Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 212 Everyone Laughed

Chapter 212 Everyone Laughed

"Say! What's the matter?"

Zhao Qingshan stared and shouted loudly, which made Liu Wendong tremble all over.

Zhang Peihe sat on the stool behind Zhao Qingshan, Zhang Peiyi stood behind Zhao Qingshan, and Zhao Qingshan stood in the middle of the pavilion, looking at Liu Wendong sitting opposite him.Next to Liu Wendong, Zhang Jing sat with her sister Zhang Fan supported.

Liu Wendong raised his head and glanced at Zhao Qingshan with helplessness, then looked at Zhang Fan next to him, and lowered his head.

"I said you talk, what do you mean you don't talk? She gets pregnant from time to time?"

Zhao Qingshan pointed to Zhang Fan next to him and asked Liu Wendong.

Liu Wendong, on the other hand, sighed and nodded.

"Okay, there are no outsiders in front of you now, let me ask you the truth, do you plan to marry Sister Zhang Fan?"

Liu Wendong was obviously frightened by Zhao Qingshan's aura. Not only Liu Wendong, but also Zhang Peihe and Zhang Peiyi behind Liu Wendong were a little scared. The aura of speaking is to eat people.


Zhao Qingshan waited for a long time, but Liu Wendong stuttered, not knowing what to say.

But Zhang Fan who was next to him opened his mouth and said, "Brother Dong, prepare everything you want, and then get married."

Liu Wendong finally mustered up his courage, looked up at Zhao Qingshan, then looked at Zhang Peihe and Zhang Peiyi behind him, and said: "Now, I swear, I will never marry a second man in my life except Zhang Fan Wife. But in the current situation, I think this child is really unacceptable."

Speaking of this, Zhang Fan next to him burst into tears: "Brother Dong, we can rent a house first, and then slowly find a way to buy a house..."

Zhao Qingshan seemed to understand when he heard this, but before Zhao Qingshan could speak, Zhang Peihe spoke first behind him: "You can't even afford a house, little girl, what happiness will you have in the future with such a man?"

"Stop, stop, oh, Liu Wendong, I'm a little confused. What do you mean, do you think that there is no house now, and you are afraid that Sister Zhang Fan will be wronged after giving birth?"

"That's right, Qingshan, that Zhang Fan has been used to living in high-rise buildings since she was a child. I can't, I can't let her live in our bungalows in the countryside, right? Hey..."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he frowned and looked at Liu Wendong: "Now a commercial house costs only 8 to [-] yuan, this..."

Zhang Fan cried and said, "Qingshan, Brother Dong usually spends money to break the road. The 20 you gave him a year was distributed to his brothers. He has no money now. I discussed it with him. It is said that we rent a house first, and then save money to buy a house, but..."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he burst out laughing, pointed at Liu Wendong and said, "Liu Wendong, Liu Wendong, I used to regard you as a hero, but today you seem to be a worthless one. You should tell me about this earlier. When will we miss you?" Over the money? Within Laigang County, you can choose a place, no matter where, as long as you like it... Ah, no, Sister Zhang Fan, you can choose a place, no matter which district, how big the square meter is, as long as you nod, I will arrange people to go there Pay, buy it for you guys. Cut, what a big deal, it’s a big deal, I’m still on a blind date today, you’re going to coax me over here, let me tell you, Liu Wendong, if I make a big deal on my side Yellow, I can't spare you and me, hahahahaha!"

Where can I find such a good boss? Behind Zhao Qingshan, Zhang Peihe and Zhang Peiyi looked at each other, and then Zhang Peihe hurriedly said: "I said little brother, is this suitable?"

Zhao Qingshan immediately turned his head: "Why is it inappropriate? Liu Wendong was the first elder to follow me. Now he is in trouble. If I, the boss, don't help him, who will help him?"

"However, a house is not a small sum..."

"Cut, don't dare to talk big, 30 to 50, you have picked a house now, and I will send you the money in an hour. Okay, really, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, I really don't have a manly posture. I said Wen Dong, take the time to go back and find someone to watch the day, and propose marriage at Zhang Fan's house. Also, you are the manager of my wholly-owned sub-salary Hulushan Battlefield, don't dress so shabby, get me some decent suits, and Be presentable. I'm still busy there, so I won't get involved in your family affairs. You can discuss it yourself. The money you get married in the future, including buying houses, furniture, home appliances, etc., will be mine! "

I know Liu Wendong and Zhao Qingshan quite well. Although I give him 20 yuan a year, this guy is generous and I don't keep much.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qingshan turned around and said to Zhang Jing and Zhang Pei and them: "I'll handle things like this for you, are you satisfied? My subordinates, although they are good at work, they just don't know how to speak. Hey You can take it easy, discuss your family affairs, I will go first, spend money to find me, I am still on a blind date, hahahaha!"

After what Zhao Qingshan said, everyone was dumbfounded, Zhang Peihe didn't recover for a long time, finally looked at Liu Wendong, and asked: "Does what the young man said just now count? Are you joking?"

"Is this money a loan or a gift?" Zhang Peihe hurriedly asked when he saw Zhao Qingshan walk out of the gazebo.

"Send!" Zhao Qingshan waved his hand and left without looking back.

However, Liu Wendong shook his head and said: "Our boss says what he says, and what he says will definitely count. However, how can I repay him for such a big debt of gratitude..."

It can be seen that Liu Wendong is a man who values ​​love and righteousness, and his face is very embarrassed.

When Zhang Peihe saw that the biggest problem that stood in the way of his sister and brother-in-law's marriage had been solved, his face was naturally not as embarrassing as before.

"This boss, this boss, why are you so bold?"

"Brother, I've heard people talk about this man, Zhao Qingshan, who raises chickens and does a lot. He raises all the chickens we eat in Qishan, and he even gives away the sand from the entire Mowen River It was contracted. By the way, have you heard that the Ermao in the Eastern District who was arrested in the past two days offended him by digging river sand in the Mowen River, and was directly taken over by the police."

Zhang Peihe was very surprised: "So much energy?"

When Liu Wendong heard it, he immediately added: "Our boss Qingshan is an upright man. I, Liu Wendong, have lived to this day. I am not afraid of the sky and the earth. I have no one to admire, but for our boss Qingshan, I admire him from head to toe!"

Hearing Zhao Qingshan say that the sky is not afraid and the earth is not afraid, Zhang Fan wiped away his tears, stared at him and asked, "What about our affairs?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Wendong immediately asked cautiously, "What, what's the matter?"


Liu Wendong said quickly: "Jie, jie, the house problem has been solved, what are we still hesitating about?"

Zhang Jing laughed, and Zhang Peihe and Zhang Peiyi beside him also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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