, and two beauties. Tie this bastard up, Lock them in the room and let me give him a hard lesson. The two beautiful girls, of course, have to be tied up too, but they have to be put in a good room and don't hurt their skin. I want to be whole. Only when it’s complete can it taste good. When I’m done enjoying it, I’ll give it to the brothers one by one, don’t grab it, everyone has a share.”

At this time, a voice exclaimed excitedly, "It's fun, it's so fucking fun."

There was also a voice with a very high-pitched voice, like a eunuch, "I like to have sex, can you give me this man? I think he is strong and strong, which suits my taste."

There was also a doubtful voice, "Captain Mao, aren't you missing half, are you okay?"

As soon as the last sentence was uttered, there was a burst of echoing voices:

"Yeah, the last time Mao was injured was not serious. I sent him to the hospital. Fortunately, the operation was done in time. If he was 1 minute late, he would lose his activity and he would not be able to connect. So Mao was not missing The half is still complete. It's just that there are some deviations in the upper and lower quarters, which may affect the performance."

"This little bitch is too ruthless. I'll take out her scissors later and throw them away. I don't want to make the same mistake as Captain Mao."

"Huh? The other one seems to be the second head of the Chrysanthemum Club. I heard that she is good at kung fu. This is very to my taste. I like kung fu, like sheep, I don't like it."


Both Xu Yanyan and Lamei's expressions changed. They were surrounded by a group of hungry wolves. It was so scary that they quickly tore them to pieces.

I took a deep breath, walked up to Mao Hu, and slapped him across the face.My slap was quite harsh, and the other party was unprepared, and just heard a slap, and the other party let me slap me somersault.

"Blind your dog eyes, do you know who I am?"

Mao Hu struggled to get up from the ground, and was about to yell at me, but he was stunned when he heard my words. Seeing that I was aggressive and aggressive, he was a little dazed, "You, who are you?"

"I'm your boss' nephew," I unhurriedly took out a cigarette from my pocket, lit it with a lighter, took a puff slowly, and exhaled a string of smoke rings, "The decoration of Wanghai Community involves the Chrysanthemum Club and The interests of the Poisonous Dragon Society are of great importance to this matter. If you bird people delay the business, my uncle will not spare you."

I said very confidently, but in fact I was very confident, and I immediately stunned this group of people.Where did I get the confidence? It's very simple, I've already seen that Mao Hu is the leader of this group of people.As long as I catch Mao Hu, I will have no problem dealing with these people.With my current ability, I can easily catch Mao Hu.

"Are you the boss' nephew?" Mao Hu covered his cheeks with his hands, grinned in pain, and stared at me, "What's your name? Tell me your name. I'll call the boss right now to check. "

At this moment, a voice came from a distance, "Slow down!"

Looking for the sound, I saw a wretched-looking guy walking over.I felt familiar at first glance, and then took a closer look, isn't this Du Da?

It was Du Da, the second head of the Dulong Club and the boss of Chaoyang Entertainment Company.

Seeing Du Da approaching, Mao Hu and his brothers all shouted respectfully, "Master Du!"

"What a dick." Du Da didn't seem to be very excited. "There is one thing I haven't figured out yet. How should I explain to those who gambled?"

Someone asked: "What's the matter?"

"Gu Rushui and Jiang Man have no children, who is the reason?"

"Master Du, why do you care about this issue?"

"Because I have already opened a bet, and many people have already made bets. Chaoyang Entertainment Company is a credit unit. If people place bets, I have to cash them out. If I don't even know the answer, then I, the boss who started the bet, will be too big." Incompetent..." At this point, he saw a group of people surrounding the three of us, and asked strangely, "What are you bastards doing, are you bullying the few with the more?"

As soon as Du Da finished speaking, his eyes lit up, "Oh, isn't this Lamei, the second head of the Chrysanthemum Club? Long time no see, are you still hanging out with Li Caier?"

Lamei responded politely, "That's right, we're still at the Chrysanthemum Club."

"Chaoyang Entertainment is recruiting employees. What do you do when you come to me? In addition to paying five social insurances and one housing fund, I will give you an annual salary of 30 yuan. There are also tips. My company needs a beauty like you. Painful , the casinos are run by a group of gentlemen, business has not been going well, helpless."

Lamei said coldly: "Thank you for your invitation. You can settle this matter first. Look at the people in your Dragon Society, they like to bully the few with more, don't they?"

Du Da asked Mao Hu: "What's going on?"

"Report Master Du, I have met an enemy, and I am about to take revenge." Mao Hu pointed at Xu Yanyan, gritted his teeth, and said, "It's this ruthless bitch who nearly tore me up with scissors last time, and I finally met her today." I must take revenge."

"You are such an idiot, you were almost crippled by a beautiful woman with scissors. Is there any idiot more stupid than you in the world? I'm afraid there is none. So, I suspect that you have cooperated with that reporter surnamed Hu. .”

One sentence stunned Mao Hu and everyone else.

I am also curious.

I heard Du Da proudly say: "Can this kind of thing be hidden from me? You, Mao Hu, and reporter Hu have discussed it long ago. You deliberately asked Xu Yanyan to cut you with scissors, and then the reporter surnamed Hu publicized it with great fanfare. and reports, then the newspaper sells well, then the newspaper office makes a lot of money, and then the newspaper office distributes a lot of money to Reporter Hu, and Reporter Hu shares it with you equally. Haha, am I right?”

One sentence left everyone dumbfounded.

Du Da was even more proud. He turned to look at Xu Yanyan, "There is another possibility. In fact, the three of you co-operated and colluded in advance. Xu Yanyan got drunk on purpose, lying on the street on purpose, and then At this time, Mao Hu appeared. Then Mao Hu took Xu Yanyan to the hotel, and then Mao Hu pretended to yell in pain, and then someone sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment, and then the reporter surnamed Hu appeared. Of course in Before Reporter Hu appeared, the paparazzi of Ma Dapao first appeared. Then Reporter Hu wrote a report and launched it grandly, and then the newspaper was sold and the money came rushing in. It must be like this.”

After finishing speaking, he immediately turned to look at Mao Hu, "How is it? I told you right?"

Mao Hu looked bitter, "Master Du, it's not like this, it's really not..."

"You don't need to argue." Du Da glanced at the crowd, "We're going to bet on the spot, with a wager of 1 yuan, betting on whether that Maohu thing has been injured. Hurry up and make a bet, and don't come again when the time is right."

After finishing speaking, Du Da calmly took out the QR code, "Scan the code and pay."

A voice screamed, "How do you know if Captain Mao is injured?"

Du Da disapproved and said: "It's very simple, take off Maohu's pants, and you can tell at a glance."

(End of this chapter)

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