wife's secret

Chapter 455 Time Travel

Chapter 455 Time Travel
"What's going on here? Why did I appear here?" After seeing Tong Mengna, I asked in amazement at the first sentence.

After hearing my words, the woman's face turned red, "Brother Chen, what's wrong with you? Didn't you ask me to take a shower? I've finished it now, it's up to you."

This sentence was so inexplicable, I realized that the other party was wearing a pajamas, very sexy and charming.

I raised my hand again and slapped myself.

I can say with certainty that I must be dreaming.Obviously I was still in the tree hole just now, obviously I was still in the primeval forest of Dolly Country.Just now, I saw two flares appearing in the air, why am I appearing in the other party's bedroom now.

Seeing me slap myself on the cheek, the other party smiled, "What's wrong with you?"

"Tell me quickly, what's going on, why am I in your bedroom?"

Next, the other party explained.

It turned out that just an hour ago, I called the other party and told the other party that I was going to adventure in the primeval forest of Dolly to look for meteorites, and I wanted to see her before I left.As soon as the other party heard it, she understood that I was actually looking for her for that matter.What's going on, anyone who comes here understands.

She agreed immediately, and she expressed her understanding that I would not be able to return to such a distant place in a short time, so I had to release it in advance.

I arrived at her new house as quickly as possible. Of course, Aunt Liu and Panpan were not at home.In fact, many times when I came to her to cooperate with her, it was she who made an excuse in advance to distract her mother and daughter.

After listening to her explanation, I couldn't be more surprised.Obviously, I am in Dolly, and I am exploring in the primeval forest. I just appeared in a tree hole and saw my grandpa's.Now I actually appeared in the other party's bedroom inexplicably, and I actually cooperated with the other party to do this kind of thing.This thing is too unbelievable.

Of course, at this moment, any man will not be able to stand seeing a sexy and charming partner in pajamas, so I just don't care about it so much, call first and talk about it...

It lasted about half an hour...

After I got dressed, the other party said to me with great concern: "It's very dangerous for you to go to Dolly this time, I know that place is very primitive and backward, especially the women there are dark, ugly and crazy, like A man like you, they won't let you go when you get there. So you have to be careful."

After saying goodbye to the other party, I went downstairs and left the community where the other party lived.I checked the time on my phone and it was exactly 11:30.

I was trying to recall what happened before I came to Duoliguo to fly, and suddenly I remembered something.Before I took the plane, I thought of coming to Tong Mengna.What to do with her, of course, to solve the needs of the problem.Judging from what happened just now, it should be that my thinking consciousness traveled through time and space to do what I wanted to do but didn't have time to do.

Travel through time and space!

Yes, time travel! !
I have seen descriptions of aliens and space things before. There are many wonderful things in the universe, and many of them cannot be explained.Human cognition is too limited, it is simply a drop in the ocean.

I thought of a possibility, the reason why time and space travel happened, I should be where the meteorite is now.That is to say, I have found the meteorite, and it is the magnetic field generated by the meteorite that causes the image of space-time travel.

Thinking of this, I was very excited.Unexpectedly, I came to a place with meteorites so easily, which is called stepping on iron shoes and finding nowhere, and it took no effort at all.

But where are the meteorites?

This will have to wait until I travel back from this place.

Now that I'm back through time travel, there are some things I need to do.

First of all, I want to conduct some investigation on Jiang Man.How could I be so stupid to believe her words so easily, to believe that she and I have a common grandfather.

How to find Jiang Man?

She would be very surprised if I went to her now to meet her.Because to her, I am still in the primeval forest of Dolly.I shouldn't have come back suddenly.

How to do it?

Naturally, I thought about makeup.I had done makeup several times before, three times to be exact, twice as a woman and once as an old man.How should I put on makeup this time, simply, I'll be more ruthless and make up like Gu Rushui.

Some people may say, you are simply too nonsense, how can you write novels as you like.I can say responsibly, just one word: cool.

Of course, you can't talk nonsense, it must be logical and factual.For example, my current situation is very factual and logical, because I am traveling through time and space, which is equivalent to entering a four-dimensional space. In this case, some things can be done as I want.

I immediately came to the beauty shop where I used to put on makeup, and I asked him: "You must know Gu Rushui, the son-in-law of Chairman Jiang Haiyang of Ninghua Real Estate, right?"

"Of course, not only do we know each other, but we are also very familiar with each other. Back then, Boss Gu helped hold the opening ceremony of my beauty shop."

I was taken aback, and after a long time, this beauty shop turned out to serve Gu Rushui.No wonder the last time I was dressed as a woman at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Ninghua real estate sales office, the other party saw through it.This boss must have disclosed the information to Gu Rushui in advance.

Thinking of this, without further ado, I slapped the boss across the face, "Ma La is so hot, hurry up and make me look like Gu Rushui."

The other party was immediately stunned. I slapped me hard, and the other party's face was a little red and swollen, "Boss, why did you beat me up? Also, what do you mean by asking me to turn you into Gu Rushui?"

"Do you know the relationship between me and Gu Rushui? Let me tell you, I am his assistant. Due to work needs, I want to become his substitute now. So, hurry up and put on makeup on me according to his appearance. To the extent that it is fake. After finishing this matter, I will call you 30 yuan."

The other party's eyes widened suddenly, "What are you talking about? I have 30 yuan?"

"Not bad."

"Okay, okay. Great. I'll do as you asked right now."

Two hours later I really turned into Gu Rushui with makeup.

In fact, my height and figure are similar to Gu Rushui's, the only difference is my appearance.The level of this beauty shop is really good. There are many skills in the method of makeup. They made a mask and stuck it on my face.So, I became Gu Rushui.

Watch my performance next.

First, I called Ma Dapao, "Where are you now? I want to meet you."

"Boss, aren't you in Duoliguo? How do you meet me? Do you want me to go to Duoliguo to find you?"

"I'm back. Don't ask so many questions. I'll send you a location, and you can come to me now."

Half an hour later, I met the other party in a cafe.After the other party saw me, he regarded me as Gu Rushui. It took me a long time to make him understand that I was not Gu Rushui, but Chen Yang.

The other party was stunned in surprise, "What the hell is going on? Why am I so confused?"

"I'm more confused than you. Originally, I was exploring in the primeval forest of Dolly, but I came back because I saw a tree hole. I have always suspected that this is time travel. Well, let's not talk about this, let's Let me get down to business now. Let me ask you, where is Jiang Man now?"

"I called you yesterday to tell you that both Jiang Man and Jiang Haiyang disappeared mysteriously. According to reports from the lurking personnel I arranged, Jiang Man and Jiang Haiyang both went to the airport one after another. I have already gone to the airport to check After that, the airport staff kept the whereabouts of individuals secret. However, it is very likely that they all went to Dollyland."

"How is Gu Rushui now?"

"He is now taking over the work of his wife Jiang Man in Ninghua Real Estate. He is currently the acting chairman."

"Now arrange for two people to take me to Ninghua Real Estate Company. I want to meet Gu Rushui."


Mao Dapao called immediately, and soon, two members of the paparazzi came and drove me to Ninghua Real Estate Company.

Why should I go to see Gu Rushui?

My idea is very simple. Now I have put on makeup to look like Gu Rushui. After seeing him, I will kidnap Gu Rushui with two members of the paparazzi, lock him in a room secretly, and then I will come Replace Gu Rushui in charge of Ninghua Real Estate.

(End of this chapter)

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