wife's secret

Chapter 465 Demon Voice Reappearance

Chapter 465 Demon Voice Reappearance
After hearing the chief's explanation, I couldn't be more surprised, "What did you say, chief? Did you really come across the same tree hole? Did you really see a middle-aged man in gray clothes?"

"Yes, it is indeed true. All along, I thought I had a dream, but just now when I heard you say that I also encountered the same thing, I recalled what happened to me, That's when I realized that it was real, not fake."

I suddenly understood.

The situation I encountered belongs to time travel, and the situation that happened to the chief belongs to time travel just like me.

I have a speculation that there is a particularly strong magnetic field in the primeval forest.Space-time travel should be related to this magnetic field.

After I said my thoughts, everyone looked at me in surprise.

Xiao Heizi said: "What is this? Why does it sound so mysterious? I have read fantasy novels before, and this kind of situation seems to be only found in novels, but it actually happened in reality? It's unbelievable."

The chief doesn't know what time travel is, let me explain it to him.

I said: "Simply put, time travel is traveling back and forth between two worlds. This situation is very strange, but it is not impossible. There are too many things in the universe that we do not understand, and our knowledge is too limited Yes. Now, I have every reason to believe that the fragments of the comet explosion landed here, and the phenomenon of space-time travel should be directly related to the fragments of the explosion. The fragments of the explosion are meteorites, and meteorites have produced a huge magnetic field. The phenomenon of space-time travel is produced under the action of the magnetic field."

The chief still doesn't understand, let me be more specific.

So, I told what happened just now when I left the primeval forest and returned to Ningzhou City.

After listening, Xiao Heizi was very surprised, "What did you say? During the few days we left, Gu Rushui actually sold the Ninghua real estate in partnership? Isn't he too courageous? How could he do such a thing? This kind of thing. It’s hard for me to believe it.”

Lao Qiang, who had been silent all this time, also spoke, "Boss Chen, what did you just say? Your wife brought a team to Duoliguo to find you?"

"Yes. She said that she was very worried about my safety, so she came to Dolly to save me. Of course, her strength alone is not enough. She came back from the island this time and brought a team. She took all those people brought them all."

Lao Qiang had an unbelievable expression on his face, "Boss Chen, what you said is like a dream. How could your wife come to Duoliguo? She even brought a team with her? This is simply unbelievable. "

"I understand what you said. In fact, I feel the same as you, and it's hard for me to believe it. However, this matter is true."

I don't think there's any need to hide it.

I took out the blackened stone from my pocket and showed it to everyone, "Take a look, this is a meteorite. This is what the fragments fell into this virgin forest after the comet exploded 60 years ago."

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly.They all leaned forward and observed the stone in my hand together.

However, when they saw that there was nothing special about this stone, they shook their heads again and again, with indescribable expressions on their faces.Does that mean this is a meteorite?A bit too much, right?

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, I told the story of what I saw the oval object land on the open space.I said emphatically: "According to my judgment, that oval-shaped object should be the spacecraft of aliens. To be precise, it should be aliens from a comet. After the comet exploded 60 years ago, the aliens living on Mars People have nowhere to go, they should have gone to another planet. They came to the earth to take away the fragments left on the earth, these fragments are meteorites with their secrets, and they don’t want to leave their secrets to the earth people.”

Little Heizi asked: "But, what about this black tongue in your hand? You wouldn't say it was a souvenir given to you by aliens, would you?"

"Of course not a souvenir, this is a special gift from my grandfather."

"What did you say? You met your grandpa?"

"Yes, I have reason to believe that the middle-aged man in the gray clothes is my grandfather. At first, I saw him in the tree hole, and then when the oval object fell to the ground, the middle-aged A man walked out, holding this stone in his hand. He handed it to me very solemnly. Although he didn't speak to me, I can feel that this stone is very special... "

"I once analyzed that my grandfather must have made some kind of deal with the aliens, or reached some kind of agreement. So the aliens specially left a meteorite for my grandfather, and my grandfather gave it to me."

After listening to my explanation, all of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

At this moment, I saw Li Shun laying motionless on the ground with a serious expression on his face.He must have heard something unusual in the distance through his ears.

None of us dare to disturb him, we dare not speak, we dare not disturb him.

After dozens of seconds, Li Shuncong stood up on the ground, "I heard that snoring sound just now."

I was taken aback, "Can you explain in more detail."

Then the other party explained.

It turned out that while we were talking, Li Shun was listening and paying attention to the movement around him. There was a sound of snoring not far from us. Stay close to the ground and listen carefully.

On this day, I heard a problem.

Compared with the situation when I first entered the virgin forest, the sound of snoring was very clear, and I was talking while snoring.Of course, he was talking to himself, talking in sleep, "Come on, all of you, come here, come one, eat one, come two, eat two..."

When Li Shun described this sentence, the expression on his face was terrified.

Everyone was horrified.

The chief said: "This is really strange. It is impossible for such a thing to happen. What is going on here? Is there really a man-eating demon in this world?"

I said: "Everyone, don't panic. I can judge now. The sound you said just now should be man-made. The sound of someone snoring and talking came from a tape recorder. Before we set off for the virgin forest, this person came in advance. Going deep into the primeval forest, playing these sounds for us, deliberately creating a tense atmosphere, deliberately scaring us, it must be like this."

When I say this, everyone is a little relieved.

Xiao Heizi nodded repeatedly, "What you said is very reasonable. It should be so. This person is very bad. He should know that we came to the primeval forest to find meteorites. As for this person, his purpose should be the same as ours. To prevent We entered early, in order to avoid us snatching it, so this person resorted to shameless means."

I said, "You are right, but this man made a mistake, because now that we have found the meteorite, there is no need for us to venture deep into the primeval forest. We can return now."

Little Heizi said, "I still find it hard to believe, is this black rock you are holding really a meteorite? How can you prove it?"

Asyang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "I brought a measuring instrument, let me measure it to see if there is anything special about this stone."

After speaking, he opened the luggage bag he was carrying, took out a magnifying glass from it, and took out a small box-shaped object, and dropped the stone in my hand. The small box-shaped object opened the lid and put the stone in the Inside, use a magnifying glass to carefully observe the stone.

After watching for a long time, the expression on his face did not change.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, quickly opened the bag again, and took out a very small thing from it. yellow.

Asyang connected the thing he held in his hand with the object in the shape of the small box just now, and then he pressed the button, and heard a faint sound from inside the small box.Then he quickly picked up the magnifying glass and carefully observed the black stone.

(End of this chapter)

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