Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 217 Tiantian got into Zhao Qingshan's car

Chapter 217 Tiantian got into Zhao Qingshan's car

Zhao Qingshan had 20 cash in his car, and after buying a house for Liu Wendong and his wife, there was more than 8 left.

Before going out, Zhang Huifen told Zhao Qingshan, if you are free in the afternoon, ask Tiantian to come out to have a meal together, after all, I plan to go to Quancheng tomorrow, and then said that it is necessary to buy some snacks on the way .

Seeing the time, it was almost lunch time, Zhao Qingshan didn't plan to be a light bulb for Liu Wendong and Zhang Fan, and then sent Liu Wendong's father back on the village bus, while he drove to a side of the road and stopped. down.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing?"

After parking the car, Zhao Qingshan dialed Han Li, but now Zhao Qingshan prefers to call her Sweet Girl.

"Ah, brother, you called me." The other party looked surprised, as if she had been waiting for Zhao Qingshan's call, but felt that Zhao Qingshan would not call her.

Zhao Qingshan shook his head: "Isn't it normal to call my little sister?"

"But I heard from my parents that you are very busy, what are you doing?" The other party's tone was very innocent, which made Zhao Qingshan want to laugh, but felt very comfortable.

"Are you free now? Come out, let's go shopping and prepare to go to Quancheng tomorrow."

"Um, maybe I'm free."

"Okay, where are you now, I'll pick you up now."

"Now? Me, I'm at home."

"I'll be at your door in 15 minutes, see you later."

After Zhao Qingshan finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap, put the phone in the storage slot on the driver's door, started the car, and drove forward.

Now that Zhao Qingshan is in the Eastern District, he will drive westward to National Highway 205, then walk seven or eight miles south along National Highway 205, pass Songjiazhuang Village and Zhaizi Village, and finally arrive at Bianjiaquan Village.

Along the entire National Highway 205, after crossing the Songjiazhuang Bridge from Songjiazhuang, to the south, the land on both sides of the road becomes Zhaizi Village.

In fact, Zhaizi Village is about two miles away from National Highway 205, but since the construction of National Highway 205, many discerning villagers have built yards on the edge of National Highway 205 and engaged in steel trade.He even said that his family is the second uncle of Zhao Qingshan from Xiaomiao Village, and he built a yard on the side of National Highway 205 for steel trading.

The steel trading factories on both sides of the 205 National Highway started to rise in 2002, and became popular with the rise of real estate. Especially in the two years of 2006 and 2007, the steel trading business was particularly good, and the price of steel products rose all the way. Steel traders have made money.However, with the advent of the financial turmoil, as bank loans tightened, and real estate prices fell, steel prices also fell, and a large number of steel traders collapsed under these multiple blows.Originally, there were thousands of steel traders on both sides of National Highway 205. However, after the financial crisis in 2008, 90.00% of the five steel traders went bankrupt.Almost all those who had loans in the bank eventually went bankrupt, and those who did not have loans were slowly suffering in the cold winter. It was not until 2016 that the situation gradually improved.

Driving the car, watching the trucks coming in and out of the roadside, the yard of the steel trader where everyone is happy, Zhao Qingshan shook his head and said to himself: "Who are you telling me at this time, you will all die very soon after four years?" Miserable, who would believe it? At this time, one is bolder than the other, and one borrows more from the bank than the other. In the end, when the banks tighten up and guarantee loans to each other, as long as there is a problem with one of them, all of them will be ruined .”

In fact, this is also the final outcome of most steel traders.

Tiantian's father, among the steel trading companies on both sides of National Highway 205, is one of the top three largest companies. Fortunately, he has already made a lot of money and has no bank loans.Otherwise, by 2008, life would not be much easier.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhao Qingshan approached Bianjiaquan Village, and saw a girl in a yellow floral dress standing in the shade of a paulownia tree by the roadside, with her forehead raised and looking at the 15 National Highway from the north. Vehicles heading south.His girl is Tiantian. Of course, her name is Han Li, which Zhao Qingshan can't accept.

Tiantian didn't recognize Zhao Qingshan's car. Yesterday when they were on a blind date, Zhao Qingshan parked the car at the intersection, and then walked along the alley to the blind date location. Tiantian's aunt is also Zhao Qingshan's cousin inside the house.Then when Zhao Qingshan was leaving, it was impossible for Tiantian to say that she sent Zhao Qingshan to the side of the road, after all, the place of the blind date was still a long way from the side of the road.

The straightened long hair was draped over the girl's shoulders, and the breeze caressed her hair loosely, swaying her youthful demeanor.

, What a wonderful age.

If he met such a beautiful girl in college, Zhao Qingshan would definitely try his best to catch her up, and then talk about a vigorous love affair.However, now, the blind date for the purpose of marriage allows two people to get to know each other, and then they get to know each other through suspicion and temptation, so as to confirm that this is their suitable marriage partner. It is a kind of blasphemy, but for marriage, it is a kind of respect.

Some people say that any relationship that is not for the purpose of marriage is a hooligan, and some people say that any relationship that is for the purpose of marriage is also a hooligan. Anyway, this love, in the final analysis, is a hooligan.

When Zhao Qingshan was approaching the sweet section of the road, he rolled down the car window, and then honked the horn. The beautiful and youthful girl on the opposite side was so keen that he saw the boy he liked appeared, and waved his hands excitedly, afraid that he would let him As if the other party missed himself, he shouted: "Here I am!"

Zhao Qingshan smiled and nodded in the car, then continued to drive forward, turned around at the intersection ahead, came to the opposite lane, and soon came to the side of the Fatong tree where Tiantian was.

This tung tree is said to be a legend related to love.At that time, a great lady liked Fatong, and then the great man planted Fatong trees in the whole Jiankang City.

The Fatong tree in Jiankang City is a symbol of the love between the great man and his wife.

"How long have you waited?"

Zhao Qingshan rolled down the window next to the co-pilot, looked at Tiantian and asked.

"Just came here."

After finishing speaking, Tiantian pointed to the big yard behind her and said to Zhao Qingshan: "This is my dad's company."

Zhao Qingshan saw that it was a large yard covering an area of ​​one or two hundred acres, with driving cars and a lot of steel in it.

"Get in the car." Zhao Qingshan said with a smile.

Then Tiantian got into Zhao Qingshan's car and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

(End of this chapter)

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