wife's secret

Chapter 472 Stuffed In A Tree Hole

Chapter 472 Stuffed In A Tree Hole
In this way, it will be lively and big things will happen.

The guy who was flying the helicopter was shooting at the scare with a submachine gun. He was proud of it. How could he have thought that a grenade suddenly came up from below and happened to enter his cockpit, just as he was puzzled. At that moment, the grenade exploded.


The sound was very loud, and after an explosion, the helicopter was instantly shattered into pieces in the air.The driver who was shooting with a submachine gun was instantly blown to pieces.

Thick smoke billowed, and after the plane was turned into pieces, it disappeared in an instant.

Everyone was stunned and terrified.It is conceivable that this came down so suddenly, no one thought that I would suddenly throw a grenade from the small plane.

In fact, even I was stunned and stunned.

Just now, I thought of a grenade in my arms in a hurry, so I took it out.I was holding the attitude of giving it a try, but I didn't expect that it was so accurate that I threw the grenade into the cabin of the plane all at once.

Of course, I also understand that this is because of the special function in my body.Ever since I entered the tree hole and met my grandpa, I have had this special ability.

At this moment, a creepy scream suddenly came from another direction in the forest, "Ahhhh~~~~~"

The voice is very sharp and sounds scary.

Some people may say that you are simply nonsense.Didn't you say that this primeval forest is like the vast ocean? If someone screams in another place, it is impossible to hear it.

This made sense, but there were indeed screams.I thought of a possibility that there must be people lurking in the other direction of the forest.The accident startled the man when there was a sudden explosion in the sky.So, in panic, he screamed.

When I was thinking about it, suddenly there was a scream from the same room from another direction in the forest, "Ahhhh~~~"

I don't think so.

Just like my judgment just now, there must be several groups of people lurking in this forest, so it's not surprising.This person must have been frightened by the sudden change just now.

Next, I judged that screams should come from different directions one after another.For me, it's really a great opportunity for us as a team.From this, I can judge how many enemies are lurking in the forest.

Someone may ask, what are you talking about, why are there so many people lurking in the forest?

There is no doubt that these people came for the meteorite.

According to the information I have so far, Jiang Man has already arrived in the virgin forest. After I punched her off her fake face, she showed her ugly face and ran away in fright.The other is Jiang Haiyang.I already know that Jiang Haiyang also quietly came to Dollyland.As I said earlier, the mantis catches the cicada and the sparrow follows.

However, just not long ago, I got another unexpected news from the chief. He said that Xiao Zihang came to the country of cherry blossoms to find more than 20 young people. When he was flying through this virgin forest, the plane suddenly disappeared.

In addition, after I returned to Ningzhou through time travel, I saw with my own eyes that after my wife heard that I was in danger in Duoli, she immediately brought the team she brought back from the island to Duoli.

In short, there are more than one group of people in this primeval forest.

Just as I was thinking about it, another voice came from another direction, but this time it was not a creepy scream, but a laughing voice, "Hahahaha~~~"

The voice sounded very familiar. After listening carefully, I was taken aback.

This is Jiang Haiyang's voice.

Some people may say that you are simply nonsense.In this vast forest, if someone laughs, you can clearly hear Jiang Haiyang's voice, which is incredible.

It's not incredible, it's real.I'm too sensitive to Jiang Haiyang's voice.To be sure, I have long been wary of him.I know very well that Jiang Haiyang is an old fox, even though Jiang Man pretends to be his illegitimate daughter, it seems that Jiang Haiyang has been deceived.However, no one can guarantee that this is Jiang Haiyang's trick.

There is such a possibility that Jiang Haiyang knew that Jiang Man was from the country of Sakura, and knew that the other party was pretending to be his illegitimate daughter, but he deliberately didn't expose it. He knew that the other party wanted to use him.So, he will plan.

My fear is well founded.

Just take the laughter just now as an example. The plane suddenly exploded. This accident is big enough. Normally, no matter the group of people lurking in the forest, they will be scared when they see the sudden scene in the sky. screaming, but Jiang Haiyang was very calm. Instead of screaming, he let out a smug laugh.

What is this indicating?

It shows that Jiang Haiyang is not surprised that the plane exploded, as if he knew that this kind of thing would happen in advance.

From this I thought of a possibility.The plane explosion was probably directed and operated by Jiang Haiyang.

I asked the chief: "Did you see clearly just now, is the plane that exploded just now really the king's special plane?"

"It's not bad at all. I saw it clearly just now. The Dolly logo on the plane is definitely the king's special plane." Speaking of this, the chief showed a strange expression on his face, "It's incredible, I saw it very clearly just now , the person flying the plane is not from Duoli, he is wearing a suit, so he should be from Sakura. What's going on here?"

"If I'm not wrong, the king's special plane should be hijacked." I didn't have time to explain too much, and immediately ordered everyone to lurk, "It's dangerous, everyone, be careful, don't make a sound, don't talk."

I heard it clearly, not far ahead, I heard Jiang Haiyang laughing.There is a possibility that this old guy has known about the explosion of the plane for a long time. Perhaps, this incident has something to do with him. It turns out that he really came to Dolly.

Just like my previous judgment, after Jiang Man asked me to come to Dolly Country, she followed.Jiang Haiyang also came.The mantis catches the cicada and the sparrow is behind.

Everyone was startled by my actions, and they all lurked in the grass, not daring to say a word.

I hold the meteorite tightly in the palm of my hand.It's clear to me that everyone is here looking for it.I must protect the meteorite and not let anyone snatch it away.

At this moment, my cell phone rang, and I checked the number, and it was from Dunzi.

I connected to the mobile phone, and the voice was very low, "Dunzi, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you ask me to pick up a woman at the airport? I have already received it. I will tell you about her situation now. This woman is called Gu Xiaoxiao, who seems to be Gu Rushui's younger sister. I don't understand, Gu Rushui's What is my sister doing in Duoliguo by plane, I suspect that she is not good for you, so I temporarily controlled her."

"How do you control it?"

"There are many tree holes in the forest. I tied her hands and feet and stuffed them into a tree hole. Don't worry, she can't run away, and her life will not be in danger."

"You are just messing around, how can you tie her up, let her go!"

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so excited? You know, Gu Rushui is your sworn enemy. This woman is Gu Rushui's younger sister. Why did she come to Duoliguo for no reason? I guess it must be sent by Gu Rushui. It's definitely not good for you."

"Don't talk nonsense. This woman has another purpose here. You must not hurt her, take good care of her, and protect her."

Tunzi suddenly realized something, as if he understood something. On the phone, he chuckled and said, "I understand. So you treat others like others."

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't Gu Rushui have sex with your wife? So in order to get revenge on Gu Rushui, you tried to get along with his sister. If I guessed correctly, you must have sent his sister to Duoliguo by plane, you You want to use her as a hostage, don't you?"

"Hostage? What do you mean?"

"Now, a large number of people have come here to look for meteorites. Gu Rushui will definitely come, and he must bring a group of teams. I guess Gu Rushui must have made comprehensive preparations. So, you thought of this , tricked his sister here, and used her as a hostage to blackmail Gu Rushui."

(End of this chapter)

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