wife's secret

Chapter 383

Chapter 383
The next thing was a bit not so good, this group of coal miners actually confessed their love to the beauties directly.

Why are you in such a hurry?

understandable.Because they heard from the boss Mu Yi that there are only more than 100 beauties in the Chrysanthemum Club, while there are thousands of miners, and there are more monks and less food.Therefore, at that moment, these workers knew very well that if they finally met a beautiful woman, if they didn't confess their love quickly and get it done quickly, they would regret it for the rest of their lives.

Tong Mengna said that she is a person who has experienced it, and she is not used to this kind of thing, so she laughed it off.However, Xiaoqian and the three beautiful bodyguards were otherwise. They were originally angry because of a group of dark miners whose eyes were straightened, but suddenly they frowned when they saw that these people confessed themselves.

Some people may say that women are always complacent about men's confession, even if Xiaoqian and the others are ruthless, they shouldn't be unhappy, they shouldn't frown.

Yes, under normal circumstances, Xiaoqian and the others shouldn't be like this.However, the fault lies in the wrong way of the miner's confession, not knowing how to be subtle, being too direct, or even confessing blindly.

What a blind confession, in fact, he just can't speak.For example, one of the miners actually knelt down to one of the beauties and said, "I love you, marry me." This situation only exists in TV dramas. If you can’t do it like this in reality, you will scare the beautiful women and think you are crazy.

The beauty who was confessed to was Xiaoqian's companion. It was absolutely the first time she saw this situation, and she was so scared that she backed away again and again.I don't know what to say for a while.

The other miner saw that his companion was ahead of him, and he became anxious. This guy is impatient. He also watched too many TV shows. He felt that the direct marriage proposal was not enough, and he needed to be more aggressive. He wanted to win it on the spot. Heavy, no time to fall in love, no time to pick up girls, so he wanted to finalize it right away, to save time.So, this guy hugged Xiaoqian all of a sudden.

This is obviously excessive, not generally excessive, but extremely excessive.Isn't this courting death?
As a hardcore series, Xiaoqian belongs to the hardcore of the hardcore, and immediately kicked the miner who was hugging her, directly kicking her key parts.

That's why I saw a group of miners walking over with the injured on their arms.

After explaining it to me, the miners talked again:

"I really can't tell, that little girl is too ruthless."

"Yes, although she is very beautiful, she is too ruthless after all. It is too dangerous to marry such a woman as a wife."

"Has Boss Mu ever investigated the chrysanthemum club? Are they all ruthless women? Are there any gentle ones? I like gentle ones."

"I also like the gentle type."


While talking, I followed the group of miners to the gate of Wanghai community, and I arranged for Du Da, "Someone send this injured miner brother to the hospital, go to the Third People's Hospital, Department of Endocrinology, the sooner the better."

Du Da was very surprised, "Didn't you look at the house, why did you get hurt?"

"Don't ask why. It's important to save people first. It's too late to go to the hospital. I'm afraid it will decay to zero."

Du Da chuckled, "No problem." Then, he ordered the members of the Dragon Society, "Follow Manager Chen's request as quickly as possible, and send the miner to the hospital as soon as possible."

Seeing that my companion was sent to the hospital by my arrangement, the group of miners was immediately grateful.One of the bearded men held my hand and said, "I am the captain of the No. 80 Coal Digging Team, and my name is Liu Hei. You are very kind, old man. On behalf of all the [-] members of the No. [-] Team, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

I was a little confused, "Thank you?"

"The player who was injured just now is the most capable brother in my team. I can see that he is seriously injured. The beads of sweat on his forehead are as big as broad beans, and he is dripping. I think his dick will not be able to keep it. If you hadn't arranged for my brother to get in the car and go to the hospital immediately, he would probably have died. So, I must thank you."

I said, "Don't be too busy thanking me, you don't know what's going on with your brother, you should hurry up and take your people to the hospital to have a look."

Liu Hei was taken aback, "Is there any problem?"

"It's not that there will be no problems, but there must be problems, and the problems are still very serious. I'm not scaring you, your injured brother is very likely to be deposed."

The other party suddenly showed doubts on his face, "This old man, how do you know?"

"Don't ask so many questions. Go to the hospital quickly."

After sending Liu Hei and a group of miners away, I went back to Wanghai Community and saw beautiful bodyguards such as Tong Mengna and Xiaoqian.

Of course, they didn't recognize me when they first saw me, thinking that I was an old man, until I said, "Don't get me wrong, I'm Chen Yang." Through the voice, they knew it was me.

Before they could get confused, I said first, "Do you know that within two hours of your leaving the sales office, something serious happened and almost killed you."

Then, I told the story of Gu Rushui taking special soldier bodyguards to the sales office and trying to take Xiaofang away by force.

Immediately, several beauties including Tong Mengna and Xiaoqian stared wide-eyed in surprise.Obviously, the news was too sudden.

Tong Mengna said: "Why did Gu Rushui do this? It's simply unreasonable."

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoqian continued to blame herself: "The four of us were entrusted by Sister Cai'er to protect Manager Xiaofang. She almost had an accident. We have neglected our duties, and we are not good at explaining to Sister Cai'er."

I said: "This matter has passed, there is no need to mention it again. But, everyone must remember that Gu Rushui is now like a mad dog, and we must be highly vigilant against him."

After I finished speaking, I mentioned the injury of Liu Hei's brothers, and I said: "These miners are indeed a bit barbaric, and they really don't respect beautiful women enough, but it's enough to teach them a proper lesson, there is no need to kick them. Even Kick them with your feet, and don't kick the key parts. After all, they belong to Boss Muyi. After all, Boss Muyi has bought all the houses in Wanghai Community, and these miners will be the owners of the community in the future. Stability and unity are more important than anything else."

Xiaoqian said angrily: "That miner is so annoying, he hates people too much. Not only did he hug me when he came up, he even..."

Having said that, she blushed slightly and did not continue.

I was curious, "What else did he do to you?"

Hearing my question, I saw Xiaoqian glared at me and said angrily, "You did that to me, don't you understand?"

I froze for a moment, and suddenly understood.

I go!

Could it be that the miner used "poke" on Xiaoqian?

Why do I say that, because of what Xiaoqian said just now, she said don't you understand, which means you should understand.

What do I understand? Thinking of the trick I changed into poking yesterday, I thought of a possibility.Didn’t Muyi ask me for tips on how to pick up girls? After I told him about poking and scratching, he must have imagined and figured it out like a treasure, and then told the miners the essence of poking.

(End of this chapter)

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