wife's secret

Chapter 454 Find Grandpa

Chapter 454 Find Grandpa

How did that happen?

I thought of a possibility. Although I ate the gall of the male boa constrictor king, it might be a blessing in disguise and get an unexpected harvest.

That might be an exaggeration.However, like humans, animals sometimes encounter bad things that may turn into good things. This is what the so-called blessing in disguise means.

I dare say that this male boa constrictor king lost his guts, and he must have gained what he dreamed of, and the credit for this is on my head.

Just when I was about to leave the tree hole, something even more incredible happened.

I saw a faint light coming from the side of the tree hole, I was curious, and I walked in the direction of the light.

After walking about 20 meters away, I found a large long square table suddenly appeared in the tree hole, like a desk in an office.I looked closer to the desk, and there was an ancient painting on it, mountains and rivers, old people and children.

I was taken aback, isn't this a picture of Taoyuan Wonderland?
Yes, I have seen this ancient painting in Yan Hao's office.To be exact, it was on the wall of Xia Mingguang's living room, it was a fake, not real.

This ancient painting, I knew it was genuine just by looking at it.

Don't ask me why I say that.I am an excellent graduate of Ninghuang Institute of Archaeology, and I have very profound skills.

I quickly observed this ancient painting carefully, and immediately I felt that there was a secret in it.Through the faint light, I saw an oval object appearing on the ancient painting. You may not believe it.But I can swear it's true.

Now I finally believe that the map of Taoyuan Wonderland really reveals the information about the comet explosion 60 years ago.The treasures in the ancient tomb under the manor in Sakura Country must have been left by aliens.

I found this oval object hovering over the ancient painting, and I was sure that it was circling the catacomb.

However, the picture of Taoyuan Wonderland is long and wide, so it is difficult to determine where the underground tomb is.

Now I suddenly feel like I am dreaming. This scene happened in front of me only when I was watching a sci-fi movie. It actually happened to me, it is simply unbelievable.

My eyes followed this oval-shaped object to search for it on the ancient painting, and I was dazzled by seeing it, and I couldn't determine the exact location of the underground tomb.

Just when I was in a hurry, suddenly I heard a snoring sound.I was startled, and looked away from the ancient painting, only to realize that there was a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged on the ground beside me, with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

I almost jumped up.

My goodness.

There is actually a person in the tree hole!

However, when I looked at the middle-aged man carefully, I found that he had already sat down.

What is zahua? In layman's terms, it means that a person is already dead, and his thinking consciousness has long since disappeared.However, the body is still there, that is, the flesh does not rot.

I walked cautiously to this person's side, and after taking a closer look, I was taken aback.I found this man very similar in appearance to me.

Things get weird right away, I won't travel through it.

I quickly took out my phone and turned on the mirror function, thought about myself carefully, and compared it with the appearance of this middle-aged man.That's right, the other person's appearance is really very similar to mine.

I immediately thought of a possibility that this middle-aged man was none other than my grandfather.

I recalled the things my adoptive parents told me. After my grandfather entrusted me to my adoptive parents, he left that mountain village and went to nowhere.Later, through reliable information, I knew that my grandfather was looking for meteorites, that is to say, my grandfather had already come to the primeval forest of Dolly Country.

Of course this is just my guess.

At this moment, I was trembling with excitement, and I had to prove this one thing.

I carefully looked at the middle-aged man in front of me. He was sitting cross-legged with kind eyes and closed eyes.The other party was wearing a long gray gown.

Is there something in the other party's pocket?

I rummaged carefully and found a photo from the other party's pocket.When I saw it, I was shocked. It was the same as the photo my adoptive parents showed me. The color had turned yellow. On the front of the photo was a woman from Sakura Country in a kimono, and on the back was written the words Momo Maruko.

It is certain that the woman in Sakura Country in this photo is my grandma.

So, there is no doubt that this man in gray is my grandfather.


I couldn't bear it anymore, I knelt down on the ground in excitement, and kowtowed three times to the middle-aged man.

All things are a mystery.

Why did my grandfather appear in this tree hole, and why did the genuine Taoyuan Fairyland map appear here again.

What about the snoring sound?

I put my hand lightly in front of the man's nostrils, but there was no movement of him exhaling or inhaling.I touched his skin lightly with my hand, and it was slightly elastic.

I think things should be clearer.One such possibility occurred to me.After my grandfather brought me from the country of cherry blossoms to the hot summer, he chose adoptive parents for me. After making arrangements for me, he flew to the country of Duoli.

My grandpa knew about the comet explosion a long time ago, and he knew that the meteorite landed in the primeval forest of Dolly.Of course, before that, he should know another more important thing, and that is an ancient tomb buried underground somewhere in the Sakura Country. That ancient tomb has something to do with aliens, and opening the ancient tomb means harvesting a An unexpected treasure, the key to open the ancient tomb is the meteorite.

Of course, this is just one of the speculations. Many years have passed, and no one knows what happened.For example, why my grandfather appeared in this tree hole, and what is going on with this picture of Taoyuan Wonderland, no one can explain clearly.

It should be a special arrangement given by God in the dark.It should be my grandfather who found this picture of Taoyuan Wonderland, he discovered the secret on the ancient painting, and he brought this picture of Taoyuan Wonderland to Duoli Kingdom.

There is also a possibility that my grandfather discovered the map of Taoyuan Wonderland in the primeval forest of Dolly.

Anyway, no matter how you guess, this is fate.

At this time, I smelled a refreshing fragrance.I understand a little bit, maybe after my grandfather found the picture of Taoyuan Fairyland, in order to understand the secrets on the ancient painting, he found this tree hole and devoted himself to researching it.The process of research is also the process of cultivation.

I suddenly felt that I couldn't disturb Grandpa, I had to get out of here quickly.

I folded the picture of Taoyuan Wonderland on the table and put it in my arms, then left the tree hole.

As soon as I walked out of the tree hole, I heard the sound of snapping, snapping, and the sound came from the air.I looked up and saw two signals popping up in the air one after another.

I understand.

It must be because after I was hijacked by the python, Xiao Heizi and the others were very anxious and sent a distress signal to the air.

I yelled, "I'm here! I'm here!"

However, the vast forest is like the sea, and my voice is too weak to be heard that far.

At this time, something incredible happened.I suddenly heard a familiar voice from inside the tree hole: "Brother Chen, where are you?"

It seems to be Tong Mengna's voice! ?

How is this going?

I thought I heard it wrong, so I quickly held my breath, and when I listened carefully again, it was right, it was Tong Mengna's voice, her voice seemed to be very anxious, "Brother Chen, come here quickly."

It seems that something happened to the other party, and I need to rush over to help.

I hurried back to the tree hole just now, and something that surprised me happened. At this time, the scene in the tree hole changed.The middle-aged man I saw just now disappeared, and the long table that appeared was also gone.

What appeared in front of me was a bedroom, and it was very familiar, it seemed to be Tong Mengna's bedroom.

Someone may ask, you are simply nonsense, you are not dreaming.

Yes, I also suspected that I was dreaming. I raised my hand and slapped myself in the face. The slap was very crisp and painful.I am not dreaming, this is what I see.Before that, I went to see Tong Mengna two to three times a month on average, sometimes during the day and sometimes at night. People who came here knew why I went to see her. There was no need to say too much, it was just for physical needs.So, I am very familiar with her bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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