wife's secret

Chapter 453 Hijacked by a Python

Chapter 453 Hijacked by a Python

"Sorry, it's really inconvenient to talk about this matter. What you're curious about now shouldn't be this matter, but why Lily left me to be with Brother Pao?"

Seeing the other party looking at me very seriously, I couldn't help laughing, "Old man, I don't have the time or the mood to listen to you talking about these things. Now our focus is on exploration, and we need to find meteorites right away. What you said It's the little things."

"How can it be a trivial matter, because according to my understanding of Brother Pao, he is likely to come to the primeval forest, and he is not alone, but with Lily."

"Why did you say that?"

"Because of the map of Taoyuan Wonderland."

I suddenly realized that the other party should know a very important secret. This secret is related to this expedition to find meteorites. I immediately said: "Tell me quickly, what is going on with the Taoyuan Wonderland Map?"

"And according to the information I have, the treasure buried in the underground tomb of Sakura Country was not done by the people on Earth, but by aliens. The buried place is very secret and difficult to find. Even if you find it, it will be difficult to open the tomb. The meteorite must be found, the meteorite is the key to the ancient tomb..."

"Meteorites are hard to find. I suspect that they are not in the primeval forest of Duoli. This is a trap. I once analyzed that when Jiang Haiyang and Mu Yi cooperated, someone should secretly put a meteorite in the underground coal mine." The small piece of meteorite, the pattern on it is very similar to the primeval forest of Dolly. It is a human factor. It conveys a message that it is misleading us that the meteorite is in the primeval forest of Dolly. It deliberately made us come to this place. There are other Purpose……"

Before Asyang finished speaking, he heard a strange explosion sound from the depths of the primeval forest, and then saw a very dazzling signal popping up in the sky.

"Not good!" I yelled, "Something went wrong! Something happened to another group of expeditions!"

Teacher Liu's face suddenly changed, "It's Lao Zhou and his gang, what's going on? What happened?"

"Hurry up and call Lao Zhou and the others." Asyang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhou Zhengkang's mobile phone, "Old Zhou, what's the situation? What happened to you?"

"It's the same as the last time we encountered it. The compass doesn't work. The compass doesn't work. Now we've lost our way."

"Approximately where is it now?"

"We walked about 7 kilometers from the virgin forest, and now we feel as if we are in the vast sea, and we are completely lost."

"Don't panic, we're going to find you now, and we'll meet up soon."

Putting down the phone, Asyang said to me: "Old Zhou and the others lost their way after walking 7 kilometers forward. There is only one possibility, that is, they have entered the edge of the meteorite. Now there is no need to doubt, Jiang Haiyang They should not have lied to us, there are indeed meteorites in this place, and it is precisely because of the magnetic field induction effect of the meteorites that Lao Zhou's compass and compass have lost their effect."

Teacher Liu was sweating all of a sudden, "Don't hesitate anymore, saving people is the most important thing. I know that Lao Zhou is not in good health, has a heart problem, and loses his way. He will be anxious, and when he is anxious, he will have a heart attack. So, let's hurry up and find them now."

The teacher spoke, of course I had to listen.I said to Li Shun: "You have to listen at any time, and if you hear anything unusual, please tell us immediately."

Both Xiao Heizi and Old Gun took out their pistols and held them tightly in their hands.

I also took out the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade that Hu Grenade gave me.

I have a strong premonition that something weird is about to happen.At this moment, it was too late to retreat, so I had to bite the bullet and rush in.

Li Shun lay down on the ground to listen to the movement while walking. He had the hardest time. The road on the ground was very uneven. In addition to weeds and gravel, there were also bushes and thorns, which pierced his face. , the ear was pierced, and blood flowed out.

I said to Li Shun: "You have contributed the most this time, and your special function has played a big role here. Regardless of whether you have gained anything this time, I will find a way to compensate you."

"Thank you, Boss Chen. In fact, I have figured it out a long time ago. Money is something outside of the body. People have to live happily. Living alone in this world is to bring out your potential. As long as you don't go in vain in this world Just one pass will do.”

The other party spoke very philosophically, and when I was about to praise him, I heard a rustling sound from the grass in front of me.There was a lot of movement, and the air became chilly.

Everyone was surprised and tensed up.

At this moment, we suddenly found many pythons around.They are all very huge, as thick as a bucket, and they are all very long, making them look scary and creepy.

Without further ado, Xiao Heizi immediately started to grab.I quickly stopped him, "Don't shoot!"

I know very well that there are so many boa constrictors in primeval forests, there may be hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of pythons.We are surrounded by them now, and if we shoot, it will provoke their rage.Their companions will come quickly and continuously.None of us can escape.

Some people may say, don’t you have all kinds of weapons, don’t you have bombs, don’t you have a No. [-] grenade, don’t you still fear pythons?

People who say this kind of thing don't understand at all. If bombs or grenades are used, we will be killed when the python is blown up, and we will die together with the python.

As a last resort, these weapons cannot be used.

Little Heizi was in a hurry, "Why don't you let me shoot? Didn't you see these boa constrictors opened their mouths wide and wanted to eat us? Hurry up and shoot before it's too late, otherwise it's over."

"Absolutely don't shoot, I have a way to deal with them."

I said this to not make everyone nervous, but it was strange to say that as soon as I finished speaking, I saw one of the boa constrictors rushing towards me quickly.I thought it was too late to hide, just when I was at a loss, the boa constrictor suddenly opened its mouth wide, stretched out its long tongue, and sniffed me.

It is common sense that a boa constrictor has no nose, and it relies on its tongue to distinguish taste.

The moment the boa constrictor opened its mouth, my cold sweat broke out. I thought it was going to eat me.However, it didn't intend to attack me, but sniffed my body with its tongue, and I immediately understood that it must be because I had eaten the gall of a male python's net, and my body smelled like a python. The boa constrictor thought of me as one of its kind.

Everyone looked at the python and me with nervous expressions.

Everyone couldn't understand this scene.

Although I was very nervous, my face was very relaxed, and I whispered jokingly: "Everyone can see that the boa constrictor is very friendly to me. Maybe you don't know, it's my first time in Dolly When I was in China, I had dealt with pythons..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly, he saw the boa constrictor raise its head and screamed, as if to convey some message to its companions.

Immediately, several pythons rushed over quickly and surrounded me.Then one of the boa constrictors wrapped me so tightly that I could barely breathe.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, I was hijacked by these pythons.The moment I left the crowd, I saw Xiao Heizi and Lao Qiang. They stomped their feet anxiously. They wanted to shoot but dared not, for fear of hitting me.

Just when they were hesitating, I was hijacked by the python to a far away place.I came to a tree hole. This tree hole is very spacious, bigger than the meeting room when the chiefs hold meetings.The primeval forest is really amazing, some trees are so thick that it is unimaginable.

The fishy smell in this tree hole is particularly strong, and there is a nauseating feeling.I tightly held the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade in my hand, which was my only weapon.

Just when I was very confused and very nervous, a familiar scene appeared, and I saw four magnetic pythons surrounded by a male python appearing in the tree hole.

I saw this scene when I was watching the Dolly TV channel at home, and I immediately understood that this python is the one I ate the guts for, that is, the male python king in the primeval forest.I screamed in my heart that it was not good.It's all over this time.The other party must seek revenge on me.

At this time, I especially hope that An Cai'er can appear by my side.It was she who used her body to lure the male python king, and then got the snake gall.If she is here, she should have a way to deal with each other.

Just when I thought I was going to die, a strange scene happened.When the male boa constrictor king saw me, he was very friendly and nodded towards me, as if to welcome me.Then it made a sound that I couldn't understand.Immediately, all the pythons including itself disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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