wife's secret

Chapter 289 Li Caier Appears

Chapter 289 Li Caier Appears

Mao Hu hurriedly waved his hands, "I can't do it, I can't do it."

"You idiot, the opportunity to make money is right in front of you, and you don't grasp it, isn't it a pity?"

Mao Hu was stunned when he said a word, "Make money? I make money?"

"Of course. You are the party involved, and no matter whether they win or lose, they will pay you a share. This is the rule of the casino. It can be said that as long as you take off your pants, you will get rich."

Hearing what Du Da said, a group of people burst into laughter.While laughing, he took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code:
"I bet [-] that Captain Mao gets injured."

"I'll pay [-], betting that Mao is not injured."

"I bet too."

"I bet!"


All of a sudden, the members of the Poisonous Dragon Club bet one after another.The scene was very lively.

One of the guys approached Xu Yanyan and asked in a low voice, "Hey, beauty. Is this really a game of yours, Mao Da really got caught by your scissors? Or not?"

Xu Yanyan frowned and took a step back.

Lamei also frowned.

Obviously, such indecent things are really unbearable for the beauty.

Mao Hu couldn't take it anymore, he tightly covered his crotch with both hands, and said to Du Da with a bitter face, "Master Du, it's not convenient here, after all, there are beauties."

Du Da came to his senses, slapped his head, and quickly apologized to Lamei, "I'm ashamed, I'm sorry." Then he said to Mao Hu, "This matter, we have to find another day and find a place."

After the farce ended, Du Da returned to the topic, "I said, Mao Hu, what are you all doing here? Hey, why is your cheek swollen? Did someone beat you just now?"

"That's the kid," Mao Hu pointed at me bitterly, "This kid said he was the boss's nephew, and he slapped me. Master Du, you have to make the decision for me."

Du Da turned to look at me, "Are you the nephew of Xie Lao Liu?"

I immediately stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's hand, "Hi, old Du, we haven't seen each other for a long time, how are you?"

The other party looked at me suspiciously, "Do we know each other?"

"Have you forgotten? Outside the ribbon-cutting scene of the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate, you bet in public on the reason why Gu Rushui and Jiang Man have no children. I know you are still confused by this question. But let me tell you something Good news, the answer has been found, and I now know whose cause it is." I knew that the other party was very interested in this topic, so I shifted the topic before the other party doubted my identity.

Sure enough, the other party's eyes widened suddenly, "What? Have you found the reason? Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, can you bet?"

"This kind of bet can't be played, you are saying this one-sidedly."

"I can swear to God, I really know the reason. If I lie, I, Chen Yang, will die badly."

I said with gritted teeth, with a hideous expression.After the other party heard this, his eyes widened again, "Tell me again, what's your name?"

"Chen Yang."

"Is it the Chen Yang who opened the Jude Auction House before?"

"Did your grandfather serve as a soldier before?"


"Did your grandfather save Jiang Haiyang's life?"


Du Da suddenly became excited, I saw him trembling all over, grabbed my hand, and said repeatedly: "I found it, I finally found you. You made me look for it so hard."

I'm confused and don't know what's going on.

"Half a year ago, I made a bet with a person that your auction house must be destroyed on a blue and white pot. So I made 600 million. You have half of it. So I should give you 300 million. I have wanted to give you this money for a long time. But I have been unable to find you. Now I have finally found you. Come on, Now let's transfer money via WeChat..."

As the other party said, he immediately opened WeChat on his mobile phone, offered to add friends with me, and then wanted to transfer the money to me on the spot.

I was stunned, "What's going on? Can you explain it more clearly?"

"I can only tell you that the guy who bet with me is a tomb robber. His name is Zhang Legzi. I can't tell you other things. Well, add friends quickly and transfer money quickly. I still have something to do."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help saying that you snatched my mobile phone, quickly added friends, and quickly transferred 300 million to me.Then he said with a sigh of relief, "Okay, I finally paid off the debt. I feel so relieved."

I was dumbfounded.There are such people.I said, "This is your money, why should you give it to me?"

"This is the rule of Chaoyang Entertainment Company. Whoever bets on is the party involved, and the winning party must give half of the money to the party. The rules of the world can't be messed up."

After finishing speaking, he changed the topic back, "Let's talk, is it because of Jiang Man's inability to conceive a child, or because of Gu Rushui?"

I said, "It's not convenient to say no here."

The other party slapped his head, "Yes, I almost forgot. How about this, you go ahead. I'll contact you on WeChat another day. Let's talk in private."

After Du Da finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

I called out to him: "Master Du, you don't care if so many people under your command surround us?"

When I said this, I suddenly reminded the other party, "By the way, didn't you just say that you are the nephew of Xie Lao Liu? Did you say that?"


Du Da suddenly became interested, and saw that he swept Mao Hu and a group of guys, smiled, and said, "I know you people, some of you believe it, and some don't, right? Why don't you make a bet, how about it? Everyone Are you interested? You can bet a little bigger. After the bet is finished, I will go to Xie Lao Liu to verify it, and I will announce the answer soon. Haha, how is it? Hurry up and place a bet."

I was speechless.

This guy is simply crazy.

At this moment, several vans suddenly came outside.I was taken aback, I was pregnant, wouldn’t the Dragon Society send someone again? There are already more than 30 people, if someone comes again, the three of us will be completely dead.
The door opened and my eyes lit up.I saw a group of beauties getting out of the car, each wearing black tights, as cold as ice, all holding soft whips in their hands.

I have seen the leading beauty before, and it is Li Caier.At the meeting that Jiang Man announced the establishment of the decoration company, she had spoken.

I have to say that Li Caier is not only beautiful, but also sexy, and has an excellent temperament.It's just that her face was frighteningly cold, and she didn't smile at all.Moreover, the look in the man's eyes is very contemptuous.I have a bold guess that the other party must have suffered a heavy personal emotional blow, and must have been deceived by the man she trusts the most, which is why she hates men, especially lustful men.

From this, I judge that all the members of the Chrysanthemum Club and Li Caier should be in the same situation, because they have been deceived by men and have a common experience.

It's just that I don't understand one thing. The women in the Chrysanthemum Club have extraordinary kung fu. Where did they learn it?Have you ever attended training?For example, Lamei, I saw her kick Maohu three times with one kick.It shows that she has a lot of strength in her legs.As for Li Caier, the boss of the Chrysanthemum Club, his kung fu should be even more extraordinary, not ordinary kung fu, but the kind with internal strength.

It's really strange, Li Cai'er is so young, where does she get her internal strength, who is her master?
At this time, we saw Li Caier bringing a group of members to come to us very quickly. When Lamei saw Li Caier, she was pleasantly surprised: "Sister Caier, you are finally here."

"What did they do to you?"

"not yet."

Xu Yanyan said excitedly: "Okay, now that our people are here, we won't be afraid of these guys anymore."

Mao Hu's expression changed, he stepped back, waved his hands and said to his subordinates: "Catch the thief first and capture the king first. Go for me! Capture Li Cai'er, and I'll give him the credit."

After saying this, he turned around and ran away.Quickly ran to the van.Then the van fled away.

I was very surprised, Mao Hu was so frightened by Li Caier, it was incredible.There is only one possibility, and that is that Mao Hu must have seen Li Caier's power with his own eyes. To put it bluntly, Li Caier must be a ruthless one, and it should be the ruthless **** of the ruthless one. The more than 30 subordinate brothers who came also retreated hastily.

Only Du Da walked up to Li Cai'er in a calm manner, and said seriously, "How about letting Lamei work for me? The annual salary is 30, and the benefits are very good. I won't delay your business. You have business here. She can come back anytime."

(End of this chapter)

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