Chapter 201
In the past, it was women's turn to eat after the men in the village had finished their meal, but this habit has changed now, although Zhang Huifen and the others did not gather around the round table when Zhao Qingshan and the others drank just now, but the sisters He also prepared a few dishes and ate dinner on the small square table on the side.

Everyone left one after another, and because He Zhongheng's wife, Shen Yue'e, wanted to help Zhang Huifen pack her things, so He Zhongheng didn't leave either.

Now, He Hui is still in the summer vacation, these days at home tutoring her younger brother He Cong's homework, and taking care of dinner together.

Just now Zhao Zhijiang asked He Hui and He Cong to come over, but they refused to come.

He Cong, who used to like to hang out, but in the past year, he doesn't like to talk, and he doesn't like to hang out.

He Zhongheng drank a lot, glanced at Shen Yuee and the others who were clearing the table, then pulled Zhao Zhijiang's clothes, looked sideways at Zhao Qingshan, whose face was flushed from drinking, but sighed, and said, "What a good boy Qingshan is!" ,Why!"

Zhao Qingshan heard the meaning in He Zhongheng's tone. When he saw himself, he probably remembered those things last summer again, so he deliberately looked away to avoid eye contact with He Zhongheng.

Zhao Zhijiang drank with so many people today, and he was happy after drinking. He downed a catty of wine and was already drunk by now.

"Brother, I understand, I understand, my son is not only my pride, he is also the pride of our village."

Upon hearing this, He Zhongheng gave a thumbs up, looked at Zhao Qingshan, and said with a smile: "Not only the pride of our village, but also the pride of our Zhaizi Township."

Zhang Huifen, who was busy clearing the table, heard this, gave Zhao Zhijiang and He Zhongheng a blank look, and then said: "You two just brag, you don't boast, others don't."

"Sister-in-law, they are not boasting, let me tell you, Qingshan is not only the pride of our Zhaizi Township, but also the pride of our Laigang County, even the county magistrate is here, isn't it the pride of our Laigang County. "

The second aunt of Zhao Qingshan, who was on the side, said with a smile, "brothers and sisters, that's right, we are not boasting, the child Qingshan is promising, and the child Qingshan has a good heart, and he is rich, so he doesn't care about it. Forget about relatives and friends, everyone follows him, and no one is poor."

The original Fenghuangling Village was a well-known poverty-stricken village, a village of bachelors, but now, if it is said that people from Fenghuangling Village go out, their chests stand up and their waists straighten up when they talk to people.

These are all thanks to Zhao Qingshan.

"Quickly stop talking, I'm ashamed." It's not that Zhang Huifen doesn't think her son is excellent, but she feels a little embarrassed for praising her son so much.

He Zhongheng lowered his voice and still sighed: "Hey, I originally planned to tell Shen Ying to your nephew Jianxin, but now..."

Shen Yue'e who was next to her heard it, coughed dryly, glared at her husband, then looked at Zhao Zhimin who entered the room with a plate, and asked Zhang Huifen next to her in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, how old is the eldest of your second aunt's family?"

Everyone was sitting in the courtyard, and the [-]-watt incandescent lamp hanging on the TV antenna pole illuminated the entire small courtyard thoroughly and brightly.

Zhang Huifen looked at Zhao Qingshan, frowned and thought about it, and said, "I'm four years older than Qingshan, and I'm 24 this year."

When Shen Yue'e heard this, she immediately said with a straight face: "That's really not young, one year older than my sister, but it's also... Oh, by the way, Jianxin hasn't found a partner yet, right?"

"If his aunt is suitable, he has to make peace with our family Jianxin. Not only Jianxin, Jianzhong, but our Qingshan is not young. Qingshan is already twenty, Jianzhong is one year older than Qingshan, and he is already old. It's 21."

Zhao Zhimin came out of the room and said with a smile: "What are you two talking about?"

"Second Sister, I'm talking about adding Jian Xinzhong to you, and about my Qingshan's daughter-in-law."

"My nephew Qingshan is very picky, we two, cut, who can look up to?"

What his second sister said made Zhao Zhijiang a little unhappy. He looked up at his second sister and said, "Second sister, everyone looks at other people's good, and children look at their own good. How come we are here? What’s the difference between Jianzhong and Jianxin? They’re both big and big, and the young man is awesome. If you’re looking for a wife, we don’t want the bad ones.”

Jianzhong and Jianxin had already gone back to the hatchery at this moment, but Zhao Qingshan's second uncle didn't come over that night.

"All right, nephew follows uncle, Jian Xin is loyal, in your eyes, it's not bad."

"Hahahaha." After hearing Zhao Zhimin's words, everyone laughed.

Although it was eight or nine o'clock in the evening, it was still too hot to breathe. Zhao Qingshan had to go to the top of Dongling Mountain to cool off, and the others also had to leave one after another.

He Zhongheng's round table, there is no need to return it tonight, we will talk about it tomorrow.

Everyone left, and everything that needed to be tidied up was done, and next, Zhang Huifen asked while soaking her feet: "I said that Jianzhong and Jianxin will follow us, and we have to find a way to find wives for them. "


Zhao Zhijiang lay on the bed, wondering if he heard his wife's words, so he said something vaguely.

"In our village, the ones who are of the right age are Cao Mingliang's daughter. His daughter Cao Qingqing is not bad in size and appearance. If you want to say that Cao Mingliang's family is neat and tidy, she speaks softly and gently. I like it very much. She is older than Qingshan. One year old, just 21, it is suitable for Jianxin and Jianzhong... It is Cao Mingliang who is blah, I don't like it very much, what do you think of the head of the family?"

"Hmm... hoo... hoo..."

What made Zhang Huifen angry was that her man agreed and then started snoring.

Zhang Huifen was very dissatisfied and poured out the footwashing water, then tossed Zhao Zhijiang onto the bed with great effort, took off his clothes, and covered his belly with a blanket.

While Zhang Huifen was thinking about finding wives for her two nephews in her second aunt's family, on the other side, He Zhongheng and his wife were also discussing this matter.

"You said your sister is really cheap. If she didn't run off to talk to that Cao man this time, let's tell Shen Ying to Jianxin, and after we're done, we'll have a relationship with the Zhao family. After that, she still needs money? Let's do the same. Dip it up!"

Shen Yue'e was also a little angry, patted her fat thighs, and frowned: "My sister was cheated by someone, hey, my poor sister..."

"Whether Shen Ying is wanted or not is uncertain. In my opinion, [-]% of them are deceived by others."

Suddenly, He Zhongheng rolled his eyes, turned his head to look at his wife and asked, "Oh, by the way, isn't Shen Zihan from our second aunt's family too late to go to school? Isn't he only one year younger than Shen Ying? I'm going to be 22 this year, and she looks even more juicy than Shen Ying, so why don't we tell Qingshan or Jianzhong Jianxin?"

"Shen Zihan? That's a good idea, but who should I tell you to be a daughter-in-law?"

The couple frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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