wife's secret

Chapter 346 Lao Cai collapsed

Chapter 346 Lao Cai collapsed

I couldn't help asking: "I heard someone fighting in the room. Shouldn't the waiter run over there? How could it be a party?"

"My hotel has a principle, as long as the guest enters the room and closes the door, no matter what happens inside, the waiter can't bother."

I became even more curious, "Do you not care if there are fights?"

"Of course we can't control it. Because fighting is a kind of emotional exchange. People who go to restaurants to eat are friends. It's normal to start a fight after drinking too much. There is nothing wrong with it afterwards. If the waiter goes to disturb them, it is equivalent to harassing them. will be hated."

I nodded, "You're right."

I asked the boss to accept the 3000 yuan again, and I said to him, "It's not easy for the waiter to work hard. I can't bear to be injured and hospitalized. 3000 yuan is not much, buy some nutritional supplements for the waiter, and make up for it."

The boss was very moved after accepting the money. He said to me: "Actually, I have known you for a long time. You have come to this small restaurant many times, and you often bring your friends. Once you come and go, I know you. In addition, I found that you are very interested in The sales office across the road is very interesting, every time you come here to eat, you always look through the window to the sales office opposite. You don’t need to say, I can guess what you want to do.”

I was taken aback, "Then tell me, what do I want to do?"

"You want to buy the house in the sales office, don't you?"

I'm surprised, why did the other party say this?
The boss is middle-aged, with a slightly fatter body, bright eyes, and looks very shrewd.I knew there was something in the other party's words, so I nodded deliberately, "You are right, I really want to buy the house in the sales office opposite."

"You have good eyesight. Let me tell you the truth. The sales office across the road has the best geomantic omen. It is called a dragon absorbing water. It is a cornucopia. It's just that you were late, and the sales office was bought by Ninghua Real Estate. "

After the other party finished speaking, his small eyes blinked, and he didn't continue talking.

I thought about what he just said, and I found it to be complete nonsense.No, this person must be trying to say something to me. What he said just now was just to test me.

I took out a cigarette, handed it to the other party, took out the lighter and lit it, and I said, "Your accent doesn't sound like a local, does it?"

"You're right, I'm not a local."

"Who are you, Lao Cai?" I asked abruptly.

Why do I ask this sentence? In fact, when Dunzi and I came to this restaurant for the first time to eat, I remembered very clearly that the owner at that time was not this person.In other words, a few months ago, the restaurant changed owners.Moreover, I heard this person's accent was somewhat similar to that of Lao Cai.Therefore, I boldly guess that this person may be some kind of relative of Lao Cai, and Lao Cai must have asked him to contract this restaurant.

Some people may ask why Lao Cai let his relatives contract this restaurant.I thought of a possibility that the house in the sales office across the road originally belonged to Lao Cai, but was sold to Gu Rushui by his nephew Yan Hao.Lao Cai is an old trickster. He must have guessed that there might be some secrets in the house, such as whether there will be treasures in the underground. It must be out of curiosity. Lao Cai asked his relative, the boss, to contract the restaurant opposite the sales office. Come down, in order to be able to observe the situation of the sales office opposite.If he really finds out that there is a baby, his relative will tell Lao Cai immediately, and then Lao Cai will definitely go to Gu Rushui to get his share.

The other party was surprised, "You know my cousin?"

The other party's words revealed his identity. It turned out that the owner of the restaurant was Lao Cai's cousin.

"Of course I know your cousin. I have a good relationship with him. It's been a long time. How about it, have dinner here tomorrow night, invite your cousin over, and I'll treat him."

"This..." The other party hesitated, "My cousin just gave birth to a son, and his body is a little weak. He has been lying at home recently and is recuperating. I'm afraid he won't be able to come."

I was taken aback, "Is there a mistake? It was your cousin who gave birth, okay? Why is your cousin so weak? It should be your cousin who nourishes his body. Why did things go wrong?"

The other party smiled wryly, "My cousin already has six daughters. In order to be worthy of the ancestors and to continue the incense, my cousin did everything possible to get a folk prescription. After careful deliberation and continuous operation, he finally had a son. Although It’s something to celebrate, it’s a great thing to do. But my cousin is basically out of gas.”

I was taken aback, "Your cousin is not dying, is he?"

"Of course not. It's not that far yet. It's just lying on the bed and needs to recuperate. After a while, you should be able to get out of bed."

My hanging heart suddenly let go.For some reason, I suddenly feel sorry for Lao Cai. It’s not easy for the old guy. He is almost 60 years old, and he is still fighting on the front line to carry on the family. This kind of persistent spirit is worth learning for young people.It can be described as indomitable.

From this, I thought of Jiang Haiyang, the old guy is not easy, and he is struggling on the front line just like Lao Cai.However, the essence of the two people is completely different.Lao Cai has always been farming on one piece of land, and Jiang Haiyang... Well, let's not talk about it, after all, Bai Jie is a female student who just graduated, how could Jiang Haiyang do it.

I transferred 1 yuan to the other party involuntarily, and I said to him: "Use this money to buy nutritional supplements for my wife and restore his health as soon as possible."

The other party was so moved that he didn't know what to say, "Just now you gave me 3000 yuan, and now you have transferred another 1 yuan. You are really a living Bodhisattva."

I have already noticed that this nephew of Lao Cai is very talkative, I am worried that the money I transferred to him will be pocketed by him privately, so I call Lao Cai, "Hello, Lao Cai... I am Chen Yang Ah, that's the boss of Hejude Auction House... that's Chen Yang who rented your house."

It took me a long time to let Lao Cai know who I am.On the phone, I heard Lao Cai speak weakly, "So it's Brother Chen. It's been a long time. I heard that you have become the son-in-law of Ninghua Real Estate Jiang Haiyang. I should congratulate you."

I was stunned for a moment, "Lao Cai, are you confused or something? What kind of door-to-door son-in-law? How did I become a door-to-door son-in-law? Besides, I have a wife. Who did you listen to?"

"Listen to what my nephew Yan Hao said."

I was even more taken aback.How could Yan Hao say such a thing?

However, the other party's words reminded me.I haven't seen Yan Hao for many days, why did this kid go?Could it be that Jiang Haiyang was scared and hid because the transplant operation on Jiang Haiyang was unsuccessful?

Also, a possibility occurred to me.Yan Hao told Lao Cai that I became Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law, which may have something to do with his poor nerves.I suspect it's because of the LSD in him again.

Listening to my silence, Lao Cai continued to ask: "Tell me quickly, have you really become Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law?"

I deliberately teased the other party, "That's right, that's really the case."

"Great, this is great!" The other party suddenly became excited on the phone.I was still weak when I spoke just now, and it was like a different person all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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