Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 218 Rapidly Developing Laigang County

Chapter 218 Rapidly Developing Laigang County
In 2004, the shopping places for clothes, shoes and hats in Laigang County were mainly four places: Chengzipo Department Store, Laigang No. [-] Department Store, Hujiaquan Mall and Single Apartment Mall.

Among them, the Chengzipo Department Store is located opposite the Chengzipo Town Government, 100 meters east of the East Gate of the Machinery Factory, a subsidiary of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant.The other Baibai, Hujiaquan and bachelor apartments are all located in the East District.

At the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, the economic center of Laigang County was still on the side of the Chengzipo Town Government. There were two material exchange meetings in spring and autumn every year. During each material exchange meeting, big opera singers and circuses were invited. Troupes, song and dance troupes, etc. came to perform. At that time, there were a lot of door stores on Chengzipo.

Later, with the development of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, the area around Xiye Village, which is relatively close to the main plant of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, gradually formed the economic and trade center of Luzhong City, and the concept of the East District was gradually formed at this time. up.

The so-called Eastern District has never been mentioned in government documents. This is a regional concept agreed by the common people, and it is roughly located within the range of the villages including Xiye Village, Zhangzhuang Village, Qiluo Village, Taojialing Village, and Chenjiazhuang Village.

Originally, these small mountain villages in Central Shandong were very poor. With the development of the city, the land was gradually occupied and changed into residential buildings, commercial streets and gatehouses. These villagers have long since lost their land to grow.

The state also has corresponding policies. The government and the steel factory also have arrangements for these farmers whose land has been occupied, and they have directly changed from farmers to non-agricultural household registration.

By 2004, the gap between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou gradually narrowed, and now people with agricultural hukou can do things that could only be done by non-agricultural hukou.For example, when buying a building, in the current Jianhua New Village and Wenshui Community, as long as you have money, anyone can buy a house, and the developers don’t care whether you have an agricultural or non-agricultural registration.

However, until 2004, the residential complexes developed by the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant could only be purchased by employees of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant.

Since Luzhong Iron and Steel Works began reconstruction and expansion with a loan of 1989 billion from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in 18, its production scale has expanded rapidly. At the beginning, it was designed and built as a small steel plant with a production capacity of 10,000+ tons. By 2004, it had an annual production capacity of 600 million tons of steel. In 2005, it broke through the scale of 1000 million tons in one fell swoop, and suddenly jumped from an unknown small iron and steel plant to one of the top ten iron and steel plants in the country, ranking sixth.

With the expansion of production of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, a large number of employees are recruited, and many new employees join the big family of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant every year.

With new employees, new employees have to fall in love and get married, and when they get married, they need to buy a house. However, the local housing resources in Laigang County are obviously not enough, so Luzhong Iron and Steel Works built a house by itself.However, the houses built were far from meeting the housing requirements of new employees, so they adopted the strategy of buying houses by lottery.

Before 2007, the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant could recruit thousands of new employees a year, which is definitely not a small number for a company with a total number of [-] employees.

The people of Laigang County clearly feel that with the development of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, the eastern district is becoming more and more prosperous.

Along the way, Zhao Qingshan chatted with Tiantian girl all over the world, and then the two of them came to the East District.

The so-called East District refers to the area located on the east side of the original Xiye Village, and now it has been built into Zhuanpan Road.

At that time, there were not many places to park in the East District, and there were no parking spaces designated on the roadside. After all, by 2004, there were still not many cars running on the road.

To say that cars began to become popular, it started slowly after 2007.

In 2007, the wages of enterprises and institutions increased significantly, which was the first condition for cars to enter the family; the second condition for cars to enter the family was the substantial price reduction of family cars.

Poussin, which cost 90 million yuan to buy in the 30s, fell below 2007 yuan in 10.As for Xiali, Sail, etc., there is still a long way to go from 4.However, some domestic models such as Geely, BYD, and Chery only cost [-] to [-] yuan, and ordinary people are naturally fully capable of buying them.

It's hard to find a parking space, but after finding it, there are basically no cars.At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Qingshan drove Tiantian to the parking space outside the East District restaurant, and then parked the car.

Not far away, a man in a security uniform was instructing others to park their bicycles. In 2004, there were no electric vehicles on the road. The main means of transportation was bicycles, and motorcycles were better. Ordinary people dare not think about it.

Zhao Qingshan got out of the car with Tiantian, and then he said to Tiantian: "Wait a minute, I will tell the uncle over there."

Sweetie nodded, then watched Zhao Qingshan walk towards the bicycle shed.

There is an open space in front of the East District restaurant, but only six car parking spaces have been designated, and the rest of the large area has been built with a carport that can hold hundreds of bicycles.

"Grandpa, I'm busy."

Zhao Qingshan took out a box of cigarettes from the pocket of his trousers, and handed it to the security guard who was directing the parking of the vehicle.

"Ah, hey, I'm busy."

Now at two o'clock, there was a wedding in the hotel today, and then all the seats just finished their meal, and they had to go out one after another, and the bicycle shed was relatively busy.

Uncle Security took the cigarette, and Zhao Qingshan hurriedly lit the lighter.

"Well, my car is here, please take care of it, and don't let any child scratch it."

While talking, Zhao Qingshan stuffed the box of pen cigarettes into the uncle's arms.

"What is this for?" Although the uncle refused and looked at Zhao Qingshan seriously, the box of pens went into his pocket smoothly.

"Those who honor you should, haha."

"Haha, you young man really knows how to do things."

Uncle Security nodded very satisfied to Zhao Qingshan, then Zhao Qingshan also nodded, then said goodbye to Uncle Security, and returned to Tiantian's side.

"Let's go shopping for some clothes first?"

When shopping with girls, shopping for clothes is an important part of the program. In addition, snacks, cosmetics, shoes, etc. are also must-haves.

"Okay." Tiantian cheered up.

Then Zhao Qingshan took Tiantian's hand and walked towards Laigang No. [-] Department Store, which is the closest to the restaurant in the East District, naturally.

Zhao Qingshan could feel that Tiantian's hands were shaking, and his palms were full of sweat.

He understands that she probably has her heart beating up to her throat now.

But when it comes to love, after all, boys have to take the initiative, just like dancing, when to open, when to rotate, when to move forward, when to retreat, all have to be expressed to the woman through the eyes and hands.

When it comes to dating, Zhao Qingshan doesn't have much experience, but after all, he is also a person who has experienced it. It is reasonable to seize the opportunity to move forward.

(End of this chapter)

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