wife's secret

Chapter 510 "Why did you come here?"

Chapter 510 "Why did you come here?"

At this moment, Jiang Man walked over from a distance.I quickly put the letter away.

The other party walked up to me and smiled, "I know what you are doing?"

I was taken aback, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't do anything."

"Don't lie, you must have read the contents of the letter. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come here quietly alone."

I had no choice but to admit, "You're right, I've read it. It's easy to understand, and I'm very curious. I want to know what is written on it. If you were you, you must be curious, right?"

"I can see that you are a very frank person, not hypocritical, which is very good. Since this is the case, I don't think it is necessary to hide it from you. I will tell you something now, and I hope you will not be too surprised after hearing it. "

My heart was pounding, and I really didn't know what the other person was trying to tell me.This is so interesting, the other party is the chairman's daughter, is she going to betray her father?
"Until now, there has been no substantive behavior between us. You must be very puzzled. But I want to tell you that there is a reason for not letting you in. Once you go in, the consequences will be very serious."

What follows is the other party's explanation.

It turned out that the other party went to Sakura University to study astronomy for a reason.As explained earlier, the reason why the other party went to Sakura University to study astronomy was because his father, Jiang Haiyang, dreamed of an old man with a white beard for three consecutive nights.

However, there is some meaning in the other party's explanation next.

When the other party graduated from high school, a strange thing happened to her.One night when she was sleeping, she dreamed that a strange man was pressing on her body. At that time, she remembered very clearly and was very impressed. That man was exactly like me.

When she woke up, she felt very strange.Why is it so strange, because the man just pressed on her body and did nothing.

There was nothing strange about this at first, it was just a dream.But she was having the same dream for three consecutive nights, which made her very curious.

So she told Jiang Haiyang about it.Jiang Haiyang was very surprised after hearing this, because he also had a dream just now, in which an old man with a white beard said to him very seriously, I have a grandson named Chen Yang, you must marry your daughter to him, otherwise , you and your real estate company will be in trouble.

After hearing this, I suddenly understood.

I know why Jiang Haiyang asked me to divorce my wife and why he paid such a high price. Although 1000 million is not very important to Jiang Haiyang, to an ordinary person, 1000 million is equivalent to an astronomical figure.

Involuntarily, I recalled what happened in the primeval forest of Dolly Country.I remember very clearly that there was a luminous object that night, an oval-shaped luminous object, and a middle-aged man walked out of it, and it was he who handed the meteorite to my hand.

Now there is only one possibility, that middle-aged man and the old man with white beard are the same person, it should be my grandfather.

Some readers may feel a little dizzy after seeing this, and may say that you have made some mess.Why can't I understand it at all.

Don't worry, the wonderful story is behind,

I said to Jiang Man: "I have a question that I'm curious about, but it's not convenient to say it. I want to say it now. I wonder if it's okay?"

"We're both husband and wife, what's wrong?"

"You should be very clear that although the two of us had a festive night in the bridal chamber, there was no real behavior. Why did you do this? Don't you think you are a bit too much? You should know that I am your husband now, I You have the right to come in and you should not have your doors closed."

The other party's face turned red all of a sudden, "I didn't do it on purpose, can't you feel it? In fact, I welcome you very much, but for some reason, that door has not been closed forever. In fact, I am very hurry."

I can see that the other party is not lying.

I suddenly thought of a possibility.Perhaps this is the arrangement of God in the dark.I can't be in a hurry, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and when I can enter, the door will naturally open to me.

Then I asked the second question, "What you just said is quite right. I have seen the contents of the letter. There is nothing on it, not a single word. It is a painting with a coffin inside. There was a person lying there, and that person turned out to be me. Don't you find it strange?"

At first, I thought the other party knew about it, but after hearing what I said, the other party showed a surprised expression on his face, "That's what happened, it's so strange, hurry up and bring it to me to have a look."

After reading it, she shook her head again and again, "This is really strange, I don't know what my father means."

"Have you seen that Mr. Lu?"


"Has your father introduced anything about Mr. Lu to you?"


I can see that the other party is not lying.

After the train arrived in the south, according to Jiang Haiyang's arrangement, the two of us should go on a trip first, but the two of us were not in the mood to travel at all, and we both felt that it was necessary to find Mr. Lu first, to understand things first.

When I saw Mr. Lu, I was almost stunned.


Because Mr. Lu is the same person as the Mr. Lu I met in another world.

I remember the scene very clearly.When Dunzi took me to meet the other party, the other party was concentrating on smelling the soil. The other party once told me that he used to be a tomb robber, but he stopped doing it later. He became interested in antiques and specialized in the research and development of antiques.The antiques he made can be confused with real ones.

After seeing me, the other party became puzzled, "I seem to have seen you somewhere, you look so familiar."

I thought of a possibility. The meeting between me and the other party happened in another world. It is very likely that the other party also entered the space-time tunnel, or for the other party, it was just a dream.

I just find it very strange why Jiang Haiyang asked me to hand over this letter to the other party.

I handed the letter to the other party and told him what Jiang Haiyang had explained.

He looked carefully at the picture on the letter, then at my face, and slapped his hands fiercely, "No wonder it looks so familiar, I finally remembered it when I remembered it. I met you before, and you are indeed that foreigner." Starman."

This sentence is too inexplicable, how could I become an alien.

Next, the other party explained.

It turned out that this guy surnamed Lu was unusual, he was indeed a tomb robber, his qualifications were older than Zhang Zuzi, and his career as a tomb robber was very smooth, but something happened three years ago, and he has never been seen again since then. Dare to rob a tomb.

Three years ago, he got reliable information that there was a 1000-year-old tomb somewhere, and there were many treasures in it. After he got into the ancient tomb and opened the coffin, he did see many treasures.But when he went to get these treasures, the dead body lying in the coffin suddenly came back to life, grabbed his neck with one hand, and slapped him ten times with the other hand.

Moreover, the other party yelled at him while beating him, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, why did you come here?"

The moment the dead body came back to life, Mr. Lu was already frightened and stupid. When the dead body grabbed his neck and slapped him with his hands, he had already changed from scared to confused.

He never thought that after so many years of tomb robbery, he would encounter fraudulent corpses.

At first he thought he was going to die, but when he heard the dead body yelling, he was stunned.What do you mean by waiting for a long time?And the other party said why did you come here.

It was as if dead bodies were expecting him to come.

so, what happened?
He gradually calmed down from the shock, and gradually figured out what was going on.It turns out that this ancient tomb is not simple, it is an entrance leading to the space-time tunnel, this dead body is not from the earth, he is an alien.

Some people may say, you are simply talking nonsense.

It's not that I'm talking nonsense, this is related to the previous one.Let me first introduce the origin of this ancient tomb.

But this is an ordinary ancient tomb 1000 years ago, but its location is very special. At the entrance to the space-time tunnel, the comet exploded when it passed the earth 60 years ago. In fact, before the explosion, the aliens on the comet People have already felt it, and have already found a way out in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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