wife's secret

Chapter 487 The Same Tree Hole

Chapter 487 The Same Tree Hole

As soon as my grandfather saw the meteorite, he knew it was a good treasure, so he put it away immediately.At this moment, Jiang Haiyang and Xingfang walked towards the grove.

My grandfather thought that the two of them were also looking for meteorites.There are rules in the rivers and lakes, good things should be shared, there is a saying that there is a share in meeting.

Therefore, this meteorite should not only belong to my grandfather, but should also belong to Jiang Haiyang and Xingfang.

However, this meteorite is too important to my grandfather. He didn't know why the two people suddenly appeared in the grove, so he lurked immediately.When he saw the passion between the two young people, he realized that the two of them were not for the meteorite.

When my grandfather was about to leave, the hungry wolf appeared, and my grandfather beat the hungry wolf away, and then my grandfather rescued Jiang Haiyang.

It's just that I don't understand why my grandfather signed an agreement with him after saving Jiang Haiyang, asking him to give me half of the shares after he has a joint-stock company in the future.

Let's unravel this secret later.

After the other party introduced me here, although I was surprised, even though I didn't understand why the other party knew so carefully, what made me feel strange was not this matter, but how the other party knew so clearly about my grandpa. , which is too incomprehensible.

I have a better understanding of the other party's situation. As far as I know, she has been studying abroad for these years, and she just came back from abroad recently and returned to Ninghua Real Estate as the personnel director.She has not been back for a long time, that is, about two months. How does she know my grandfather so well.

Seeing the surprised expression on my face, the other party smiled, "I never told you, but in fact, I have been studying at Sakura University for the past few years."

Sakura University?

I froze for a moment, and then I understood what it meant.I know very well that her brother was studying at Sakura University, so there must be an inevitable connection.

"Can you tell me, what major do you study?" I asked this question for no reason. I had a guess that the other party's major must be unusual, and it might have something to do with meteorites.

"Astronomy major."

I was taken aback, "How can you major in astronomy?"

The other party smiled, "Don't you think your question is ridiculous? Why can't I study astronomy?"

"No wonder you are very clear about the explosion of a comet 60 years ago. It turns out that you studied astronomy."

Reminiscent of what Jiang Haiyang told me about his only daughter being abducted by aliens to the Sakura Kingdom, I suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.I thought of a possibility that the other party didn't choose to study astronomy for no reason, maybe it had something to do with Jiang Haiyang.

I asked straight to the point: "Chairman Jiang Haiyang arranged for you to study astronomy at Sakura University?"

This time it was the other party's turn to be surprised, "How did you know about this? Did the chairman tell you?"

After she finished speaking, she immediately shook her head in doubt, "No, the chairman told me that this matter must be kept secret and should not be told to anyone. This is a secret and must not be leaked. How could he reveal this matter? Tell you? This is really a little strange."

I said: "The reason is very simple, because I found the meteorite. I found the meteorite in the primeval forest. In order to get the meteorite in my hand, he told me the truth."

"Where is Chairman Jiang Haiyang?"

"During the flight, I was caught up by a plane behind, and that person shot and shot the chairman. I don't know what happened later. I guess the chairman is dead now. gone."

There are grounds for my judgment.

First of all, after Jiang Haiyang was shot at a high altitude, there was no possibility of him surviving.Secondly, even if he survived the injury, he would definitely be thrown into a pile of mud after falling from the sky to the ground.

After listening to my words, Gu Xiaoxiao sighed, "Okay, let's not talk about this now. We are on the plane now, and there should be no danger now. It took half an hour to take off, and we will arrive in Sakura Country in another hour Yes. I hope our next expedition will go well.”

Just then, there was movement on my phone.I looked down, and it was the notification tone of WeChat.It was a message from Dunzi: Brother, you will arrive in Sakura Country in one hour, this hour is very important to you, you must take her down.It is very important for us to take her down.

I don't understand: Take her down?What's the meaning?Please speak clearly.

"There is one thing I didn't have time to tell you. After I brought this woman here from the airport, I heard that Gu Rushui is her brother. I immediately concluded that she is not a good person. She may be bad for you, so, I locked her in a tree hole. However, I found out later that there was a boa constrictor in the tree hole."

"Python? What's the situation? What you said is too scary."

"It's not that I said scary, but the situation at the time was very scary. Later, when I entered the tree hole, I was terrified. Guess what I saw?"

"What did you see?"

"I saw a boa constrictor as thick as a bucket obediently lying in front of this woman. At first I thought I was delusional. When I looked carefully, I found that the woman seemed to be saying something to the boa constrictor. , the boa constrictor seemed to understand. My God, I couldn’t believe what I saw.”

"Speaking to the boa constrictor? Can you explain a little more clearly? What did she say to the boa constrictor? Did you see the expression on her face and the movements?"

Maybe someone will say, you are simply nonsense, why do you have to figure it out so clearly.

To be honest, the reason why I want to figure this out is because when I first came to the primeval forest of Dolly Country, I saw with my own eyes how my wife, the daughter of the chief, attracted the male python king.

The specific situation is as follows. Last night, the chief’s daughter, An Cai’er, dressed herself very seductively. She asked me to watch from a distance and never get close. After the python appeared, An Cai’er walked gently to the Its front was flat, its eyes looked at the python very gently, and it muttered to itself, as if it was talking about something.So, the boa constrictor obediently followed her out of the forest.The young men from the primitive tribe who were ambushing outside rushed up, caught the python, and took out the snake gall for me to eat, which detoxified the poison of the hallucinogen in my body.

So, when Dunzi told me about this matter on WeChat just now, it was natural for you and me to connect with the situation I encountered.

"Details? Let me think about it, okay, I remember... I remember very clearly, this woman stared at the python with very gentle eyes, and said something softly, I couldn't understand anyway. The python Just lie obediently in front of her, like a primary school student listening to a teacher's lecture."

I was a little surprised.

The details mentioned by Dunzi are the same as what I saw with my own eyes.Is there any necessary connection between the two?
To be precise, is there any connection between Gu Xiaoxiao and An Cai'er?Perhaps the word association is inappropriate.Then change another word, is there any necessary connection between the two people?

"Just right, I took a photo at the time, I will find the photo now and send it to you for a look."

After a few seconds, a photo appeared in the WeChat dialog box on my mobile phone.

It's a tree hole with a long table... why is it so familiar?This environment looks like I have seen it somewhere.

I suddenly remembered that it was my grandfather I saw in this tree hole.I was very aware of what was going on at the time and was very impressed.Originally, I was with a few of them, but suddenly a few pythons came and hijacked me, and went to a tree hole, which is the tree hole in the photo.

I am very surprised, what is this situation?

I looked to the side of the photo, and suddenly, my eyes widened.

What Dunzi said was right. There was a boa constrictor beside the ground, lying obediently in front of a woman. This woman was none other than Gu Xiaoxiao.

Gu Xiaoxiao's eyes were slightly closed, she was talking to herself, and she was gently crossing herself with her left hand on her chest.

I immediately remembered that the night the other party invited me to dinner, he made me swear that he would never let his sister-in-law Jiang Man know about my wife and his brother.At that time, it was such an action that made me put my hands on my chest and make the sign of the cross.

When I looked at the boa constrictor again, my eyes were wider than a bull's.

That boa constrictor is exactly the male boa constrictor king I encountered.

(End of this chapter)

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