wife's secret

Chapter 505

Chapter 505

Zhang Zuzi's original words are as follows: "You must not believe me when I say this, you must think it is a fantasy, and I am talking nonsense. But, I can swear to God that I am not lying. After opening the coffin, I saw That person is indeed you."

After the other party finished speaking, he took out his phone and showed me a picture, "This is the first picture I took after I opened the coffin. Take a look. Is the person above you the one?"

I took a look at the phone and opened my mouth in surprise. The other party said it well.It is true that the photo on the other party's mobile phone is a coffin, and there is a big living person lying in it. That person looks exactly like me.

I was instantly confused.

I recalled what happened in another world. After I was hijacked by a python, I did come to a tree hole.I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the ground cross-legged in meditation, as if he was practicing cultivation.At that time, I suspected that the other party might be my grandfather.

Could it be that the tree hole I went to was the same tree hole that Zhang Zuizi went to?

At this time, Zhang Zuzi's emotions gradually calmed down.It was different from the beginning. He looked at my face for a minute, and then said in a very positive tone: "It's not bad at all. I can see it more clearly. It's all that face. This face of yours. I When the coffin was opened, it was exactly the same."

It can be seen that although the other party has commented on his emotions, the other party's tone is still a bit incoherent.

I said, "Although this matter is a bit weird, I thought of a possibility."

I told what happened in another world.

Both of them were very surprised after listening to it. Brother Pao said, "Now let's meet someone. He will be very surprised after hearing your story."


"Mu Yi."

"What did you say?" My eyes widened.

In another world, Muyi is a coal mine owner.I have dealt with him.

Several times, when I was in danger, Mu Yi rushed to the scene in an explosion-proof car.If he hadn't appeared in time, I would have died several times.

In my imagination, the other party is a virtual character, not real.But I didn't expect such a person to exist in reality.

I hurriedly said, "I want to see this coal mine owner right now."

An hour later, in a coal mine deep in the mountains, I finally saw Mu Yi.

The first time I saw the other party, before I could speak, the other party said in surprise, "There is such a thing, aren't you that Chen Yang?"

What the other party said surprised me.

In fact, when I saw each other for the first time, I was very shocked.Because in that other world, I have had in-depth communication with the other party, and the other party's appearance is exactly the same as what I see now.

I remember very clearly that the other party has allergies to beautiful women, so you must not get too close, otherwise you will be allergic all over your body.

I never imagined that I actually saw this guy in reality.

The strangest thing was what the other party said just now.

Has he seen me?
I asked curiously: "Boss Mu, didn't you also have a strange dream?"

The other party was so excited that he almost cried, "I was waiting for your words, I finally got you here, it's incredible."

Then the other party explained.

It turned out that Mu Yi was an ordinary employee of Ninghua Real Estate Company five years ago.This guy is different from other ordinary employees. He is more courageous and has a very open style of doing things.

Jiang Haiyang, the chairman of the company, admired him very much, and once considered promoting him to be a department manager.However, Mu Yi actually resigned later, which seemed incomprehensible to many people.

Why don't you quit your job.It turned out that one night five years ago, he had a strange dream. He dreamed that an old man with a white beard told him that there was an exact place in a big mountain, and there were coal mine resources underground.The old man with the white beard advised him to open a coal mine.

Of course Mu Yi didn't believe it, he just thought it was a dream.But what happened later made him feel that something was wrong. He actually had the same dream for three nights in a row, so he thought it was too strange.

He reported this matter to the relevant department. This department is not a higher-level department, but a private enterprise, that is, the owner of a coal mine.Mu Yi said to the boss, if the information I provided is reliable, then my requirements are not too high, and we will open a coal mine together.

The other party felt that Mu Yi's words were not credible, but Mu Yi's attitude was very firm, repeatedly emphasizing that he would not lie.So, the other party decided to give it a try.

The owner of the coal mine hired an expert to follow the information provided by Mu Yi. After arriving at the designated location in the mountain and measuring the bottom with professional instruments, he was so surprised that he couldn't be more surprised.There is actually a coal mine underground, and the storage capacity is very rich.

In this way, Mu Yi cooperated with the other party very smoothly. He can be said to be an empty-handed white wolf, without investing a penny. Relying on the dream he had, relying on the guidance of the old man with white beard in the dream, he made a windfall .

When Mu Yi became the boss of the coal mine, one night he had another dream, the old man with the white beard.The old man told him, don't forget me now that you are rich, I have a request now, I hope you can do it according to my request.

Mu Yi was very grateful to the white-bearded old man, and said repeatedly, if it wasn't for you, I would still be an ordinary worker, you don't have to be polite, just ask if you have any requirements, and I will definitely fulfill them.

The old man with the white beard said to Mu Yi, there is a young man named Chen Yang, he may be in trouble or in danger, you must help him when the time comes.

Mu Yi hurriedly said, no problem, but please tell me, there are too many people named Chen Yang, I don't know which one is Chen Yang, how can I find him.

The white-bearded old man smiled, and said only one sentence, "The secret must not be revealed, and I will find you when the time comes."

After Mu Yi spoke, he said to me with emotion: "This is the whole story. I can tell you with certainty now that the old man with the white beard should be a god. You are too awesome."

After listening to what the other party said, I felt a little dazed.

I really don't know what the other person is talking about.

This is so weird.Zhang Zuzi dreamed that an old man with a white beard asked him to dig an ancient tomb in Dolly. When he opened the coffin, he found that the person inside was me.The coal mine owner named Mu Yi actually dreamed of an old man with a white beard.

What the hell is going on.

Just when I was about to ask, Mu Yi said again, "There is no such thing as taking advantage of nothing in this world. If there is great wealth, there must be great evil. The old man with the white beard later entrusted me with a dream, saying that Chen Yang would soon become Ning It is not a good thing for him to be the chairman of Hua Real Estate Company, I hope you will continue to help him when he is in danger."

I couldn't help laughing: "This is too much of a joke. How could I become the chairman of a real estate company? I'm working for Ant Moving Company now, and I sell my physical strength to support my family. You actually said that I want to be the chairman? It’s just a fantasy.”

But Mu Yi said very seriously: "There are some things in the world that people can never figure out. Just take me as an example. I used to be just an ordinary salesman in Ninghua Real Estate Company, but suddenly I became a Coal mine boss. How can this be explained? So I have reason to believe that the old man with white beard is the god who blesses you, not to mention becoming the chairman, it is also possible for you to become the king in the future."

Two days later, Mu Yi's words were verified.One day, a young man in a suit came to Ant Moving Company. After finding me, he said to me solemnly, "You must be Chen Yang. Chairman Jiang Haiyang invites you to his office."

In the office of the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate, I met Jiang Haiyang. I have dealt with him many times in another world. I remember very clearly that after finding the meteorite, he drove me out of the virgin forest by helicopter. While flying in the air, Xiao Zihang flew a plane and attacked me from behind. At that time, I parachuted and landed from the sky. I don't know what happened afterwards.

After seeing me, the other party held my hand enthusiastically, "I have been inquiring about your whereabouts for so many years, and I finally found you."

(End of this chapter)

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