wife's secret

Chapter 504 That Man Is Me

Chapter 504 That Man Is Me

After listening to the other party's words, I fell into memory.

Judging from the current situation, what the other party said is true, it is impossible to lie to me, and there is no need to lie to me.I remembered what happened to me in the primeval forest. The white-bearded old man who came out of that glowing oval object must be the old man the other party mentioned, that is, the one Zhang Zuzi met.

But what happened to me in another world actually happened in this world, which is simply unbelievable.

I suddenly thought of a possibility.

My grandpa definitely had dealings with aliens.It is possible to enter another space through the space-time tunnel, which is the space where aliens live.

For me, I just entered that space by accident.Now, I have returned to reality from another dimension.

I asked Brother Pao, "Do you know a woman named Hua Gu?"

Under normal circumstances, the other party should say that they don't know each other, and they will find this sentence I asked a bit inexplicable.After all, this woman only existed in another world.

However, after hearing my words, the other party showed a very surprised expression on his face, "How do you know that there is Hua Gu? Have you ever seen her?"

After finishing speaking, he showed a puzzled look on his face, and added to himself, "Impossible, no one will know about her, except for that eunuch Liu."

This time it was my turn to be surprised.

Is this thing true?Is there really Hua Gu and that eunuch Liu?

"Tell me quickly, what is going on?"

Next, the other party gave some explanations.

It turned out that Brother Pao was still working in the Shangjing Museum five years ago. At that time, he knew a man named Eunuch Liu. How the two met specifically will not be detailed here.

Focus on the situation of Hua Gu.She is the last princess in the palace, to be precise, she is the goddaughter of the emperor, not her own. The emperor was very kind to eunuch Liu. After the emperor died, he entrusted Hua Gu to eunuch Liu to take good care of her.

The emperor said a word to the eunuch, which was difficult for him to understand.The emperor said this to Hua Gu, who is from an alien planet.

Of course, Eunuch Liu didn't take this sentence to heart, he thought the emperor was joking.However, what happened later made Eunuch Liu a little strange.

Eunuch Liu knows acupuncture and moxibustion very well. He felt that the society is too complicated and one must have a skill to survive, so he passed this skill on to Hua Gu.He originally thought that the other party would not be able to learn it, it was too difficult after all.

But he was wrong, the other party could do it easily, being better than him is simply better than blue.

Through this incident, Eunuch Liu felt that the other party was not a mortal, and might really be someone from an alien planet.

Later, Eunuch Liu told Brother Pao about this and entrusted Hua Gu to Brother Pao.Eunuch Liu did not know where to go.

That's how Pao Ge and Hua Gu met.

After listening to his explanation, I was very surprised.In another world, I met Hua Gu in a private club. I remember the scene very clearly. Brother Pao seemed to have been poisoned by a leg, and Hua Gu was giving him acupuncture.

That's how the whole thing happened.

This is the whole explanation of Brother Pao to me.

I was full of doubts. In another world, things are not like this. It seems that Brother Pao was poisoned by Zhang Zuzi, and Hua Gu gave him acupuncture in order to get rid of the poison.

But now there is a problem that can be solved. At first, I suspected that the collapse of my Hejude Auction House was calculated by others. Now I see that there are other reasons for it.

There should be no other reason to explain why such a thing happened. If you insist on finding a reason, there is only one reason.

That is the old man with the white beard, and now I have every reason to believe that the old man with the white beard is my grandfather.

I suddenly remembered something, and I asked Brother Pao: "Have you ever married three wives? Besides, you were a monk for a while during this period?"

The other party froze for a moment, "How do you know about this?"

I am so surprised.

Actually, I shouldn't have asked these words just now.That's what happened in another world.However, I immediately regretted it after asking. The other party might think I was crazy, but I didn't expect the other party to admit it.It's just unbelievable.

Next, when I wanted to ask more detailed questions, the other party waved his hand, unwilling to speak.

I can see that the other party is reluctant to bring up what happened in the past.In this case, there is no need to force it.

The two of us talked a lot. When we were about to leave, the other party said to me: "I'll introduce Zhang Zuzi to you sometime. I can see that Zhang Zuzi still has a lot to say to me. Maybe see After you, he will tell you."

As soon as I heard this, I immediately became interested, and I immediately said: "You are right, I have the same feeling. I must see Zhang Zuzi immediately, and I hope you will contact him immediately."

Two days later, in a cafe, under the introduction of Brother Pao, Zhang Zuzi and I met.Just like I imagined, the other party is exactly the image of a tomb robber, a thin man with very bright eyes, shining like an owl.

Seeing me for the first time, Zhang Zuzi was startled, and actually knelt down to me, and kept saying, "Great Immortal, please forgive me, please forgive me."

I was very surprised, and quickly helped him up, "Don't do this, what's wrong with you? Why did you face me like this for the first time? Did you make a mistake?"

The behavior of the other party is simply incomprehensible. I think that the other party must have encountered something, or something must have happened to the other party.

Then the other party explained.

It turned out that, just as Brother Pao said, the leg had a dream one night when he was sleeping, and an old man told him that there was an ancient tomb in the distant Dolly country, and there was a treasure in it, and the exact location told him.

At first, Zhang Zuzi didn't believe it, it was just a dream.Later, he felt that something was wrong, and he had the same dream for three consecutive nights, so he felt that this matter was very strange.

So Zhang Zuzi really found two accomplices and took the train to Duoliguo.

After arriving in the primeval forest of Duoli, Zhang Zuzi quickly found the place according to the location told to him by the old man with the white beard in the dream.

But to his surprise, that place turned out to be a big tree with a big tree hole.After he and his two colleagues went in, they encountered a boa constrictor very frighteningly.

The python opened its bloody mouth and swallowed his two accomplices. Just when the leg felt that his life was in danger, the python disappeared, and a coffin appeared in front of him.

He thought he was hallucinating, it was just a tree hole, how could there be a coffin.Is this tree hole an ancient tomb?
Legzi felt that he might make a fortune, so he opened the coffin. He thought there was treasure inside, but he didn't expect that there was nothing inside, except for the blue and white jar, and there was a person lying inside.

This person is not an ancient person, not a mummy, nor a skeleton.it is me.

The important thing to say again is me.

At this time, Zhang Zuzi looked at me with fear, "I dare not disturb you, I really shouldn't, so please forgive me."

When the other party spoke, his face was pale and his teeth were chattering.

I'm really confused, I really don't know what the other party is doing.

At this time, Brother Pao walked up to Zhang Zuzi and slapped him without any explanation.The other party suddenly woke up.However, the other party's face was still very pale, and he said suspiciously: "It's so strange, this is really too strange. Could it be that there are exactly the same people in this world?"

Although I felt very surprised in my heart, this kind of thing should not be rushed. I ordered three cups of coffee, and the three of us smoked slowly while drinking coffee.After my legs gradually calmed down, I began to ask: "What happened? Why did I appear in that coffin."

Next, the other party told me what happened.

It turned out that after the other party opened the coffin, he saw a large living person lying inside. He was not prepared at all, and almost fainted from fright.He picked up the blue and white jar, turned around and ran, faster than a rabbit.I ran to the train station in one breath, took the train overnight, and finally came back after two days and two nights.

(End of this chapter)

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