wife's secret

Chapter 471 Give It 1 Grenade

Chapter 471 Give it a grenade
"It turned out that there was an airplane accident. So, can you tell me what happened?"

Next, the chief explained.

It turned out that just two weeks ago, a plane from Dollyland accidentally crashed while passing through this virgin forest.The king was shocked when he heard the news, and he immediately ordered an investigation into the plane accident.The king asked that the results of the investigation not come out, and all flights could not be flown.Of course, his special plane can be an exception.Because the king's private plane has the highest safety factor, there is absolutely no problem.

I said, "It's a good plane, why did it land suddenly when passing through this virgin forest. What's the situation?"

The chief explained.

It turned out that two weeks ago, a man came from Sakura Country. After he arrived in Dolly Country, he sent out an advertisement to recruit brave young men, looking for young men with experience, especially forest exploration experience. The price he offered was very high , and soon found more than 20 local primitive tribes with great experience.

Then the man took the twenty young men to the Sakura Country by plane, and when they passed through this virgin forest, the plane disappeared.The chief said sadly: "It's a pity. These twenty young men are the best young men in Dolly. They are very brave, very capable, and have a lot of experience in forest exploration. They just disappeared inexplicably. I am so sad. gone."

I suddenly had a premonition that the plane would not crash or disappear for no reason. Is there any conspiracy in this?
I asked, "Chief, can you tell me what the man from Sakura Country looks like? Do you have a picture of him?"

Why do I ask this, because when I heard the word Sakura Country, my nerves suddenly became tense.If this man wasn't from Sakura Country, maybe I wouldn't care, it's because I'm from Sakura Country that I care.

It is impossible for someone to say that you are simply nonsense, does it have anything to do with you whether you come from the Sakura Kingdom, you care about me.

I can say responsibly that I already had a very strong premonition.The ancient tomb buried by aliens in the Sakura Country must have a shocking secret, which has attracted the interest of many people.In the future, this ancient tomb will definitely create waves in Sakura Country.

I suspect that this man from Sakura Country is also looking for meteorites.

The chief said: "I've seen that man from Sakura Country. He's about 30 years old. I even had dinner with him. I happen to have a photo of him in my mobile phone. I'll find it and you can take a look."

After the chief finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and looked through it, found a group photo, and handed the phone to me. The chief pointed to someone in the group photo and said to me: "Look, it's him, this is the person from the Sakura Kingdom. That man."

After I saw it, I was taken aback.

This man is none other than Xiao Zihang.

I suddenly felt a little confused.

I remember very clearly that just this morning, I traveled through time and space and returned to Ningzhou City. I returned to Ninghua Real Estate Company and met the other party.Moreover, I learned through the other party that he has joined forces with Gu Rushui to sell the company.

In a small meeting room, I participated in the signing ceremony, and I controlled Gu Rushui.When signing, I tore the contract to pieces, and then I punched Xiao Zihang unconscious, and then I controlled both Xiao Zihang and Yuan Shaolin.

What's going on here, how did Xiao Zihang appear in Duoliguo?And actually crashed into this virgin forest by plane?Suddenly, I felt a little dazed and my thinking was a little confused.

The chief said: "After this man came to Dolly, he was very generous and brought a lot of gifts. He also went to the king and discussed important matters with the king. The king is also my father-in-law, and arranged for me to treat this man to dinner. This man Very capable and at a high level, this is a young man who has done a lot. Unfortunately, if I say correctly, the plane crashed, this young man and more than 20 lads in Dollyland were killed."

I asked, "Did the king send anyone here to look for the plane after it disappeared?"

"After the king got the news at the first time, he was very anxious. He immediately sent his special plane and searched for three days and three nights, but unfortunately there was no news. He searched the entire forest, but found nothing missing. that plane."

I asked for Asyang's opinion: "What do you think about this matter?"

"This is an ordinary plane disappearance. It is normal to find the missing plane. Because the forest is really like the sea. If a plane falls into it, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is very difficult to find."

When he said this, he was very serious and serious.

However, thinking of the fact that he was good at making the sign of the cross on his chest just now, and yelling one after another, it was a revelation from the heart.

I suspect that this guy is a foreign missionary. His identity is not that simple. This is a person with a history.

Liu Jiakui said: "Although this matter is very important, it is not what we are concerned about at the moment. I checked the time just now, and it is already ten o'clock in the evening. Didn't the chief say that he would send a special plane to pick us up? The time should be coming soon. We should Be prepared in advance, as soon as the aircraft appears, we will transmit the signal immediately. Otherwise, we may miss it."

As soon as Teacher Liu finished speaking, as if cooperating with him, there was a rumbling sound from the distant sky, and a plane was slowly flying over from a distance. Of course, it was a helicopter.

"Hurry up and fire the flare!" I yelled.

But no one responded.

I just remembered that Shunfenger Li Shun was responsible for the mission of transmitting the signal. He is not here now. He picked up Xiao Heizi after he was shot, and he did not know where he went.

The worst thing was that the flare gun and flares were on Li Shun's body, and they were taken away by him.So, there is no way to send a signal right now.

The chief told the seven or eight primitive tribe members he brought with him loudly: "Light it up, light it up quickly."

Immediately after hearing his order, a lad climbed a tree like a monkey.This is a very tall tree.The young man quickly climbed to the top of the tree, then took out the ignition tool, and set the branch on fire in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, thick smoke billowed up.

After seeing the thick smoke, the plane card in the distance quickly flew towards this side.

The plane was getting closer and soon, it appeared above our heads.

I looked up, and it was indeed a special plane with the unique logo of Dolly on it.

The chief shouted happily: "The special plane! This is the special plane! This is the king's special plane! Now it's all over, we will be able to walk out of this virgin forest soon..."

At this time, the plane began to land slowly, and I suddenly found that something was wrong. The plane was not too high from the ground, about 50 meters or so.I could see clearly that there was a man in a kimono sitting in the cockpit of the plane. The man who flew the plane seemed to be from the country of Sakura.

This is not right, this plane turned out to be the plane of the king of Dolly, and the person who flew the plane should of course be a local of Dolly.How did you become a native of Sakura Country?

Just when I felt something was wrong, suddenly, I saw the cabin of the plane opened, and the guy who flew the plane was holding a miniature submachine gun in his hand, and started shooting at the bottom: da da da...

Since I had been prepared for a long time, the moment I saw the opponent pick up the submachine gun, I quickly hid in the grass.The chief was yelling excitedly, so he was unprepared at all, and the bullets fired from the machine gun hit him.

The chief yelled and fell to the ground, and the young men of the seven or eight tribes under him suddenly turned pale with fright.This scene happened so suddenly. How could they have thought that a person with a submachine gun would appear among the king's experts. This was really unexpected.

These seven or eight young men were also well-trained. After seeing the chief shot, they immediately lifted the chief up and fled quickly.

Without hesitation, I took out the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade that Hu Grenade gave me from my pocket, and after turning on the button, I threw it at the plane above my head.

I used a lot of strength. Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to throw it so high.Now that I have special powers, I not only threw the grenade on the plane, but also threw it into the cockpit without error.

(End of this chapter)

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