wife's secret

Chapter 498 Some things are true

Chapter 498 Some things are true

I secretly sighed, wild thinking kills people, I was only mistaken in a single thought at the beginning, but as a result, there was such a big deviation in my thinking.It's unbelievable.

Some people may have said, you are simply nonsense, what are you talking about, what a mess.

Then I just have to explain.

There are too many wonderful things in the world, among which human thinking is like this.Maybe someone has read a story in Liao Zhai, but I don’t remember the specific content. It roughly means that a certain person, after getting drunk, stared at a beautiful woman in an ancient painting, and it turned out that this person really Just walked into the ancient painting, interacted with that beauty, and what happened in the end was very bad for this person.

So, when I stood in front of the window and saw a picture of my wife in it, my nerves immediately tensed.Why are you nervous? In fact, you are worried.Because when I saw Gu Rushui and my wife next to each other, my eyes went wrong for a moment, thinking that their hands were clasped together, so I wanted to join Feifei.

Of course, this is only a possibility.

Another possibility is that I have entered another world and entered the space-time tunnel through space-time shuttle.In other words, what happened before is real.Maybe in the future.

Of course, the me at that time was not the me now, and the Huang Yijia at that time was not the present Huang Yijia.

One thing is true, though.That is, I did open an auction house, the name is Hejude, and the collapse of the auction house is also true.

I decided to start investigating why the auction house collapsed.

Judging from the current situation, this should be the only clue.

When I got home, Huang Yijia and Pengpeng had just woken up. Seeing me enter the room, Huang Yijia asked, "Why did you wake up so early?"

"Exercise, run."

"You have never had the habit of running in the morning. The sun is coming out from the west." Huang Yijia looked at me suspiciously.

"If you don't exercise, you can't do it. The moving business requires a lot of physical strength. If you don't exercise more, you will have no strength."

"Okay, I'm going to make some porridge. You go downstairs to buy some fried dough sticks. After breakfast, you send your son to kindergarten."


I went downstairs to buy deep-fried dough sticks, and when I came back upstairs, I happened to meet Aunt Liu at the opposite door.The other party greeted me warmly, "Xiao Chen, come to my house to play if you have time, Auntie is looking for you."

I froze for a moment.

In that other world, I remember it very clearly.One day, after the other party met me, he said mysteriously that your brother-in-law is very handsome, etc. It was because of this woman that so many stories followed.

"What's the matter with me? What's the matter?"

My tone is relatively cold.

I am a little uncomfortable with this woman, if she hadn't said that, there wouldn't be a series of troubles.

"Hehe, let's talk at my house sometime later." The other party dropped a word and left.

I brought the fried dough sticks home, and Huang Yijia had already made the porridge.After breakfast, she went out to dance school.As for me, I take my son to kindergarten.

When they arrived at the kindergarten, Gu Xiaoxiao was playing a game with a group of children. It was a game of eagles and chickens.

This scene is all too familiar.

In that other world, when I sent my son to kindergarten, the other party took the children to play games...

Seeing my son and I coming, Gu Xiaoxiao warmly greeted, "Hurry up and send Chen Pengcheng in, he's already late."

After dropping off my son, I didn't know where to go for a while.

I tried to remember what I was doing in that other world.

Finally, I remembered.At this time, I am working at the Sunflower Auction House.Yes, it is.The boss is Yan Hao, my high school classmate.

But where is the Sunflower Auction House?

I searched with navigation, but couldn't find it.In other words, there is no such institution as the Sunflower Auction House in Ningzhou City.

I feel very lost.

I thought of pier.

Dunzi is my closest person and the only one I can trust.I should check my current information through him.

I called Dunzi: "Dunzi, where are you now?"

"Learning to wrestle."

"Huh?" I was taken aback.In that other world, I remember very clearly that Dunzi was entrusted by Hu Shuilei and signed an agreement with Hu Shuilei. Hu Shuilei sponsored him 500 million yuan to let Dunzi Duanjiang Haiyang's bird's nest.In order to ensure success, Hu Shoulei specially sent Dunzi to Niuerbi Wrestling Hall to learn wrestling.

What the other party said just now really surprised me.

Unexpectedly... Dunzi is really learning to wrestle?
"Dunzi, where did you learn to wrestle? Who is your master?"

"Niu Erbi Wrestling Gym. Master is Niu Li."


I was taken aback again.

Niu Erbi wrestling hall! ! !

In that other world, there is indeed such a name.

Niu Li! ! !

In that other world, there is indeed this person.

"Dunzi, send me your location, and I'll find you."

"Okay. But no one can interrupt me while I'm wrestling."

Soon, Dunzi sent me a location on WeChat.

Ten minutes later, I appeared in a bustling area in the urban area. When I looked up, I saw a few large characters that stood out - "Niu Erbi Wrestling Gym".

I walked into the wrestling gym, and there was a bang bang sound coming out.I saw a big training ground, and Dunzi was training on the ground.

I hurried to watch the guy training him.When I saw it, I was immediately surprised.

It's really a bull force. A 1.9-meter tall man, like an iron tower.

I was suddenly a little confused.

Could it be... have I returned to another world?
I strongly suppressed my excitement, and I stood far away to watch the training.

I saw that Niu Lijiao was very patient and demonstrated to Dunzi himself.

After about half an hour, the training ended.Dunzi walked towards me.I quickly asked him: "Dunzi, why did you learn to wrestle?"

If the other party said that he would learn to wrestle only after ensuring the success of the end bird's nest, then there is no doubt that I really returned to that world.

"Coach Niu told me that I have a talent for wrestling. He said I was a rare talent. So I learned wrestling from him."

"That's right." I breathed a sigh of relief.

Dunzi's words confirmed one thing.I didn't go back to that other world.

However, I still have doubts about the name of the Niuerbi Wrestling Gym.After all, the name is too impressive for me.

I asked Dunzi: "Why is this wrestling gym called Niu Erbi? It's quite interesting."

"Coach Niu said that there are people outside the sky and there are people outside the sky. It's better to be a man at two o'clock."

"Dunzi, I have something to ask you now. Is it convenient for you?"

Dunzi looked at me strangely, "Brother, what's the matter with you? Is there any inconvenience between us brothers? Just say it."

"Let's have lunch together at noon."

At twelve noon, Dunzi and I appeared in the small restaurant opposite the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate Company.

I have already checked in advance, there is really a restaurant opposite the sales office, and the owner of the restaurant is actually Lao Cai's nephew.There is something magical about it.Because, in that other world, I remember very clearly that the reason why Lao Cai let his nephew open a restaurant opposite the sales office was because the sales office originally belonged to him, but was sold to Ninghua Real Estate after being fooled by his nephew Yan Hao. The company, he suspected that there was something tricky about it, so he asked his nephew to open a restaurant opposite, actually to observe the movement on the opposite side.

I found a secluded room, ordered a few hard dishes, and ordered four bottles of beer.I asked Dunzi to sit down, and I cut straight to the point: "Some unbelievable things happened to me. I've always been confused. I came to you to prove something."

"whats the matter?"

Dunzi is not an outsider, so I don't need to hide it from him.I told the whole situation.

After listening to Dunzi, he laughed loudly: "Brother, you are dreaming in broad daylight. However, the ending of the story is very good. You and I made a fortune. You married two beauties as wives. As for me, I found a Sakura country beauty, haha!"

"Yes. I also suspect that I am dreaming. However, there are some things that are difficult to explain. For example, in another world, I know that there is a wrestling hall with a powerful coach. What about you, just follow Coach Niu learns to wrestle. It’s just that you learn to wrestle for the bird’s nest in Duanjiang Ocean.”

Dunzi didn't understand: "Duan bird's nest? What do you mean?"

I explained it to him.

Dunzi laughed, "It turns out that bird's nest means so much. You can really imagine it. Jiang Haiyang is the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company. How dare I take someone else's bird's nest."

"A reporter named Hu Shoulei found you. He signed an agreement with you and gave you 500 million yuan. What he asked you to do was scary. That was to let you be a bird's nest in Duanjiang Ocean. At that time, you and I thought the surname Hu's reporter was joking, and you just agreed to him casually. But, I never thought that that guy was serious..."

(End of this chapter)

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