wife's secret

Chapter 464 The Chief Begins Chapter Memory

Chapter 464 The chief begins to recall

At this moment, I suddenly saw two signal lights rise up in the dark night sky, shining as brightly as during the day.

Just when I was feeling confused, a very clear voice sounded from all around:
"Boss Chen, where are you?"

"Boss Chen, Boss Chen!"

"Did you hear us? Don't be nervous, we'll be right here."


Accompanied by a chaotic sound, I saw torches appearing in front of me, and there were many people.My eyes lit up, it was the chief, Mr. Liu Jiakui, Xiao Heizi and Lao Qiang.

I yelled, "Here I am."

Immediately, everyone looked at me and shouted excitedly:
"Found it, finally found it."

"It turns out that Boss Chen is here."

"It's really good."


Soon, all the people ran over, and the chief took my arm and looked me up and down, "Why are you here? Where did those pythons go?"

I just remembered that I was hijacked by a python.

Of course I can't tell what I saw in the tree hole, and no one would believe me if I told the truth.Of course, I can't tell you about the time travel.If I say it, they must think I am talking in my sleep.

Just as I was about to answer the chief’s words, teacher Liu Jiakui said, “It’s so dangerous. I can see very clearly. Suddenly a group of pythons came. One of them is long and thick, and it immediately coils you up. You ran away. We were all terrified at the time, and when we came to our senses, you disappeared. I thought you were eaten by a boa constrictor."

Speaking of this, Teacher Liu's eyes turned red.

I was a little moved, after all I was his high school student.If something happens to me, he can't explain it.

When I was about to say something, Teacher Liu suddenly picked up his phone and took several pictures of me.

I was a little confused, "Teacher, what are you doing?"

"What happened just now is so interesting and incredible. I'm going to put your story in the group."

I just found out that Mr. Liu's WeChat group is open, and the name of the WeChat group is Teacher-Student Friendship Group.

I remembered that the establishment of this WeChat group was suggested by Yan Hao.At the beginning, when Yan Hao opened the Sunflower Auction House, he suggested that the teacher set up a WeChat group. He wanted to use the resources of the teacher.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Liu's WeChat group has been kept.

Asyang said: "The scene that happened just now is incredible. I don't think it happened for no reason. I suggest that Boss Chen tell me what happened. Everyone will be interested, right?"

Everyone agreed.They all looked at me curiously.

It is understandable that after the boa constrictor hijacked me, I suddenly appeared in this open space without any damage or blood on my body, which made it hard for anyone to understand.

Next, I need to explain.

But this thing can't be explained.Even I don't understand why I suddenly encountered time travel.This is simply unbelievable.If I said it, no one would believe it.

But it doesn't work if you don't explain it.Everyone looked at me helplessly.For me, I also understand.A big living person was suddenly hijacked by a python.Then, suddenly, it appeared again.This cannot be justified in any case.

I said, "Haven't you heard of time travel?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Xiao Heizi said: "Boss Chen, what time is this, and you still say such inexplicable words, danger is coming at any time. Please tell us what happened, we still need to hurry to find the meteorite Woolen cloth."

"You haven't heard of space-time travel, so you must know what four-dimensional space is?"

Little Heizi became a little anxious, "Boss Chen, what's wrong with you? Why did you say these things suddenly? You talked about space-time travel for a while, and now you talk about four-dimensional space. You won't tell us that you have encountered all these things, right?"

I sighed helplessly, "I know you won't believe me when I say it, but I still have to say it. What you just said is right. These things did happen to me. The time travel did happen. On my body."

Xiao Heizi smiled: "I heard before, Boss Chen, that you have been poisoned by pythons. You must have hallucinations. However, I am still curious about where those pythons went. Obviously I saw them hijack you with my own eyes. You left, why did you suddenly appear here? It's unbelievable."

Both Liu Jiakui and Asiyang looked at me in surprise. Among them, Teacher Liu walked up to me and tried it on my forehead, "I don't have a fever, you don't have a fever. You shouldn't be talking nonsense."

Only the chief seemed to be very calm.

I immediately guessed that the chief must have experienced something, which should be similar to what I experienced.It should also be incredible.

Sure enough, the chief fixed his eyes on my face and said, "Did you have a dream just now?"


"Yes. The things you just said have happened to me. I also had such a dream. Let me ask you now, do you dream that there is a tree hole in which there is a middle-aged man in gray clothes? Nian sitting cross-legged on the ground? Is there such a thing?"

I was taken aback, "Yeah, how did you know that?"

"Because I also had such a dream. I also had an experience similar to yours."

Next, the chief explained.

It turned out that three years ago, the time travel also happened to the chief. Of course, the chief didn't know it was time travel, he thought he was dreaming.

This is the specific situation.

Three years ago, his father-in-law, the king of Dolly, celebrated his 66th birthday. In order to celebrate his father-in-law's birthday, he went to the primeval forest to find a plant.This is a very special plant, similar to Ganoderma lucidum, after eating it, it has the effect of rejuvenating.

Of course, this plant is particularly hard to find.Why did the chief go to the forest alone to look for it at such a great risk?
Because his father-in-law, the king of Dolly, was too kind to him.When the chief came here when he was young, he was summoned by the king, gave him the best treatment, and then married his daughter to him as his wife.Over the years, the chief has been grateful to his father-in-law and has always wanted to repay his father-in-law.

How can I repay it? The king has everything, lacks nothing, and is very rich.Three years ago, the chief heard a news. He heard from the primitive tribe that there is a very special plant in the primitive forest. After eating it, it can quickly increase hormones and quickly restore people's physical strength. The chief was very happy when he heard it. Immediately set off to the virgin forest.

Some people may say, you are simply nonsense, even if the chief goes to the primeval forest to find that special plant for his father-in-law, it is impossible to go alone.He must have brought a group of young men with him. The forest is so dangerous, how could he go alone.

Regarding this issue, the chief explained, "Only if I go alone can I show my sincerity. To be honest, my father-in-law is really kind to me. There are three primitive tribes in Dolly, and the three tribes The chiefs are all sons-in-law of the king. The king treats me far better than the other two. In this case, I must do something for my father-in-law."

Next, the chief went on to explain his adventure.

After arriving in the primeval forest, the chief tried his best but failed to find that strange plant.Just when he was feeling particularly anxious, many pythons suddenly appeared from a distance.All of a sudden the chief was surrounded.

The chief was terrified at once, thinking that he was completely finished and would definitely be eaten by the boa constrictor.Just when he was scared out of his wits, something incredible happened.After the python surrounded him, it quickly rolled up his body, and then quickly left the scene.

When the chief woke up from his stupor, he found himself in a tree hole.There was a middle-aged man, wearing a gray robe, sitting cross-legged on the ground, as if he was practicing.

The chief's first reaction was to think that he was dreaming. Like me, he also raised his hand and slapped himself.

Just when the chief was puzzled, he suddenly found a bar-shaped tea table next to the tree hole with a wooden tray on it, and the special plants in it were exactly the kind of special plants he had dreamed of.

(End of this chapter)

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