wife's secret

Chapter 488 That's Your Grandma

Chapter 488 That's Your Grandma

At this time, Dunzi continued to communicate with me on WeChat: So, I wonder if this is a coincidence.You have told me about your situation before.So, when I found out that the other person was in the same situation, I was so surprised.I have every reason to believe that there must be some connection between you and this woman.So, I will create an opportunity for the two of you to communicate alone.You should fully understand what this is all about.

After putting down the phone, I looked up at Gu Xiaoxiao, who happened to be looking over too.I couldn't help it anymore, and said, "What is your identity, can you tell me the truth?"

The other party didn't understand, "Why did you say such a thing suddenly? What do you mean?"

I decided not to hide anything, so I told all about what Dunzi said.I said: "Don't you think it's a little strange, what happened to you is similar to what happened to me. I was hijacked by a boa constrictor into a tree hole, and that boa constrictor was the male boa constrictor king I met. What? How could there be such a coincidence?"

"It's really strange. I suddenly remembered something. Let me tell you now."

My attention was immediately sharpened.

I know that what the other party said below may solve this mystery.It's important to me, and of course, it's also important to her.

"Three years ago, I was still studying at Sakura University. I majored in astronomy. One day, an elderly lady came to me. She said her name was Sakura Maruko. She had a grandson in Yanxia. His name was The old lady named Chen Yang, that is you, Cherry Maruko said that if possible, she hopes that I can know her grandson and marry her grandson in the future."

"At that time, I thought what this old lady said was ridiculous and very inexplicable. Where did this old lady come from? It's really strange to say such things. I thought this old lady was crazy, so I didn't Take what she said to heart. Of course, I thought about it once later, when I knew about my brother and your wife, I thought it was very weird. "

"Why do you say that, because I heard your name is Chen Yang. So, I thought of what the old lady said to me, and I became interested in you. How could it be such a coincidence, that it was true? There is one named Chen Yang, are you the grandson of that old lady?"

"So I conducted a survey on you, and I also conducted a survey on the old lady. The results of the survey surprised me. I never thought that the old lady named Sakura Maruko was unusual. She is Sakura The person in charge of the National Chrysanthemum Road Organization."

"Then I got to know you carefully, and I found out that your background is unusual. Your biological parents are in Sakura Country. That old lady named Cherry Maruko is really your grandma. Later, the one named Cherry The old lady of Wanzi came to me again, and she told me that some strange things will happen to you and me in the future."

"I didn't understand it at the time, so I asked an old lady what you meant by that. She smiled at me mysteriously and said, do you remember what I told you last time, that you are going to marry Chen Yang, which is There is a reason, because the two of you are destined. I couldn't understand what she meant by that, and when I asked again, she turned around and left. Since then, I haven't seen her again..."

"I felt something was wrong with this matter, so I returned to China from the Cherry Blossom Country. After many inquiries, I finally found you, Chen Yang. But to my surprise, you are already married and have a threesome. year-old child, your wife's name is Huang Yijia..."

"I recalled what the old lady said to me again. I think those words are inexplicable. Even if what she said is right, but you are already married, how could she say that I should marry you? But I have a kind of Feeling, I think the old lady will not lie to me, I think there must be some reason for this. So, I decided to investigate you. How to investigate you, I decided to start with your child..."

"So I went to that kindergarten and became a voluntary teacher. I specifically proposed to be the head teacher of Pengpeng's class. Later, I gradually learned something about my brother and your wife, and I also knew whether your child is Your own is actually my brother's own flesh and blood."

"I think this may be a hint. Although I think what the old lady said to me is absurd, but one thing can be confirmed, there may be some connection between you and me. In order to compensate you, I advise you You join Ninghua Real Estate Company."

"I don't need to talk about the later things. I continued to go back to Sakura University to complete my studies. When I came back, I found that you had joined Ninghua Real Estate Company. Later, I went back to Sakura Country. I When I just returned to China, I heard that you went to Dolly Country and came to the virgin forest here. A voice said to me, Chen Yang has already gone, you must go. So, I will call you immediately phone, and came here on the same day’s flight.”

"I don't need to talk about what happened next. In a tree hole that I appeared inexplicably, I met a python inexplicably. At the beginning, I was terrified. I thought the python was going to eat me, but it didn't hurt. I mean. I'm like something out of a fairy tale, it's all amazing."

Gu Xiao wrote a novel for a long time, talked a lot, and told all his experiences before and after.

After I listened to it, the whole person was inexplicable.To be honest, I really don't understand what she's talking about.

But one thing, I understand.

That's the cherry ball she said is my grandma, there is no doubt about it.

That said, my grandma is still alive.Where is my grandpa?Where is my grandpa?
I recalled the middle-aged man who walked out of the luminous object. I always thought he was my grandfather.Now it seems that not necessarily.

At this moment, the plane had already landed in Sakura Country.

After getting out of the plane, Dunzi and I had a brief discussion.

I said: "Our visit to the Sakura Country went smoothly this time, which may not be a good thing. I always feel that something is wrong, and danger may occur at any time."

But Dunzi said: "My idea is different from yours. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I think we should go to that manor as quickly as possible. Don't you have a meteorite now? Go find the treasure buried by the aliens immediately. Let’s figure out what’s going on first.”

So off we went.Apart from Dunzi and I, the people who went with me included fifty apprentices of Dunzi, and Gu Xiaoxiao.

We found the manor, and Dunzi introduced: "After I came to the country of cherry blossoms, I have inspected and understood this manor according to your instructions. It is very strange that there are several wild animals in this manor. Dogs are all expensive dogs, but no one has ever come. Several bungalows were built inside, and there are offices, and I have never seen anyone come."

I said: "It has been confirmed that this manor is the branch of Ninghua Real Estate in Sakura Country. Jiang Haiyang has long known that there are alien treasures under the manor. One of his daughters was killed by aliens when she was four years old." Hijacked to this place, saying that there is an alien base under this manor. Jiang Haiyang also said that only by finding the meteorite can he open the underground treasure and see his daughter."

Dunzi showed a very surprised expression on his face, "Is there any mistake? Did Jiang Haiyang really say such a thing to you? This is simply too strange. He was talking in his sleep, right? How could he get involved with aliens?" ? This is unbelievable, the old guy is quite capable of fooling around."

"At first, I didn't believe it after hearing it. However, according to my judgment, I have discovered from many details that what Jiang Haiyang said may be true. This matter is indeed very strange. What happened to the comet explosion 60 years ago What's the situation? Why did aliens come to the earth? There is only one possibility, and I have judged it before."

"This is what I judge, these aliens are from the comet, they used to live on the comet. When the planet exploded, they had nowhere to go, so they had to come to the earth. They hid the treasure secretly in a very hidden place , that is, under this manor..."

(End of this chapter)

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