wife's secret

Chapter 384 Xiaoqian turned her face

Chapter 384 Xiaoqian turned her face

As for why Muyi told the miners this trick, it is easy to understand. These miners are digging coal under the mine every day, working hard every day, and have little entertainment except digging coal, eating and sleeping.In order to inject some stimulants to the miners, or in other words to get some condiments for the miners, Mu Yi unreservedly passed on the girl-picking skills he had just learned to these miners.

When I thought of this possibility, I was immediately terrified.If I had known this, I wouldn't have told Mu Yi, wouldn't this harm the miners?

To be honest, I have a very affectionate feeling for the miners who dig coal underground all the year round.I think it's not easy for them, they are the cutest people in the world.Without miners digging coal, it is no exaggeration to say that our life would not be rich and colorful.In other words, the miners sacrificed their own abundance to enrich our lives.

Seeing the angry faces of Xiaoqian and the three beautiful bodyguards, I had no choice but to explain, "A group of old men who dig coal every day rarely see women, let alone have the opportunity to touch beautiful women, so when they see you, they are in chaos. It's understandable that you will even become at a loss, don't know where to put your hands, and touch you unintentionally."

"Bah!" Xiaoqian corrected directly, "It's not an unintentional touch, but a real hug. This kind of bold madman, I kicked it lightly."

After Xiaoqian finished speaking, the other three beautiful bodyguards also echoed, filled with righteous indignation.

I know, this thing doesn't look like a big deal to outsiders, but it doesn't to Chrysanthemum.When Xu Yanyan joined the Chrysanthemum Club, I signed the agreement as a family representative. I know the rules of the Chrysanthemum Club, and one of them is very clear. Become a eunuch.Therefore, I have to settle this matter, otherwise, a group of ruthless will not spare the miners.

I quietly pulled Xiaoqian aside to prevent Tong Mengna and the three beautiful bodyguards from hearing me, and said directly to Xiaoqian, "Xiaoqian, I like you."

Some people may say, just talk nonsense, aren’t you looking for death when you say such things? Isn’t it nonsensical for you to suddenly say this when someone is angry?

The person who said this didn't understand at all. This is called attention shifting.After the other party was quietly pulled aside by me, she must have thought that I had something to tell her, and if I confessed to her suddenly, she would divert her attention from the miner.

Of course, the premise of saying this is that the other party must have a good impression of me.I am very confident. When the opponent kicked me yesterday, I squatted down quickly and then poked very quickly. Because of the appropriate strength, the hormones in the opponent's body were instantly stimulated.So, at that moment, the other party experienced the beauty of life.

Originally, I thought that the other party would be shy after hearing my powerful confession, and then I took the opportunity to fool the other party down.Who knows, I was wrong, just as I finished speaking, Xiaoqian suddenly changed her face and shouted, "You old rascal!" Immediately afterwards, the other party actually used Shadowless Kick on me.

Because I am close to the opponent, and I have no defense at all, and the opponent's shadowless kick is really powerful, not to mention the extremely fast speed, but the strength is still great.In this way, I will be miserable, and I can't avoid it at all.

So, to be honest, I hit the opponent's shadowless kick.

Of course, at this moment, I used my mind to guide the familiar heat in my body to my crotch.In this way, I became Iron Shirt.

Just hearing a "poof", Xiaoqian's shadowless foot seemed to kick the cotton.Suddenly, she was taken aback, with an incredible expression on her face, and looked at me in surprise.

When I was proud, I saw the other party yelled again, "You stinky old rascal!" Immediately afterwards, he raised his foot and kicked me again.This time, I saw the opponent's footwork was faster and sharper, one kick was faster than the other, and several afterimages flashed in the air.

I was just about to say that there is something for me, I have a special function now, okay, but before I could speak, I yelled, and within half a second, I was kicked three times in a row by the opponent.This time, I had a feeling, a painful feeling, very painful.

I suddenly realized that when the opponent kicked me for the first time, he didn't use all his strength, it should be merciful.However, when the series of shadowless kicks came just now, [-]% of their skills had been used.

Some people may say, don't you have supernatural powers, don't you know how to make iron cloth shirts, why can't you do it.

Maybe ok if I prepare ahead of time.However, the other party suddenly attacked again, and I was not prepared at all.So it is not surprising to be kicked by the opponent.

There is only one thing I can do now, one word - run!

So I turned around and ran, ran to the gate of Wanghai community in one breath, then continued to run, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.Of course, when I ran to the gate, I heard Du Da's surprised voice whispering past my ears, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Of course I didn't have time to answer.I ran out for several kilometers in one bite, and arrived in a wilderness. After making sure it was safe, I quickly tried to see what it felt like.

I know very well what is the most precious thing for a man.If the ammunition depot is kicked out by the opponent, it is not a bad problem, it is sorrow, sorrow to the extreme.

I tried it quickly, and I felt a dull pain.To be on the safe side, I took off my trousers to check while looking around for no one.After careful inspection, I tried it with my mind, and it was normal, so I was relieved immediately.

I don't understand why Xiaoqian immediately got angry at me when she heard that I confessed to her.Moreover, she also said "old rascal" and "stinky old rascal"~~~What the hell is going on.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't come up with a reason, so I just didn't think about it.I turned my attention to Gu Rushui.

Gu Rushui's behavior today is incredible!
He even used a helicopter to throw flowers from the sky to show his love to Xiaofang, and even hung a banner from the plane.This behavior is beyond reason.You know, he is Jiang Haiyang's visiting son-in-law. If he confesses his love to Xiaofang so boldly, isn't he afraid of being known by Jiang Man and Jiang Haiyang?
There is only one possibility.

Gu Rushui's move is a dead end.He had already decided to break up with Jiang Man, decided to break up with Jiang Haiyang.

So, in order to get Xiaofang, Gu Rushui made such a crazy move in order to get Xiaofang ahead of me and carry out the human creation plan with Xiaofang?He actually disregarded his status?
I suddenly had a bad feeling.Since Gu Rushui is at the bottom of the boat, he will definitely try every means to get Xiaofang.

(End of this chapter)

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