wife's secret

Chapter 509 The Picture on the Letter

Chapter 509 The Picture on the Letter

Things have come to this point, there is no other way out.

A month later, Jiang Haiyang picked an auspicious day and held a wedding ceremony for Jiang Man and me.

Until the night of the wedding night in the bridal chamber, I still felt uneasy and felt like a dream.Reminiscent of what happened in another world, I even suspect that the other party is not a woman but a man.

Of course, my suspicions were wrong.When the other party took off all the clothes on his body, I immediately became excited.That is a rare stunner in the world.

What happened next became very natural, and it is the most enjoyable thing for every man.

After some intense interaction, I held her in my arms and told her a story that happened in another world.

After listening to the story I told, the other party smiled: "Your imagination is really rich, this is simply a fantasy."

I pay attention to observe each other.

There is nothing wrong with it, the other party is indeed Gu Xiaoxiao.

I was suddenly in a daze. In another world, the final outcome was that I married Meng Xue and Gu Xiaoxiao as my wives.At that time, I thought I had a dream. Looking at it now, this dream has come true, and one of them has come true.

After the wedding night, my wife and I traveled south.

I didn't want to go, I wanted to work in Ninghua Real Estate as soon as possible.My mood is very urgent, which is understandable, because I always suspect that the situation is not right, just like Dunzi's analysis, Jiang Haiyang is an old fox, and he may have set a trap for me. It is a bit exaggerated to say that, correct Said it might be using me.I must find out what is going on as soon as possible.

The trip to the south was arranged by Jiang Haiyang.

Jiang Haiyang said this, "Marriage is a major event in life, and we must enjoy it. Let's go to the south for a while, find a place with a good environment, and relax completely."

When I was about to express my thanks to the other party, the other party continued, "Of course, you can help me with things by the way."

I asked: "What is it?"

"Go to a Mr. Lu, and I will tell you the exact address. I have written a letter and you have to give it to him. The thing to do is very simple, just hand the letter into his hands."

After finishing speaking, the other party took out a cowhide envelope and handed it to me.

I glanced at the address above and was surprised.

I have been to this place.

In another world, Dunzi once took me to that place in the south.Speaking of this, you may have thought of it, and some people may say, you are not talking about the Mr. Lu you once met.

very true.

I asked curiously, "What does this Mr. Lu do? Is this letter important to him?"

Jiang Haiyang's face changed after a very simple sentence, "Don't you think you asked too much?"

On the train to the south, I was really curious.Several times I took out the letter and read it repeatedly.

I really want to know what is written in it.

I have an intuition, just like Dunzi's analysis, Jiang Haiyang will not marry his daughter to me for no reason, and there will be no pie in the sky.Regarding the matter that the white-bearded old man entrusted him with a dream, although it is very possible, although the other party really did it because of this.But I have to think of another possibility.

What is the possibility.

That is, the other party set a trap for me.

It seems a bit exaggerated to say so.To be precise, I have a big secret that only Jiang Haiyang knows, and he is using me.

I found an excuse to let Jiang Man go away, and then I took out some necessary tools from the bag I carried with me, such as blades and glue.Something said to me, you have to see what the letter says.

I opened the envelope carefully, and there was a piece of paper inside. A coffin was drawn on it, and there seemed to be a person lying in the coffin.

I observed this man's facial features carefully, and couldn't help being surprised.It turned out that the person drawn on the paper was exactly like me.

I thought I made a mistake, so I looked at it over and over for a long time, but there was no mistake at all, and the person in the painting was me.

I suddenly remembered what Zhang Zuzi said to me. He once said that for three consecutive nights, he dreamed of an old man with a white beard and told him that there was an ancient tomb in the primeval forest of Duoliguo, and there was a Tangta-shaped blue and white jar in it.It was because of this dream that Zhang Zuzi went to Duoli.After he found the ancient tomb, there was a coffin inside. When he opened the coffin, he found that there was a person lying in the coffin, which was me.

Now there is a coffin drawn on this piece of paper, and there is a person lying in it, and this person is also me.

What is going on here, is there a necessary connection?
The more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong.

It can basically be concluded now that Jiang Haiyang must have a purpose in asking me to be his son-in-law.I couldn't help thinking of that Mr. Lu, he was a very strange person, a very mysterious person.I really don't understand the relationship between Jiang Haiyang and him.

Just then my cell phone rang, it was my wife calling, not my current wife, but my former wife Huang Yijia.

"Chen Yang, where are you now?"

"On the train to the south."

"What are you doing going south?"

Of course I couldn't say that I went to the south to spend my honeymoon with my new wife. I casually said, "Jiang Haiyang asked me to meet someone who has something to do with the company's business."

"Let me tell you some good news. The accountant of Ninghua Real Estate Company transferred 1000 million to my account. From this point of view, Jiang Haiyang is quite trustworthy. I have already thought about it. I want to buy a house. A bigger house. Then, I will find a better kindergarten for my son. I will save the rest of the money. To tell you the truth, I don’t feel at ease in my heart, it feels like a dream. The money came too suddenly. "

"You're right. It's possible that Jiang Haiyang set up a trap for us. Don't spend the remaining money indiscriminately. It's better to save it."

"I heard that you have a beautiful little daughter-in-law now, right?"

I was most worried about her asking such a question, so I quickly answered: "It's so-so."

"It's just so-so, don't talk nonsense. I've met Jiang Man, she's so beautiful, she has a very good temperament, and her skin is very fair. You can finally enjoy yourself."

I cried and laughed, "What do you mean by enjoyable?"

"Since I had the operation, that place can't be touched. I have wronged you these years. You have been hungry and thirsty. So, now you can finally have a big fight. How? Your body eats disappear?"

I almost cried, "To tell you the truth, so far, I haven't gone in yet."

"What are you talking about? Are you unable to get in? Or is she not letting in?"

"No entry."

"Hehehe." Huang Yijia smiled, "Jiang Haiyang really didn't lie to me."

This sentence is a bit strange, I didn't understand what it meant.

The other party then began to explain.

Well, when Jiang Haiyang sent his assistant to call my wife for 1000 million yuan, he said something like this to her, and my wife immediately felt reassured.

What are you talking about?
The following are the original words - "Don't worry, although your husband married Jiang Man and became Jiang Haiyang's door-to-door son-in-law, this is only a formality and no actual behavior will take place. There is a relationship between the two of them." There is an agreement."

After listening to my wife's explanation, I was very surprised.

There is nothing wrong with what I said. Although Jiang Man and I got married and had a bridal chamber wedding night, it is a pity that no substantive actions took place.

Some people may say that you are simply nonsense. Didn't you say that you enjoy it very much, you enjoy it.How are you talking nonsense.

I just have to explain.

The enjoyment I am talking about is not that kind, not the kind of cranky, but spiritual enjoyment.There was no actual action between us.

That might be a little strange to say.Of course I wanted the actual behavior to happen, but couldn't.It's not that I can't do it, it's that the other party is very tight.

On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, when I hugged the other party and couldn't wait to enter, the door of the other party was tightly closed. After some efforts, I still couldn't get in.I still find this strange.Did the other party take protective measures against me?

On the phone, Huang Yijia went on to say: "Now I am more sure that Jiang Haiyang definitely wants to use you. There must be some kind of trap in it. I have only one purpose in calling you, which is to remind you to be careful and not to fall in love with the other party." Right."

(End of this chapter)

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