wife's secret

Chapter 382 Repressed

Chapter 382 Repressed

"What happened? What happened?" I was taken aback.

"You'll know when you come."

15 minutes later, I appeared at the gate of Wanghai Community.I saw that Du Da was still guarding the door with a group of members of the Dulong Society to perform their duties.Seeing me coming, Du Da pulled me back, "Hey, old guy, this is not where you came from."

Only then did I realize that I was still dressed like an old man. I smiled slightly at Du Da, "Old Du, you have a strong sense of responsibility and deserve praise."

As soon as he heard my voice, he immediately understood and laughed, "So you put on makeup, you are too cruel, I know you like to make yourself into a woman, why did you turn yourself into an old man again?"

"Gu Rushui is looking for me everywhere now, wholeheartedly trying to kill me. If you don't become like this, you won't be able to see me anymore."

Du was taken aback, "How could this happen? Please explain the situation clearly, and I will let the brothers of the Poison Dragon Society protect you."

I shook my head, "Gu Rushui is very powerful. Twenty or thirty of his bodyguards are special personnel who have changed jobs. The members of the Poisonous Dragon Society may be difficult to deal with."

I thought that after hearing this sentence, the other party would definitely say something like you don't have to be afraid.Unexpectedly, after hearing my words, the other party changed his expression slightly, and said, "The special bodyguards are really difficult to deal with. It seems that the only way is to wait for the boss to leave the customs."

I remembered about Xie Lao Liu's retreat, and asked, "How long has Boss been in retreat?"

"It's just been a week. After a month of retreat, the boss' kung fu will become invincible."

After saying goodbye to Du Da, I walked into the community, and I saw a group of people in the distance, bustling and lively, and their voices were still loud.

I walked over and saw that it was Tong Mengna, Lamei and three other beautiful bodyguards.The rest of them had dark faces, wore worn-out denim work clothes, and were greasy and dark.Some of them still wear hats on their heads, which are hard hats.

I figured it out right away.This group of people should be coal miners, and there is no doubt that they are all workers in the Muyi Coal Mine.

I found one of the coal miners, who was covering his crotch with both hands, and his face was very painful. Several other workers supported him, and he was limping towards me.

I headed towards the past, and before I could figure out what was going on, I saw the group of coal miners talking one after another while helping the injured worker walk:
"Too ruthless, simply too ruthless!"

"Are all women so ruthless nowadays? It's unbelievable!"

"It's really hard for me to imagine that little girl is so powerful!"

"I used to have ideas, but now I don't have any ideas, completely gone."


I noticed that these people all had expressions of fear and disbelief on their faces.

I was very curious, and asked a worker who was on the way: "Brother, what's the situation?"

The other party glanced at me, "Old man, are you also here to see the house?"


"Don't look, let's go. It's too dangerous here."

"what happened?"

"Did you see those women in the back? Are they beautiful? Let me tell you, they are all killers, and each one is more ruthless than the other. So, old man, hurry up. Otherwise, it will be too late."

"What's the matter, can this brother explain in detail?"

"Okay." Next, the worker explained to me.

It turned out that this group of workers really came from the coal mine in Muyikai.After Mu Yi came here to look at the house, he was very satisfied with the mandala decoration wood, so he bought the entire real estate in Wanghai Community at one go, and went to the sales office to sign an agreement.After Mu Yi returned to the coal mine, he immediately passed the good news to the workers working in the mine through a loudspeaker.

When the workers heard this, they were immediately excited.The long-awaited house has finally taken shape.This group of workers immediately shouted long live underground, and shouted long live Boss Muyi.Next, the news that made them even more excited came. Mu Yi announced that after the coal miners moved into the Wanghai Community, he would provide wives for everyone. Moreover, Mu Yi was very specific, telling everyone about the Chrysanthemum Club.Mu Yi said that there are more than 100 members of the Chrysanthemum Club, all of whom are beauties, and all of them are single. He plans to hold a sorority with the Chrysanthemum Club in the near future, deepen his relationship with the 100 beauties of the Chrysanthemum Club, and marry all the miners.

It has to be said that Mu Yi is very smart. He wants to use this method to motivate miners to work more and increase productivity.

Today is the rest day for the miners. Someone proposed to look at the houses in the Wanghai community, and this proposal immediately received enthusiastic responses.So, a group of miners set off, and when they arrived at the gate of Wanghai community, they were stopped by Du Da and others on duty. When they found out that these people were here to see the house, Du Da immediately called the sales office and explained the situation.Xiaofang, Tong Mengna, Xiaoqian and other four beautiful bodyguards were promoting and selling to those who came to inquire about buying a house. After receiving a call from Du Da, Xiaofang asked Tong Mengna to take Xiaoqian and the others to Wanghai Community.

When Tong Mengna and others came to Wanghai Community, a group of miners immediately stared straight after seeing them.It is conceivable that this group of workers digs coal in the mine every day, and they hardly see women.Tong Mengna and Xiaoqian are both the best among women, so it's no wonder that the miners' eyes are not straight when they see them.

Tong Mengna is a divorced woman who has experienced it. It is very clear that these miners are actually very simple and honest, and they have no bad intentions.However, Xiaoqian and the other four beautiful bodyguards were otherwise, they hated men's eyes the most, so when they saw the miners with straight eyes, they interpreted them as perverts.

When the four beautiful bodyguards were about to get angry, they were stopped by Tong Mengna. Tong Mengna explained a little understandingly, roughly meaning that they are clients who look at the house, so don't make things stiff.Therefore, Xiaoqian and the three beautiful bodyguards suppressed their anger and followed Tong Mengna, leading the group of miners into the model room to look at the house.

It was also the model room that Mu Yi had seen.When I went in, the miners were so excited that they couldn’t be more excited. The decorative wood made of Datura plant exudes a charming faint fragrance. Muyi’s assistant used instruments to measure it when he went to the primeval forest of Duoliguo. Various data show that the smell of datura can stimulate the hormones in the human body very well.This group of miners stayed in the sample room for less than ten seconds, and the way they looked at the beauties couldn't be described as straight, but they were really a little... lewd.

(End of this chapter)

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