wife's secret

Chapter 497

Chapter 497
I took another closer look, and now I see clearly that this is a sample, or rather, a print.

Xia Mingguang said: "Boss Meng is really good at joking. What kind of antiques are these? I bought them from the market and spent [-] yuan to hang them on the wall. I have no other hobbies, just I like mountains and rivers, look at how well the mountains and rivers are painted on this picture."

I'm confused again, it's not like this in another world.

I remember very clearly that when I saw this Chinese painting, I was really taken aback.I saw it was genuine, not fake.My eyes were straight at the time, and I was very strange at the time.How can such a precious treasure be hung in the living room.It's a trap.It must be so.

The development of things later also confirmed my guess.

I remember very clearly what happened. Xia Mingguang and Brother Pao have a very good relationship. I have always suspected that the other party is a tomb robber.

I came here out of curiosity, and I asked, "Boss Xia, why did you move? Isn't it nice to live here? Such a nice villa, how happy you are."

I was surprised by what the other party said, "I have been here for a long time, this house is not mine, I rent it. I want to go back to Sakura Country."

I didn't expect that the other party had a relationship with Sakura Country.

Why do I feel stimulated when I hear Sakura Country?

Because too many things happened before this were related to Sakura Country, I have always thought that I was the third prince of Kikuki Road in Sakura Country.In fact, it was just a dream.To be precise, it was something that happened in another world.

But I have a hunch that Xia Mingguang has a story.

After moving, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.At this time my cell phone rang, it was my wife calling.

"Don't forget to pick up your kids from school."

When I arrived at the kindergarten in my broken Xiali car, I was very surprised that the child's class teacher was Teacher Gu Xiaoxiao.

What happened in another world had a profound impact on me, and Gu Xiaoxiao later became my wife.In fact, she studied abroad at Sakura University, and later returned to Ninghua Real Estate Company as the director of the personnel department.

Seeing that I came to pick up the children, the other party said naturally: "In a few days, the school will come to a professional Go teacher to teach the children Go lessons. Pengpeng is very talented in Go. I have already seen it. To the children This is a great opportunity, don't miss it."

I was surprised when I heard the other party's words.

This sentence is too familiar.

In another world, she said that to me.At the beginning, I thought that the other party had good intentions. The other party signed up my son to learn Go for me, paid for his son's tuition, and even sponsored 10 yuan.I found out later that she did this for Gu Rushui, because Gu Rushui is her elder brother, and the child was born by Gu Rushui and my wife.

I politely said thank you to the other party, because I know that I have returned to the reality. I am living in a difficult situation now. The house is rented, and the rent is a problem. How can I have money to enroll my son to learn Go?

After returning home, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and I led my son out of the elevator when the door of the neighbor across the street opened.

It was Tong Mengna who opened the door.

I remember very clearly that she is a divorced woman with a three-year-old daughter named Panpan. In another world, I had too many stories with her, and they were all the most beautiful and romantic stories.

Seeing me staring blankly at her, the other party smiled shyly, "Brother Chen, your child is so handsome." After she finished speaking, she turned around and entered the room, closing the door.

After entering the living room, my son went to the study to do his homework, and I sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

Trying to get a little more sober.

I thought of a very practical problem, I have to start from scratch.I remember very well that I opened an auction house and it did very well.Later, because of the auction of a Tang Dynasty blue and white jar, too many troubles occurred, and the auction house closed down.

I have to confirm whether there is such a thing as an auction house.

Half an hour later, my wife came home from get off work and saw me sitting on the sofa in a daze, and the living room was full of smoke smell, she frowned, "Didn't you quit smoking, why did you suddenly smoke? Order? Why don’t you hurry up and cook for the kids?”

I said, "There's one thing I want to figure out, you have to be honest with me."

"whats the matter?"

"Do I have an auction house called Hejude?"

"That was a thing in the past, and you have quit now. Aren't you working for Ant Moving Company now? Why did you suddenly ask about this?"

"Can you tell me why my auction house closed down?"

After seeing this sentence, my wife looked at me like a monster, "What's wrong with you? Why did you say this sentence suddenly? Have you forgotten everything that happened before?"

I had no choice but to say vaguely: "You're right, I suddenly don't have a deep impression of what happened before. Maybe it has something to do with the drinking the night before."

"Who did you drink with last night?"

"Colleagues from the moving company, the boss treats guests. Maybe I drank bad wine and drank a fake bar. The brain nerves were stimulated. I almost forgot about the previous things."

"Don't talk nonsense, how can you forget your memory after drinking? Don't pretend to be confused, tell me what happened, why did you suddenly lose your memory?"

I don't think it's necessary to continue to hide, let me tell her what happened in the past.

So, I started telling her what happened to me.

I spoke very vividly, because I was so impressed with what happened to me, I didn't miss any detail, when the other party finished listening, he laughed, "I didn't expect you to be so good at making up stories, it's simply heavenly Night tales. At first you said something like that, but then you talked about meteorites and comet explosions. It’s just too much of a joke, your imagination is so rich.”

In fact, I was very worried. I was worried that the other party would be very angry after hearing the story I told.After all, the other party is a protagonist in this story.In this story, I said that the other party is very bad, good at deception, and the degree of derailment is very serious.

The other party didn't take it seriously at all, and said to me: "You are too flattering on your wife. I don't have any ambitions. I don't think I have never thought of dancing principals and association presidents. My goal is very simple, and I will do it in a down-to-earth manner. A dance teacher, a happy family life is enough."

Early the next morning, I got up very early, even before dawn.I drove my broken Xiali car to the Interstellar Dance School, I want to confirm, some things have to be checked.

In another world, I remember it all too clearly.The school was bought by my wife, renovated, and turned into a private club, a place for social interaction, where rich and powerful people come and go.

After arriving at the school, I walked to the lobby on the first floor and found the window very quickly.In another world, there is a photo in the window, which is a group photo of all the dance school teachers.It was a dance competition sponsored by Gu Rushui. He and my wife were next to each other. The two of them acted very intimately, clasping their hands together.

My eyes searched the window.

Soon, I found the group photo.

In the picture is my wife, very well dressed and very beautiful, very fashionable, wearing a dancing costume for a dance competition.Standing behind my wife in the photo is Gu Rushui.

The two were indeed close together, but their hands were not clasped together.

I took a closer look at the expressions of the two of them, and there was nothing special about them.

This is how the same thing?Did I make a mistake?Exactly something else happened in another world?

I thought of a possibility that when I saw this picture in the window, my thinking went wrong, or I was delusional.In short, it is no longer certain what happened at that time.It should be that my thinking has gone astray, which can only explain one point.I like my wife very much, but I am afraid that he will cheat, it must be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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