wife's secret

Chapter 485 Where's Aunt Hua?

Chapter 485 Where's Aunt Hua?
I approached the other person's face cautiously, and after making sure that the other person was drunk and unconscious, I put my hand on the other person's face and touched it lightly.

I was taken aback immediately.

It turns out... this face is really fake.It looks like the real thing, but it's actually made of rubber.

At this moment, I can't be more surprised,
I feel like I'm living a life of deception, I have an intuition that I've been cheated by the other party, that the other party has lied.All the things she told me about becoming a chrysanthemum society were all lies to me.

I was very angry immediately, since this is the case, I am not polite.I will tear off this fake face now, I want to show you your true colors, I want to see who you really are.

As soon as I exerted force on my hand, I heard a snort, and I tore off the fake skin on the other party's face, revealing the truth immediately.

I opened my mouth in surprise.

The other party turned out to be Hua Gu.

Maybe someone will say, you are simply nonsense, how did you pull Hua Gu out.

I can say responsibly that this is indeed Hua Gu.This face is too beautiful to describe in words, I have seen this face before.The first time I met Hua Gu, it was Niu Lili who led me to a private club to meet Brother Pao.

At that time, Hua Gu was giving acupuncture to Pao Ge, and I was very impressed with him.The other party looked very beautiful, just like a classical beauty walking out of an ancient painting.

From the time I met Huagu until the few times I met her later, I never saw the other party say a word. I once suspected that the other party was dumb.I once lied to Jiang Haiyang, saying that we were relatives, that she was my third aunt's cousin, and so on.

This is incredible.

What's going on here.

I felt a little dazed, like I was dreaming.I slapped myself and it hurt a lot.I can be sure that this is not a dream, what I see is real.The other party is really Hua Gu.I do have a fake face in my hand.

I decided to wake up first, closed the door of the room, and walked out.I called the waiter in the restaurant over, and I said to him: "Don't disturb the two women inside, let them rest, I'll sit on the sofa in the living room for a while, if they wake up, come and tell me."

The young man was very surprised, "You are too fast, isn't it over so soon?"

I didn't understand, "What do you mean? How did it end?"

"That's why you got them drunk. After only a few minutes, you came out of the room. You went too fast."

I slapped the other person, "Who do you think I am? Am I as wretched as you imagined? Get out of here."

When I came to the living room, I lit a cigarette and started smoking.Now, my mind is full of questions.It is now certain that Li Caier is Hua Gu, and Hua Gu is Li Caier, they are the same person.

In other words, the leader of the Chrysanthemum Club is Hua Gu.

This is unbelievable, why did Hua Gu put on a fake face and dress herself up as Li Cai'er?
Who is she?

Looking at it now, if you want to understand this matter, you have to find someone. After you find this person, you may be able to know the general outline of some things.This person is Brother Pao.

Of course, there is another person who is also very important, and that is Niu Lili.

The two of them went to the south to meet Mr. Lu, but disappeared on the way back.I haven't heard from them until now, and I can't get through on the phone, and I haven't been able to contact them.It was a strange thing in itself, and almost two weeks had passed, where were they.

Only by finding the two of them can we find out what happened to Hua Gu.

While I was thinking about it, the young man ran over, "One of them has woken up and come out of the room. She is really looking for you."

As soon as the young man finished speaking, I saw Xu Yanyan coming over. After seeing me, before I could speak, she hurriedly said, "Chen Yang, go and have a look. It's so strange. The person lying on the bed just now is Li Caier, why did you suddenly change someone now? It's so strange, where did Li Caier go?"

I smiled slightly, picked up the fake face in my hand, and showed it to her, "Look, who is this?"

The other party's eyes widened in surprise, "Isn't this Li Cai'er's face? What's going on? Let me take a look... This face seems to be made of rubber. What's going on, please tell me quickly."

"You fell for her. I can tell you clearly that Li Cai'er is actually Hua Gu."

"Flower girl?"

"Yes, you don't know much about Hua Gu. There are many things in it. You can't understand a sentence or two. However, you must tell me the truth now. It is very difficult for her to invite me to dinner today. Strange, she asked me to marry you, there is no reason for it. She must have told you something beforehand, didn't she?"

"Yes, she told me one thing, but she asked me to keep it secret, so I can't tell you anyway."

"Do you still want to keep it a secret?"

"I don't think I should hide it from you anymore. I never thought that she made a fake face. I feel that I was deceived by her. I will tell you the situation now."

Next, the other party explained.

At the very beginning, when Xu Yanyan joined the Chrysanthemum Club, Lamei approached Xu Yanyan with a letter of agreement and told her very clearly that if she wanted to join the Chrysanthemum Club, she had to sign an agreement first, which contained many terms and conditions. Family members sign.At that time, I was the family member of Yanyan who signed the agreement.

Later, Li Cai'er told Yanyan that the Chrysanthemum Club has many rules and is very strict. The signatures of the family members must be true and no falsification is allowed.After their investigation and understanding, they discovered that Yanyan and I were not family members in the true sense, but friends.

Li Cai'er said to Yanyan, this is not possible, you and Chen Yang must make it a fact, and you must make him your real family member, this will work.

How can it become a fact? It's very simple, that is, the two parties have a wedding night in the bridal chamber.So, I said to Xu Yanyan, I will go to Chen Yang personally, and I will let him and you make the facts. In this way, the relationship between the two of you will be truly established, and you will not violate the rules of the Chrysanthemum Club.

After the explanation, Xu Yanyan said: "I see, there must be some kind of conspiracy. I doubt whether this Chrysanthemum is a good organization. It may be used by others, and it may be specially established by the Sakura Kingdom."

The more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong, Yanyan is right, there must be some kind of conspiracy in it.I went to the room right away, I wanted to find Hua Gu right away, I had to ask her right away.

However, something incredible happened.

When I went back to my room to find Hua Gu, I found that there was no one in the room.This is so strange, there are obviously two people in the room, and both of them were drunk by me, why is there only one Xu Yanyan left?

I immediately thought of a possibility that Hua Gu should have encountered a time travel.

Some people may say that you are simply nonsense.Why did you pull out the space-time shuttle again?

There is bullshit.

However, there should be such a possibility.

Now I can conclude that Li Caier is Hua Gu.Qiao Zhuang was just dressing up, putting on a fake face to fool people.

I pondered over the other party's words that made me and Xu Yanyan make the truth, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.I suddenly remembered an important thing. Xu Yanyan and I once cooperated on a haystack in the wild, and we interacted for a long time.I remember very clearly that the other party's desire for that aspect was particularly strong.I have also analyzed the reason, I think it is because the other party hates men so much, members of the Chrysanthemum Club don’t do it for a long time, once that happens, it’s as terrifying as the Yellow River flooding.

I thought of what Brother Pao said when he introduced Hua Gu to me. He said that Hua Gu was the daughter of eunuch Liu, and that eunuch Liu mysteriously disappeared after handing Hua Gu to him...

In short, the more I think about it, the more confused I become. Everything is a mystery.Why did Hua Gu suddenly disappear now? It was impossible for her to walk out of the room.So, I naturally thought of the space-time tunnel.

There is only one way to uncover the mystery of the mushroom, and that is to find Niu Lili and Brother Pao.After all, the two of them know the situation of flower mushrooms better, and I will know when I find them.However, the two of them disappeared, which was a troublesome matter.

(End of this chapter)

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