wife's secret

Chapter 456 Sell it!

Chapter 456 Sell it!

Soon, the car stopped at the gate of Ninghua Real Estate Company.As soon as I got out of the car, the security guard on guard saluted me respectfully, "Hello, chairman."

Only then did I realize that at this moment, after putting on makeup, I had become Gu Rushui.

When I arrived at the door of the chairman's office, I suddenly heard a quiet conversation coming from the office:
"This time, all that has to go is gone. For us, this is a great opportunity. We can't miss this opportunity, otherwise there will be no more regrets."

So very familiar, it turned out to be Xiao Zihang.

"You're right. I've informed the finance department to hold a meeting at two o'clock this afternoon. All the assets have been inventoried and the buyer has been contacted. The other party is a large consortium of multinational companies. The appraisal report just came out yesterday. The total assets of Ninghua Real Estate Including the existing funds, the total value reaches [-] billion. As long as we sign the contract and get the money, we will leave here immediately.”

This is Gu Rushui's voice.

"This matter is very important. All aspects must be fully considered, and there must be no mistakes. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted."

"I have already made a comprehensive arrangement. They are all my own people, and there will be no traitors. How about your side? Have you made arrangements for the Sakura Country? There will be no problem, right?"

"The top leader of Chrysanthemum Road has already prepared a ceremony to welcome you. After the matter is done, we will be done. Let me tell you the truth, you will become the richest man in the world, and there are too many beautiful women in Sakura Country, you can choose whatever you want .”

"For me, the most important thing is to restore my function first. By the way, has that woman named Huagu been found? She is very important to me. I have an intuition that only his acupuncture techniques can restore me. function. Therefore, we must find her."

"Yan Hao has brought a lot of people, divided into several teams, and went to look for Hua Gu. Soon, there will be news about Hua Gu."

"Is this guy reliable?"

"If you are unreliable, you have to be reliable. I have taken some measures against him. He has no choice but to obey the arrangement honestly. Besides, it is good for him to find Hua Gu. Isn't he always intermittent? Acupuncture can help him To change his situation, why not do it.”


I was so surprised to hear these conversations outside the office, I never thought that Xiao Zihang would come back again!

And judging from the conversation, these two people seem to have contacted a big client, some kind of multinational consortium, who actually planned to sell Ninghuai Real Estate Company, and wanted to run away with huge sums of money.

But it's horrible!

I heard very clearly that the other party has already operated very realistically.Already assessed.The value has been determined to be five billion.Moreover, the meeting at 02:30 in the afternoon is probably to summon the person in charge of the other party, and I am afraid that the contract will be signed.Immediately, Ninghua Real Estate Company will disappear, and it will become a large foreign multinational consortium.

My goodness, is there anything crazier than this in the world?

While I was feeling emotional, the door of the office opened, and Gu Rushui came out from inside, looking like he was going to the toilet.Of course, at the same time as the door was opened, the other two paparazzi and I quickly lurked aside.

I quietly followed Gu Rushui, and he really went to the toilet.

I also quietly went to the toilet, and of course the other two members of the paparazzi followed me.I winked at these two men, and they understood what I meant.The two nodded to me, meaning boss, don't worry, we will kidnap this guy and put him in a room secretly.

I swaggered towards Gu Rushui's office, and after entering, I found Xiao Zihang kissing a woman with his arms around her.I was taken aback, this kid was too courageous, the guy who was discussing things secretly with Gu Rushui just now, actually took advantage of Gu Rushui's time to go to the bathroom, and did such a thing?
When I was about to say something, the other party pushed the woman aside and spoke first, "Next, let's talk about Chen Yang."

I suddenly understood.This woman must be a female white-collar worker in Ninghua Real Estate. She must have met Xiao Zihang when he was an assistant to Jiang Haiyang in the company. When he was talking about secret matters with Gu Rushui just now, this female white-collar worker was sitting by the side.

"I think it's time to discuss Chen Yang, you can talk about your views first." I spoke calmly, trying to make my tone similar to that of Gu Rushui.

"Under Jiang Man's arrangement, this kid went to Duoliguo and led a group of teams to the primeval forest to look for meteorites. He never dreamed that after Jiang Man arranged for Xiao Heizi and Lao Qiang to find the meteorite, Chen Yang and the team Kill them all. Jiang Man is ruthless enough. He is not at ease with Xiao Heizi and Lao Qiang. He has already gone to Duoli Kingdom to wait for the rabbit. For us, we must also send people to Duoli Kingdom immediately, and wait until they fight to the death. At that time, they will catch them all, and then the meteorite will be ours. As long as you find the meteorite, you will find the key to open the ancient tomb, and you will be able to find the treasures under the Sakura Kingdom."

I understand, Xiao Zihang already knew about Jiang Man's plan, but he didn't know about Jiang Haiyang's going to Duoli.In order to confirm this, I decided to try it out.I said: "We also have to be wary of Jiang Haiyang. After all, he is an old fox. He will not step down from the chairman's position willingly."

"Don't you know?" Xiao Zihang suddenly looked at me with strange eyes, "Didn't Jiang Haiyang died three days ago? You are his son-in-law, and you presided over his funeral. Why did you suddenly Do you want to be wary of him? He is already dead, so be wary of him, are you afraid that he will not be able to cheat the corpse?"

I was taken aback.

Jiang Haiyang is dead?How is this possible?
Mingming Jiang Haiyang had already left the area by plane.If my predictions are correct, like Jiang Man, Jiang Haiyang also went to Duoli, and he also went there for the meteorite.

As I said before, the mantis catches the cicada and the sparrow is behind. I am the cicada, Jiang Man is the mantis, and Jiang Haiyang is the sparrow.

In just two seconds, a possibility occurred to me.Jiang Haiyang is not dead, he will not die, he must have found a substitute, and announced to the public that he is dead.In fact, the real him has escaped from his shell and gone to Dollyland.

I immediately pretended to be joking and said, "You're right. I'm just afraid of Jiang Haiyang cheating on his corpse. An old fox like this can do any trick. We have to be careful."

"Haha!" The other party laughed, "You are too careful, haven't we already experienced that the guy who died was Jiang Haiyang himself, not a counterfeit. Moreover, his death was very normal, and the report given by the doctor is also It is clearly written. Therefore, there is no need for us to doubt, and there is no need to be afraid."

I was very surprised at what kind of report the doctor would give.

Of course you can't ask.

I said, "What should we do next?"

"According to the plan. At 02:30 in the afternoon, it is very important to have the finance to participate in this meeting. After we sign the contract with Yuan Shaolin, I will return to the country of cherry blossoms and organize a team to go to the country of Dolly. I will bring the most advanced Weapons, the people I leave are the most powerful people who operate special arms, as well as mercenaries. I will wipe out all the enemies."

After the other party finished speaking, he looked at the time displayed on the phone, "It's 02:30 p.m., and there are still three hours. I'll ask Ms. Sasaki to give you a try. Her level is also very high in Sakura Country."

I was taken aback.

The other party actually mentioned Sasaki?
Let the other party give me a try?What do you mean, I can't understand at all.

No, I have to ask, "Thank you for your kindness, but can you explain her technique in more detail."

This kind of question is very tactful, and the other party will definitely not doubt it.

"She used three needles, which is different from Huagu. Although there are a little fewer needles, she still has a better grasp of the acupuncture points. So I suggest you try it, in case it works."

I see.That's what the other party meant.

I was so surprised.

I would never have thought that Sasaki was the other party's person.

At the beginning, Niu Lili once told me that in order to ensure my safety, she specially found a woman named Sasaki from Sakura Country, who was very good at karate and had a seventh-degree black belt.

Judging from the current situation, Niu Lili should have colluded with Xiao Zihang.

(End of this chapter)

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