wife's secret

Chapter 484 Fake face reappears?

Chapter 484 Fake face reappears?

The young man turned around and was about to run, I stopped him: "Don't run, go get the wine, your best liquor, higher alcohol content, the higher the better, hurry up."

After the young man left, I realized that the two women were looking at me in surprise.I suddenly realized that I was too careless in my words just now. Although I thought in my heart that I wanted high liquor to get them both drunk, I couldn't say it out.

I accidentally said it just now, and they overheard me.I must think that I am a person with ulterior motives and have evil intentions towards them.

What can I do?

I immediately had an idea, I laughed and said to the two of them: "Maybe you don't know, this time I went to the primeval forest of Duoli and found a treasure. This is a meteorite. Have you heard of it? 60 years ago , A comet exploded when it passed the earth, causing a lot of fragments, and landed in the primeval forest of Dolly. I went to Dolly this time to find these meteorites, and I finally succeeded, and I found them.”

After that, I subconsciously pulled my hand into my pocket, and when I was about to touch the meteorite, it was empty.I suddenly remembered that the meteorite was also in Jiang Haiyang's hands.Just as Jiang Haiyang was driving me away from the primeval forest, he was suddenly attacked by Xiao Zihang from behind.

I parachuted out of the plane, Jiang Haiyang should have been shot and died.So, what about the meteorite, where did the meteorite go?
All of a sudden I'm out of ideas.

Those who worked so hard to go to Dolly to look for meteorites, finally found it, but didn't know where they got it in a panic, what should they do.

Both women laughed and said almost in unison: "What the hell are you doing? What did you say just now? Meteorites are not meteorites. You said, you went to the primeval forest of Duoli to find this thing. Where is it? How is it? Can’t get it out?”

I couldn't explain it, so I had to say: "I don't have anything good right now, I just want to say one thing, I encountered a space-time tunnel in Duoli this time. I suddenly appeared in the office of the decoration company, and I passed through the space-time tunnel. You guys You must not understand, I only have one request, let's drink and get drunk, after drinking, I will tell you the truth."

What I said is very illogical. It can be said that it is full of loopholes and very illogical.How can someone talk like this? Doesn't this clearly express the meaning of wanting to get the other party drunk?

I guess these two women will laugh and sarcasm at me after hearing this.For example, I know Xu Yanyan too well, she will definitely tell me, I knew you didn't have any good intentions, I was drunk by you last time, and this time you still want to get me drunk, I don't need scissors to teach me a lesson, You don't know how good I am, wait a minute.

Unexpectedly, after hearing my words, these two women did not express any particular disgust, but widened their eyes in surprise.

Li Caier smiled slightly, "So you want to tell the truth after drinking, well, I will satisfy your request, so I will drink white wine, and I will drink with you. Remember, you are a man, you must keep your word, drink After drinking, you must tell the story of how you appeared in the decoration company's office, you can't lie, say what you have."

The other party spoke in such a calm tone that I gasped.Maybe I was wrong, the other party may have a lot of alcohol, otherwise, why would he say that?
I thought it was too late to back off, so I had to bite the bullet and agree, "Thank you for your kindness. In fact, I should have bought you a drink a long time ago. You and the members of the Chrysanthemum Club are responsible for protecting my safety. I am very grateful to you. I should invite you." You are here for dinner. However, due to too many things and too busy business recently, I have not had the opportunity to invite you. How about this, I invite you tonight as a light meal. After a while, I will invite all members of the Chrysanthemum Club to the five-star hotel What do you think of the hotel dinner?"

"What you say counts."

Just like that, the waiter brought liquor, and it was the same young man.After he put down the bottle, he winked at me.

I understand what he means, he must have something to say to me, it's not convenient here.I made an excuse and walked out.The young man pulled me to a corner where no one could hear me, and said to me in a low voice, "I've figured it out, and I decided to cooperate with you."

I didn't understand what the other party meant.


What do you mean?
How to cooperate?

Did I ask you to cooperate?
What are you guys doing?

Seeing doubts on my face, the young man explained.After listening to his explanation, I really couldn't laugh or cry.

It turned out that the young man misunderstood, he thought that I had thoughts about Li Cai'er, and I had already thought about it, so I served baijiu, high-alcohol baijiu, with only one purpose, to get the other party drunk.When drunk, do bad things.

The young man said to me, "Actually, I can tell that that woman can't drink normally. In order to ensure your success, I did something secretly. Don't you have two bottles of liquor? You drink the one on the left and the other on the right." Give her a bottle, don't get it wrong."

After the young man finished speaking, he added, "After getting her drunk, you can do what you want. Don't worry, no one here will bother you. I won't let anyone near your room. "

I said: "Aren't you fooling around? How could you do this? In fact, you are wrong, I am not that kind of person. You are right, I have the idea of ​​getting the other party drunk, but after getting the other party drunk , I don't want to do what you said, I have my own ideas."

"Haha, don't make excuses. What else can a man think about when he gets a woman drunk, isn't that what he thinks about. In addition, you also asked a woman to help, isn't that what you mean. I wish you success, that woman is too cruel I'm still hurting so much. Just think of it as your revenge for me."

After the young man finished speaking, he turned and left.

I suddenly felt very speechless.

However, I have no choice.I admit that what this young man said is very reasonable. Li Caier must be fully prepared. She must have a lot of alcohol, and I must not be able to drink her.Before I get her drunk, she must have gotten me drunk.

Since the young man tampered with another bottle of liquor, he might as well take advantage of it.


An hour later, I successfully got Li Caier drunk.

I won't go into the details here, just like what the young man said, Li Cai'er really drinks a lot.Fortunately, the young man drugged the other party's wine.

Not only Li Caier was drunk, but of course Xu Yanyan was also drunk.

After Xu Yanyan drank two cups, she was already drunk.After Li Cai'er drank three cups, the medicine took effect, and she lay down on the ground.

I got the two of them into a hotel, and the two of them were lying on the bed like a puddle of mud.

Maybe someone will say, isn't this the best opportunity for you? What are you waiting for? Don't wait, hurry up and do good things.

If I were to do so, then I would even despise myself.Then I would be too unmanly.

I only have one purpose to get the other party drunk, and that is to know what I want to know.Who is this leader of the Chrysanthemum Society named Li Caier? Is she really sent by the Sakura Kingdom to protect me? Who is the ancestor she is talking about?
I walked to Li Cai'er's bed and said softly, "Now you can tell me the truth, who are you? Who is your ancestor?"

Under normal circumstances, the other party is drunk, but the consciousness is still there.After hearing my words, she will answer naturally.

However, I was wrong, the other party was really drunk.She couldn't listen to what I said.

I couldn't help but regret it very much. I shouldn't have listened to that young man's words, but it was really troublesome. I finally got the other party drunk and tried to get words out of her mouth. Looking at it now, it was a waste of time.

While I was being disappointed, something unexpected happened to me.

Or rather, something incredible happened.

I found that the expression on the other person's face was not quite right, his face was very stiff, and he had no vitality at all.It seems to have made a fake face and pasted it on.

It was so strange, I immediately thought of Jiang Man.Jiang Man was the Jiang Man who pretended to be Jiang Haiyang's illegitimate daughter, but in fact she was Xiao Zihang.The other party put a woman's face on his head, just a disguise.

Could it be that the face I see now is also fake?

(End of this chapter)

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