wife's secret

Chapter 508 Divorce

Chapter 508 Divorce
After Niu Lili heard the other party's thoughts, she also immediately became interested.She asked the other party to meet her at the place where she went to college.

After meeting, the two felt that it was too late to meet each other, and they both admired each other.Haiyang thinks that the other party is a girl who is still in college and has such a strong business acumen.

Niu Lili also admired Jiang Haiyang, who was five years older than her and already had a lot of experience.Moreover, he has a sharp vision, seeing that real estate is a sunrise industry in the future and has a good development prospect.

So, the two started working together.

Seeing this, some people may question it, which is simply nonsense.The age difference between the two is more than five years old, at least 20 years old, how can they be related together.

Don't worry, there will be an answer to this question in no time.

Let's talk about cooperation first.

Didn't Niu Lili know Angel, the black boxer?Niu Lili introduced Jiang Haiyang to Angel. After the two young people met, they also admired each other.Angor was very familiar with the chief of Duoli, so he introduced Jiang Haiyang to the chief.After getting to know each other, they also admire each other.

In this way, through the relationship of the chief, the king of Duoli country sponsored a sum of money to Jiang Haiyang.It was with these funds that Jiang Haiyang successfully established Ninghua Real Estate Company. Later, with more and more businesses, more and more money was earned, and gradually became a well-known enterprise and a listed company.

During the cooperation period, Jiang Haiyang went to Dollyland.

It was because of something that happened this time he went, which made him determined to send his daughter to Sakura University to study astronomy.

What happened?

After Jiang Haiyang arrived in Duoliguo, he became interested in the local virgin forest.At that time, he was still young and adventurous, and he definitely didn't want to miss the original scenery.

Of course the chief was worried about letting him go on an adventure in the primeval forest alone, so he sent a few young people to follow him.After arriving in the primeval forest, Jiang Haiyang and several young people encountered a python.

Jiang Haiyang was so frightened that he passed out.

When he woke up, he found himself in a tree hole.There was an old man with a white beard standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

He was startled.

The white-bearded old man was none other than someone he had dreamed about in his dream.That is, the hunter who rescued him when he went to the countryside to exercise when he was young.

Jiang Haiyang thought he was dreaming, so he slapped himself.

The old man with white beard said to him, you have traveled through time and space, this is in another world, in other words, you have gone back to the past, back to you 100 years ago.

Jiang Haiyang was taken aback, and hurriedly asked the old man with white beard what happened to me 100 years ago.

The old man with the white beard told him that you were a boa constrictor in your previous life, and you have finally returned to your hometown, and finally returned to the original.

Of course Jiang Haiyang didn't believe it. Old man, are you kidding me? How could I have been a snake in my previous life? Is there any basis for saying that?

The white-bearded old man chuckled, "Do you know why you are running a real estate company so smoothly now? It's because of the cooperation with Duoliguo, and because it sponsored funds for you. Do you know where the funds come from, yes? It was obtained by selling boa constrictors."

Jiang Haiyang felt like he was dreaming.

When he wanted to ask, he felt unable to speak.

At this time, the white-bearded old man spoke to him, "You made a promise back then. If you have your own company and have a daughter in the future, your daughter will marry Chen Yang, who is my grandson. If you If you break your oath, your life will be taken back, and you will go back 100 years ago."

Jiang Haiyang was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat, "Going back to 100 years ago, does it mean that I have to turn back into a python?"

"Congratulations, you got it."

After explaining the situation, Jiang Haiyang said to Jiang Man: "In order to prevent me from turning back into a python, and to solve this mystery, we have no other way out. You have to marry Chen Yang. Of course, this is your university. Things after graduation. Do you know why I asked you to study archeology at Sakura University?"

"do not know."

"Because the old man with the white beard said something to me at the end. He said about the space-time tunnel, which belongs to the category of astronomy. If you want to find out this secret, please check what happened 60 years ago."

Jiang Haiyang didn't understand what the other party meant, but he remembered these words 60 years ago.After an expert's introduction and translated materials, he accidentally learned that a comet exploded when it passed the earth 60 years ago, and the fragments after the explosion turned into meteorites and landed on the earth.Therefore, Jiang Haiyang firmly believed that the occurrence of space-time travel must be related to these meteorites.

This is why Jiang Haiyang sent his daughter to Sakura University to study astronomy.

Now let’s talk about Niu Lili.Some people questioned, as mentioned earlier, Jiang Haiyang is only five years older than Niu Lili, how is this possible.

In fact, it is true.

Jiang Haiyang was indeed five years older than Niu Lili.Some people may have said that according to what you said, Jiang Haiyang is almost 60 years old now, and Niu Lili is also almost 60 years old.

Wrong, it is time to correct this mistake.

Let me announce Jiang Haiyang's actual age now. He is just 42 years old this year.

All previous judgments were wrong.

It is easy to understand now that Jiang Haiyang is only 42 years old, and at this age, he is fully capable of cooperating to create humans.

After listening to all the explanations, my heart was full of confusion.According to the current judgment, Jiang Man is Jiang Haiyang's biological daughter. If Jiang Haiyang is only 42 years old, how old is Jiang Man?It seems that I am sorry to come.

However, I also want to understand.Jiang Haiyang should have had a child when he was very young. He got married very early, so he had a family first and then started a business.

Come down and start to get down to business.

Jiang Haiyang said to me: "You are now divorced from your wife, it is very good. I will find a good day in a few days, and I will hold a grand wedding for you. I only have such a daughter, and I must make the wedding luxurious. Be more dignified. From now on you will be my son-in-law."

When the other party said these words, there was no trace of joy in his tone, but full of doubts.This is completely understandable. The reason why he said this in the end was because of the old man with the white beard he met in the tree hole.

If the old man with the white beard hadn't said those words to him, of course he couldn't marry her daughter to me.

I'm even more mysterious about my grandpa now.

I am even more certain that my grandfather must have encountered time travel.I just don't understand why my grandfather asked me to be Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law, is it just to make me the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate in the future.

If it is, it will be difficult for people to understand.

Is it really that important to be a real estate market in Ninghua?

I think I need to talk to Dunzi about this matter.

So far, apart from Dunzi, I don't think there is anyone I can trust.

I called him: "Where are you?"

"I'm practicing wrestling in the wrestling hall."

"I have something urgent to ask you now, and I need to meet you right away."

In a cafe, I met Dunzi.

I told him about the divorce between my wife and me, and about Jiang Haiyang asking me to be his son-in-law.

Dunzi was a little confused, and looked at me in surprise, "Aren't you joking?"

"How can I be kidding, it's true." I took out the little green divorce book.

After Dunzi saw it, his eyes widened, and he said after a long time, "There has never been a pie, if there is, it is either a trap or a trap."

I explained to him, "Under normal circumstances, Jiang Haiyang is a psychopath. But he has his reasons for doing so."

I told about Jiang Haiyang and the old man with white beard.

After Dunzi listened to it, he said it was amazing.In that case, you might as well be Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law.But there is one thing I have to remind you.

I ask something.

Dunzi said: "I have a judgment or speculation that Ninghua Real Estate may face a big crisis or a very big danger. Jiang Haiyang asked you to be his son-in-law in order to avoid this danger..."

(End of this chapter)

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